Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Neutral Nation to Neutral and Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice 2024 - 0625 - The True Crown Land Owners ARE the Kamehameha's - Many heirs of his body Exists & the U..S. are Documented Pirates! with Research showing Why the U.S. Owns Nothing! from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Researcher, Royal Person, etc. - the Kingdom of Hawaii








United Nations - International Court of Justice, Human Rights  
All Neutral Nations/All Nations 
U.S. President Joe Biden
U.S. Secretary of State 
Governor Josh Green

   Neutral Nation to Neutral and Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice 2024 - 0625 - The True Crown Land Owners ARE the Kamehameha's - Many heirs of his body Exists & the U..S. are Documented Pirates! with Research showing Why the U.S. Owns Nothing! from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Researcher, Royal Person, etc. - the Kingdom of Hawaii


Informing everyone that Kamehameha's heirs of his body exists and informing all that countless Lies have been perpetuated by fraudulent occupiers the haters of People of Color, the White Annexationists/White Supremacists operating in Hawaii as peaceful people selling Aloha as a disguise of frauds, Lies, Piracies, War Crimes, Genocide, Occupation since the 1893 invasion by the U.S. who have failed to follow rule of law.  Taxation without representation, having no jurisdiction due to No Annexation, the benefits of War Crimes, active theft of  monies, properties, including the criminal assumption of our Royal Family's Trusts continue as we speak.  The financing of Wars for more Pirates utilizing Hawaiian monies is Not O.K.

The U.S. desire to treat our people as "Niggers or Indians" is on record and posted previously.

The U.S., Great Britain, and France were the Protectorates of the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1854 till 1893 when the three (3) Nations breached the Treaty, etc.

Queen Liliuokalani asked the U.S. for a Protectorate, instead the U.S. Minister Stevens gave the Protectorate to the usurpers/conspirators Sanford B. Dole et.als.  

Invasion by the U.S. Military occurred and they supported the treasonous persons who became Americans under U.S. President McKinley who had the U.S. Army, Navy and others "develop" the Territory of the United States turned Territory of Hawaii that had no sovereignty.

Breaches, and violations against a peaceful, neutral, friendly nation is on record, including the fact that the Neutrality law of Kamehameha III was breached and violated by the U.S., Great Britain and France who have progressed to NATO claiming to follow "rule of law" which is yet more lies drummed up supporting Wars and more Pirate endeavors upon innocents.

The Truth revealed for all is that we are informing everyone that the true landowners, the Allodial land owners exists which has been discovered through intense research.

Violations against peace, against a neutral non-violent nation has occurred and we seek to inform other nations of the violations and hope to secure other honest Protectorate nations other than the U.S., Great Britain, and France.

Possibly Spain, etc. are hoped for while the ICJ - International Court of Justice is approached by others and ourselves in the near future.

The rape by Pirates of our neutral nations lands and assets resulted in Charles Reed Bishop a banker in working with the CFR - Council of Foreign Relations which created the UN - United Nations with the U.S., Great Britain and the J.P. Morgan bankers.

Till today, due to the ongoing support of the J.P. Morgan bankers, Goldman & Sachs etc., our monies are being pirated by the entity Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/ KSBE/Kamehameha Schools utilizing monies, finances of our Kamehameha monies by Trustees who haven't the right to operate because they had only a life interest conveyed to them by Charles Reed Bishop's life interest that ended on his death in 1915.

The looting of our finances and supported by the U.S. is now documented.  The U.S. also utilizes the agency Booz, Hamilton to counsel the Trustees of the Pirate Estate Trustees who owe our Royal Family's rents for the lands, the revenues etc. that they have no legal rights to.

Russia has given safety to Whistleblower Edward Snowden who was employed by Booz, Hamilton in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

  1. 7 days agoEdward Snowden (born June 21, 1983, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, U.S.) is an American intelligence contractor and whistleblower who in 2013 revealed the existence of secret wide-ranging information-gathering programs conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA). The case highlighted a host of issues, including the secret use of government power, privacy in the digital age, the ethics of ...

Our Royal Family, kanaka maoli/people have been swindled, lands stolen under the guise of a lawful court using American laws, etc., billed for taxes, imprisoned for non-payment of taxes, etc. by a nation occupying our lands without legal rights, imprison people for protesting, trespassing on our lands, leasing our Crown Lands in which they claim it to be ceded lands when it was not.........it's Private Properties and we are inundated with Pirates documented.

This updated genealogies of the Kamehameha Family's are purposeful because this shows that our Allodial landowners exists and the State of Hawaii, Counties, the United States are inviolation of the Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850, in violation of the U.S. Constitution - Article 6 (1787), the Protectorate of 1854, the Neutrality Law of 1854, and Queen Liliuokalani's agreement with the Junta/U.S. Junta in 1893 which is documented that if it was found that the U.S. played a part in the move against her, then 
"all shall be returned".

