Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Timeline of the U.S. breaches/violations in the Kingdom of Hawai

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Timeline of  the U.S. breaches in the Kingdom of Hawaii

                                                                                Researched by Amelia Gora (2024)

The following is a Timeline of the U.S. breaches/violations, etc.:

1849 - Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii ratified in 1850 by Kamehameha III.

See:  Exhibit 1.

also see at:

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, August 31, 1850, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: 

The Treaty is the supreme law of the land according to Article 6 - Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution (1787).

See:  Exhibit 2.

Also see at: 

 U.S. Constitution - Article VI | Resources | Library of Congress

The original text of Article VI of the Constitution of the United States.

Note:  Since 1893, the Permanent Friendship and Amity Treaty was disregarded.  This Treaty was breached and violated by the United States.

1854 - The Protectorate over the Kingdom of Hawaii was made by the  U.S., Great Britain, and France.

See: Exhibit 3.

Note:  The stipulations made by Great Britain, and France was that they would not overthrow the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Since 1893, this Protectorate was breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.

1854 -  The Neutrality Law was passed by Kamehameha III.  Notices were served to the U.S., Great Britain, and France.

See:  Exhibit 4.

Note:  Since 1893, the Neutrality Law as breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.

According to Kamehameha III's words, those who breached the Neutrality Law would be punished as Pirates.  

The status of the three (3) nations since 1893 were Pirates.

1892 - Queen Liliuokalani requested for a Protectorate from the U.S.

See:  Exhibit 5.

Note:  It appears that Queen Liliuokalani was aware of hostilities brewing and it doesn't appear that she knew about the Protectorate Treaty of 1854.  It appears that the information was kept from her.

1893 -  Minister Stevens of the U.S. gave a Protectorate to the usurpers from the Provisional government disregarding Queen Liliuokalani's request.

See:  Exhibit 6.

Note:  Appears that Queen Liliuokalani was unaware of the Protectorate of 1854 which was agreed to by the U.S., Great Britain, and France.

The three (3) nations breached the Protectorate Treaty of 1854.

1893 -  The Junta and Queen Liliuokalani agreed that if it was found that the U.S. Military had a part in dethroning her, etc., all shall be returned.

See:  Exhibit 7.

Note:  Evidence was found showing that the U.S. Military did play a major role in invading the Kingdom of Hawaii and supported the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.

1895 - A Declaration of U.S. Neutrality was passed.

See:  Exhibit 8.

Note:  The U.S. did pass a Neutrality Law, did breach the Neutrality Law of 1854 from the Kingdom of Hawaii.

It appears that the U.S. made attempts to claim to be a Neutral Nation due to fear of other nations who questioned the U.S. about the Kingdom of Hawaii.

\Three (3) Nations questioned the U.S. over the Kingdom of Hawaii:

1) Spain

2) Japan

3) Germany

1896 -  The U.S.  announced the Continuation of U.S. Neutrality.

See:  Exhibit 9.


The U.S. Failed in following the Neutrality Law of the Kingdom of Hawaii, yet utilized Neutrality to secure their position among other Nations.  The U.S. violated a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation and used the Neutrality status for themselves.  The status of the U.S., Great Britain, and France remained Pirates since 1893.

1896. - U.S. President Cleveland warned Americans about the breach of the Kingdom of Hawaii's Neutrality Law.

See:  Exhibit 10.

Note:  Breach of the Neutrality Law would mean that the move against the Kingdom of Hawaii was a Military Expedition or Military Excursion.

1897 - U.S. President William McKinley passed the Proclamation 413 - Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain.

See:  Exhibit 11.

Note:  The U.S. failed in following the Neutrality Law of the Kingdom of Hawaii and passed this Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain.  At this point and time, the U.S., Great Britain, and France status was Pirates since 1893.  The failure to follow rule of law was disregarded with the Kingdom of Hawaii and yet the Occupier set up their Proclamation 413 - Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain.  The Respect of Neutral Rights was Not Given to the Kingdom of Hawaii, etc. since 1893.

