Friday, June 7, 2024

Royal Familys Inventory Project - June 2024


                     Royal Family's Inventory Project

Allodial Lands - Forever Lands to Kamehameha's heirs of his body:

Ruth Keelikolani lands =  353,000 acres

to Next-of-Kin:

Bernice Pauahi Bishop

Her lands:   16,011 acres and 353,000 acres totaling 369,011 acres

to Next-of-Kin:

Kalola (w) 6,895 acres plus 369,011 acres totaling  375,906 acres

to Her son Kahekili's Heir  of her body and Hanai/adopted daughters Heirs of her body

to His son Ioela Heir of his body who married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/            


to His daughter Haili (w) (siblings) Heir of his body who married Kaluakini

to Elizabeth Kaluakini (w) (siblings) Heir of her body who married Joseph Gora

to John Gora (siblings: Joseph, Walter, William, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis) Heir of

          his body

to Amelia Gora (siblings: Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian)

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