Violations against our Kamehameha Family's are many affecting all the above which is why the research of the Kamehameha genealogies are important because the business of Wars by the U.S. continues against innocent nations, including the Kingdom of Hawaii.

For the records, the following article shows the research revealing that our Kamehameha lines, being heirs of his body is now exposed for all to see, be aware of, share, inform all, review the organizations benefiting off of Pirated monies, rents, etc. ill gotten by maneuvers to swindle, assume, impersonate, false claims to ownership by Pirates surrounding us even today.

The following article is an update of our Kamehameha Royal Family:

Note:  An Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 was filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) which is a Lien on all the islands.
There was an Enjoinder to the Lien and there were many affidavits also filed since 1996 at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii - with the original books dated 1845 which is held by the occupier State of Hawaii that has no granted jurisdiction.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kamehameha's Descendants, His 22 Children and 22 Moopuna/Grandchildren, etc. Documented Today

                                                   - Hawaiian Genealogical Society -

                                                                            Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

                                                                         -   A Royal Family Genealogy Researcher

Kamehameha’s Descendants, His 22  Children and 22  Moopuna/Grandchildren  are                    Documented Today:



by Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha’s descendants (2013 updated 2017 updated 2024)

The following are Kamehameha’s 22 children and  22 grandchildren found in research:

 1 - Kaoleioku's four (4) children:

     1)  Pauahi – Ruth Keelikolani’s mother

     2)  Konia – the true Bernice Pauahi’s mother

     3)  Hanuna (k) – Kapule(k); Kini (w); Poohina (w); and Hookahe’s   father

    4)  Keola (k) – research incomplete

2 - Kamehameha II - Liholiho - no children.

3 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's ten (10) children

    5)  Opunui

    6) Kekipi

    7)  Kahalauoa/Kahalau/Kahalaoa

    8)   Keawe

    9)  Mahoe (w)

    10)  Papa

    11) Nalimu

    12) Keawe 1

    13) Keawe 2

   14) Albert Kunuiakea

4 - Nahienaena (w) - no children.

5 - 10 - Children documented but unnamed in the MEMOIRS OF KEOPUOLANI's book at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu.

11 - Kinau (w) - no children

12 - Kinau (k) -  three (3) children: 

       15) - Miriam Kekauonohi; 

        16) - Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole; 

         17) - Maulili

13 - Kamamalu (w) - no children.

14 - Kahalaia - u.i. children.

15 - Kalanihelemaiiluna's two (2) children:

      18) Abner Paki

      19) Kalaniulumoku

16 - Kanekapolei (w) son:

        20) Kikau

18 - Kahiwa Kanekapolei (w) son:

         21) Kepilino


 19 - Kuakamauna - one daughter

        22)  Hooleia

20 - Peapea had no documented children found in research.

21 - Keliiokahekili (w) - u.i. children.

 22- Kapapauai - u.i. children

Stepchildren of Kamehameha:

 1) - Kiwalao

 2)- Keoua Ahuula

 3) - Keoua Peeale

 4) - Puali Nui (w)

 5) - Manouwa (w)

  6) - Kalaipaihala

  7)- Keliiahonui/Kealiiahonui

  8) - Humehume/George Humehume

  9) - Kinoiki (w)

 10) - Haupu/Kahekili

 11) - Kekauluohi/Auhea/Miriam Kekauluohi (w)

Hanai/Adopted Children of Kamehameha:

   1)- Kalanimoku

  2) - Hueu Davis

  3) - Kale Davis (w)

  4)- Peke Davis (w)

Kamehameha's Siblings:





Kiilaweau (w)

Kalanikaulihiwakama Piipii (w)

Researched Findings:

Seven (7) of Kamehameha's 22 children had children.  Fourteen (14) of his children had no documented children. . 

There are 22 of Kamehameha’s grandchildren documented in research. 

Kamehameha had eleven (11) stepchildren.

Kamehameha had four (4) hanai/adopted children.

Kamehameha had six (6) siblings.


Much Fraud, conspiracies, piracy(ies), racketeering was made over time.  Tampering of the Royal Family's genealogies were also tampered with by the Pirates of the Pacific:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends who wanted lands, monies, etc. of the Kamehameha Royal Family's.

The purpose of this research is to show that the Kamehameha's heirs of his body exists.  Also, the research reveals who the true land owners are.l

Lies were documented by the haters, the animosity filled belials - devils (a word used by Father Damien who helped with the kanaka maoli who were banished to Molokai Leper Colony even though they did not have the disease.  

The PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends were the greedy, hate based scum of the earth white supremacists/ Annexationists, genocide activists who were supported by the U.S, Great Britain, and France, the nations who failed to follow rule of law since 1893.

