Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Genocide Evidence Shown Below

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Genocide Evidence Shown Below

                                                    Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024) 

There are four (4) major angles showing that the U.S., a pirate nation with Great Britain, and France did conspire to assume a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation through conspiracies, genocide, failure to follow rule of law, etc.

Study the researchers angles to uncover the whole case:

(1)  Kilikina Kekumkano

(2) Williamson Chang

(3)  Michael Lee

(4) Amelia Gora

(5) Konohiki - Roy Nakamura

(6) Konohiki - Barbara Hudman

(7) Konohiki - Tommy Pickard

(8) Dr. Alfred de Zayas                                                           

  * Piracy and Treason recorded.

  * See Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  * Violated our Treaty

  * We had no standing Army.

  * We have the highest Allodial title in the World.

  *  1904 - U.S. had no power over Hawaiian land laws.

  *  1897 - Secretary of State accepted Queen Liliuokalani's documents.

  * 1893 & 1897 - Annexation did not happen.

  * 1849 Treaty defined metes and bounds of the entire Archipelago.  Ratified in 1850.

  * Kamehameha claimed entire Archipelago.  

  *  Highest Royal Patents in the World.

  *  U.S. violated all Maritime Law.

  * Joint Resolution not legal.

  * U.S. did malicious, premeditated moves against a neutral nation.

  * We are the beneficiaries of a sovereign nation.

  * Genocide recorded.

  *  U.S. is taxing us with no treaty.

  * U.S. is assuming water, etc.

  *  Genocide for blood quantum claims, etc.

Evidence of Genocide, Breaches and Violations recorded/researched by Amelia Gora 


Most relevant

Amelia Gora
All the above is evidence that were hidden from kanaka maoli and most nations who were unaware of what the U.S., Great Britain, and France did in 1893 violations against a neutral nation the Kingdom of Hawaii… know that they are documented Pirates moving against other nations violating Rule of Law… plundering against innocents is Not OK…cease fire immediately …! Share far and wide … thank you….
Calvin Hulihee
Sleeping Joe n DA hui going be Waking up wen they zee DIS palapala documents 💜👏💜🤙💜
Kanaloa Koko
United States committed knowing full well that they were accepting stolen Kingdom and its people committed criminal conspiracy of accepting stolen property which was done by the southern Democratic Party now Trump and the world knows how corrupt the United States Democratic Party is by the actions that they are committed today against the people of the United States that was done to the Indian Nation and the Kingdom of Hawaii by stealing his land and that's why other countries do not want to negotiate with United States like the Indians said they speak with pork tongues the greed of the United States Democratic Party letting immigrations in trying to change the Constitution and laws that they have a right to vote by the census taken of each state to have new delicates to support the Democratic Party even though it's ruined United States it will take a long time to correct the wrong that Biden has done to the people of the United States by flying in immigrants Airline people are laughing at United States seeing how crooked they are and the price they're going to pay for this wrongdoing in the future
Dexter Yuen
USA a Republic, a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens, is considered as the primary source of political power. Democracy is the common people, considered as the primary source of political power. Democrats are furthest from Democracy that they are the support of the New World Order. The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory in which Democrats believe that a cabal of powerful elites is secretly implementing a dystopian (vision of a future that is a corrupted) international governing structure that will grant them complete control over the global populace.

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