1898 -  Queen Liliuokalani opposed Annexation with 40,000 kanaka maoli.

See:  Exhibit 12.

1898 - Annexation claim was made by the U.S. based on the passage of the Newlands Resolution.

See:  Exhibit 13.

Note:  The Newlands Resolution was a domestic law and not applicable to a foreign sovereign nation as researched by Professor Williamson Chang, and United Nations Dr. Alfred de Zayas.

See.  Exhibit 14 - Professor Williamson Chang stated that it was an impossible feat for a nation to Annex another sovereign nation.

See:  Exhibit 15 - United Nations Dr. Alfred de Zayas stating the U.S. made a 'fraudulent claim to Annexation'.

1993 - U.S. President Clinton passed an Apology Law 103-150, disregarding the breaches of the Treaty, the Protectorate, the Neutrality Law, and the Junta agreement with Queen Liliuokalani.

See:  Exhibit 16.

Note:  The breaches and violations of the permanent Amity and Friendship 1849 Treaty ratified in 1850, the U.S. Constitution (1787) Article 6 - Supremacy Clause, the Protectorate Treaty of 1854, the Neutrality Law of 1854, the disregard of Queen Liliuokalani's request for a Protectorate. the assistance given to the usurping entity Provisional government, the failure of the Junta/U.S. Junta agreement with Queen Liliuokalani was not identified in the Apology Act 103-150.

2024 - Evidence of the Parties to the 1849 Permanent Treaty of Amity, and Friendship ratified in 1850 exists because the parties documented are "the heirs and successors" of Kamehameha III.

See:  Exhibit 17.

Note:  22 children of Kamehameha and 22 grandchildren are heirs of the body of Kamehameha, which means the 1849 Treaty ratified in 1850 remains a legal document affecting the Permanent Amity and Friendship contract which remains in effect even today.


The legal contract also known as the 1849 Treaty of Amity and Friendship which is a Permanent Treaty remains in effect because the legal parties to the contract exists today as documented in research.

Usurpers, treasonous persons were commended for playing a part in helping to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893:

A)  Sanford B. Dole - he began to publish articles showing  the last of the Kamehameha's, etc.

Sanford B. Dole was awarded with thousands of dollars, and a mansion by the U.S.

See:  Exhibit 18.

B)  Charles Reed Bishop - he maintained Fraud Claims to the Kamehameha lands and claimed ownership of all interest of his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  He was entitled to only a dower interest or 1/3 of the Estate for a life interest only.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin was her cousin, a stepsister named Kalola (w) who inherited 2/3 of the Estate, then the entire Estate upon the death of Charles Reed Bishop.

See:  Exhibit 19.  Charles Reed Bishop's Life Interest was transferred to himself and the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi \Bishop Estates in 1893 after the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani.

See:  Exhibit 20.  Out of the Probate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, her Next-of-Kin was Kalola (w).

The Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 is part of the U.S. Constitution Supremacy Clause, article 6 which states that the Treaties are the supreme law of the land.  The U.S. Constitution is law.

All the above is submitted for the purpose of legal records, and the right to remonstrate due to the piracies engaged in though the U.S. Military invasion of the Kingdom of Hawaii, planned since 1820 as documented by U.S. President William McKinley.  

See:  Exhibit 21.  Special Message from U.S. President William McKinley who documented the Premeditation of Annexing the Kingdom of Hawaii since 1820.

Protest Entered into the Records:  Pirates Documented,  Remonstrance, and Failure to Follow Rules of Law, violating a neutral, friendly non-violent nation which has Parties to the Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 existing today

A Remonstrance is utilized for all the above breaches and violations against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation that has Treaties, the U.S. Constitution Supremacy Clause, Protectorate, Neutrality Law, Junta/U.S. Junta Agreement with Queen Liliuokalani, the Annexation Opposition of Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects, disregarded and violated since 1893.

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