All of Kamehameha's heirs of his body and his hanai/adopted families are and remain parties to the Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 with the U.S. President Zachary Taylor and ratified by the U.S. Congress in 1850.  The Treaty is only between Kamehameha, his heirs and successors and the U.S. which is also a permanent Friendship and Amity Treaty.

The Treaties are the supreme law of the land as documented in the U.S. Constitution of 1787, Article 6: Supremacy Clause.

The U.S. went bankrupt and could not Treaty since 1871.

It was in 1874 when Sanford B. Dole began to claim that the Kamehameha's were nearly gone, then started to claim later that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was "the last of the Kamehameha's" etc.

The Lies continued on, a concerted effort to defraud the Kamehameha's, the Royal Family by active PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends.

Conspiracies, Fraud, Piracies are documented, and the genealogies researched over time reveals the Truth that Kamehameha's heirs and successors existed well before the missionaries/mercenaries arrived under the cover of the 1820 Annexationists/White Supremacists/haters entered the Hawaiian Islands with the support of the U.S., etc.

More Lies about an Annexation was made to many.  Many believed the Lies, the Frauds made over time.

Fraud vitiates all contracts, all claims.

Sanford B. Dole, et. als. introduced Fraud by claiming there were "no more Kamehameha's".

Even today the Lies have been perpetuated by the haters, the White Supremacists/Annexationists who are documented Pirates due to failure to follow rule of law.


  1. United States v. Throckmorton

    United States Supreme Court case

    United States v. Throckmorton is an 1878 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on civil procedure, specifically res judicata, in cases heard at equity. Wikipedia

The multiple purposes of this research is to prove that Kamehameha's heirs and successors exist and are the Allodial land owners in the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago even today.

This research also proves why Hawaii is the Most Corrupt State in the United States, and adds to my article "Hawaii is the Criminal Mecca of the United States" on OpEd News.


Jan 9, 2024 — Conclusion. HonoluluHawaii, emerges as the most corrupt city in the United States, according to the Institute for Corruption Studies.

In 2010, I, Amelia Gora, a researcher and publisher of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web an author, writer, descendant of Kalola - next-of-kin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop wrote the following:

Jan 12, 2010 — by Amelia Gora (2010). It appears the U.S. government through Congress are aiding the CRIMINAL MECCAHawaii through the Akaka Bill Maneuver.




Friday, January 19, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Most Corrupt State in the U.S. - Hawaii, the Occupier of the Kingdom of Hawaii

Exposing the Truth for all to know, share, and for the legal records showing the Genocide, Criminal Fraud, Racketeering, Piracies against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation that is inundated by occupiers who have No Annexation, and No Jurisdiction, etc.

All illegal contracts are null and void.  

The Legitimate Government exists and continues on with full sovereignty called the Kingdom of Hawaii recognized by Belgium in 1841.

The Crown Lands are part of our Private Properties, which does not belong to the occupier State of Hawaii supported by the U.S. which has No Annexation, and No Jurisdiction way outside of the boundaries of 3-12 miles from the contiguous U.S.

We, the Kingdom of Hawaii also known as the Hawaiian archipelago with 133 islands, approximately 2,100 miles away from the United States which has no jurisdiction, and fails to follow rule of law, and breached the Neutrality Law of Kamehameha III, breached the Protectorate of 1854, breached the Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850, breached /violated the U.S. Constitution Article 6, and the Agreement of Queen Liliuokalani and the Junta/U.S. Junta in 1893, violated peace, etc. which has resulted in piracies, 'War Crimes, Genocide, etc.

Research is incomplete.




The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: More Evidence, Five (5) More times of the U.S. Breach of the Neutrality Law Totaling 13 Times; The Failed Annexation - Another Perspective Review of the Failed Annexation from Pacific Strife by Kees Van Djik, Amsterdam University Press For Evidence - Review by Amelia Gora (2021) The following article shows that U.S. President Grover Clev
OUR ROYAL FAMILIES - Part 3 or Corrected Version: Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners: The Royal Families/ Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research by Amelia Gora (2015) Posted by Amelia Gora on February 15, 2015 at 11:51pm in Politics; View Discussions


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Important Read - Kamehameha's Family Genealogies, etc.
Neutral Nation to Neutral and Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice 2024 - 0625 - The True Crown Land Owners ARE the Kamehameha's - Many heirs of his body Exists & the U..S. are Documented Pirates! with Research showing Why the U.S. Owns Nothing!...
Neutral Nation to Neutral and Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice 2024 - 0625 - The True Crown Land Owners ARE the Kamehameha's - Many heirs of his body Exists & the U..S. are Documented Pirates! with Research showing Why the U.S. Owns Nothing!...
United Nations - International Court of Justice, Human Rights All Neutral Nations/All Nations U.S. President Joe Biden ...

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