Sunday, June 9, 2024

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2024 - 0609 : Pirate Nations Documented Through Research


Iolani Title.png

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Genocide Evidence Shown Below

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Genocide Evidence Shown Below

                                                    Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024) 

There are four (4) major angles showing that the U.S., a pirate nation with Great Britain, and France did conspire to assume a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation through conspiracies, genocide, failure to follow rule of law, etc.

Study the researchers angles to uncover the whole case:

(1)  Kilikina Kekumkano

(2) Williamson Chang

(3)  Michael Lee

(4) Amelia Gora

(5) Konohiki - Roy Nakamura

(6) Konohiki - Barbara Hudman

(7) Konohiki - Tommy Pickard

(8) Dr. Alfred de Zayas                                                           

  * Piracy and Treason recorded.

  * See Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  * Violated our Treaty

  * We had no standing Army.

  * We have the highest Allodial title in the World.

  *  1904 - U.S. had no power over Hawaiian land laws.

  *  1897 - Secretary of State accepted Queen Liliuokalani's documents.

  * 1893 & 1897 - Annexation did not happen.

  * 1849 Treaty defined metes and bounds of the entire Archipelago.  Ratified in 1850.

  * Kamehameha claimed entire Archipelago.  

  *  Highest Royal Patents in the World.

  *  U.S. violated all Maritime Law.

  * Joint Resolution not legal.

  * U.S. did malicious, premeditated moves against a neutral nation.

  * We are the beneficiaries of a sovereign nation.

  * Genocide recorded.

  *  U.S. is taxing us with no treaty.

  * U.S. is assuming water, etc.

  *  Genocide for blood quantum claims, etc.

Evidence of Genocide, Breaches and Violations recorded/researched by Amelia Gora 

Evidence of Genocide, Breaches and Violations recorded/researched by Amelia Gora 


Most relevant

Amelia Gora
All the above is evidence that were hidden from kanaka maoli and most nations who were unaware of what the U.S., Great Britain, and France did in 1893 violations against a neutral nation the Kingdom of Hawaii… know that they are documented Pirates moving against other nations violating Rule of Law… plundering against innocents is Not OK…cease fire immediately …! Share far and wide … thank you….
Calvin Hulihee
Sleeping Joe n DA hui going be Waking up wen they zee DIS palapala documents 💜👏💜🤙💜
Kanaloa Koko
United States committed knowing full well that they were accepting stolen Kingdom and its people committed criminal conspiracy of accepting stolen property which was done by the southern Democratic Party now Trump and the world knows how corrupt the United States Democratic Party is by the actions that they are committed today against the people of the United States that was done to the Indian Nation and the Kingdom of Hawaii by stealing his land and that's why other countries do not want to negotiate with United States like the Indians said they speak with pork tongues the greed of the United States Democratic Party letting immigrations in trying to change the Constitution and laws that they have a right to vote by the census taken of each state to have new delicates to support the Democratic Party even though it's ruined United States it will take a long time to correct the wrong that Biden has done to the people of the United States by flying in immigrants Airline people are laughing at United States seeing how crooked they are and the price they're going to pay for this wrongdoing in the future
Dexter Yuen
USA a Republic, a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens, is considered as the primary source of political power. Democracy is the common people, considered as the primary source of political power. Democrats are furthest from Democracy that they are the support of the New World Order. The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory in which Democrats believe that a cabal of powerful elites is secretly implementing a dystopian (vision of a future that is a corrupted) international governing structure that will grant them complete control over the global populace.

Posted by at 1:35 AM 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Genocide Evidence Shown Below

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Genocide Evidence Shown Below

                                                    Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024) 

There are four (4) major angles showing that the U.S., a pirate nation with Great Britain, and France did conspire to assume a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation through conspiracies, genocide, failure to follow rule of law, etc.

Study the researchers angles to uncover the whole case:

(1)  Kilikina Kekumkano

(2) Williamson Chang

(3)  Michael Lee

(4) Amelia Gora

(5) Konohiki - Roy Nakamura

(6) Konohiki - Barbara Hudman

(7) Konohiki - Tommy Pickard

(8) Dr. Alfred de Zayas                                                           

  * Piracy and Treason recorded.

  * See Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  * Violated our Treaty

  * We had no standing Army.

  * We have the highest Allodial title in the World.

  *  1904 - U.S. had no power over Hawaiian land laws.

  *  1897 - Secretary of State accepted Queen Liliuokalani's documents.

  * 1893 & 1897 - Annexation did not happen.

  * 1849 Treaty defined metes and bounds of the entire Archipelago.  Ratified in 1850.

  * Kamehameha claimed entire Archipelago.  

  *  Highest Royal Patents in the World.

  *  U.S. violated all Maritime Law.

  * Joint Resolution not legal.

  * U.S. did malicious, premeditated moves against a neutral nation.

  * We are the beneficiaries of a sovereign nation.

  * Genocide recorded.

  *  U.S. is taxing us with no treaty.

  * U.S. is assuming water, etc.

  *  Genocide for blood quantum claims, etc.

Evidence of Genocide, Breaches and Violations recorded/researched by Amelia Gora 


Most relevant

Amelia Gora
All the above is evidence that were hidden from kanaka maoli and most nations who were unaware of what the U.S., Great Britain, and France did in 1893 violations against a neutral nation the Kingdom of Hawaii… know that they are documented Pirates moving against other nations violating Rule of Law… plundering against innocents is Not OK…cease fire immediately …! Share far and wide … thank you….
Calvin Hulihee
Sleeping Joe n DA hui going be Waking up wen they zee DIS palapala documents 💜👏💜🤙💜
Kanaloa Koko
United States committed knowing full well that they were accepting stolen Kingdom and its people committed criminal conspiracy of accepting stolen property which was done by the southern Democratic Party now Trump and the world knows how corrupt the United States Democratic Party is by the actions that they are committed today against the people of the United States that was done to the Indian Nation and the Kingdom of Hawaii by stealing his land and that's why other countries do not want to negotiate with United States like the Indians said they speak with pork tongues the greed of the United States Democratic Party letting immigrations in trying to change the Constitution and laws that they have a right to vote by the census taken of each state to have new delicates to support the Democratic Party even though it's ruined United States it will take a long time to correct the wrong that Biden has done to the people of the United States by flying in immigrants Airline people are laughing at United States seeing how crooked they are and the price they're going to pay for this wrongdoing in the future
Dexter Yuen
USA a Republic, a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens, is considered as the primary source of political power. Democracy is the common people, considered as the primary source of political power. Democrats are furthest from Democracy that they are the support of the New World Order. The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory in which Democrats believe that a cabal of powerful elites is secretly implementing a dystopian (vision of a future that is a corrupted) international governing structure that will grant them complete control over the global populace.

Posted by at 1:35 AM 


Friday, June 7, 2024

Royal Familys Inventory Project - June 2024


                     Royal Family's Inventory Project

Allodial Lands - Forever Lands to Kamehameha's heirs of his body:

Ruth Keelikolani lands =  353,000 acres

to Next-of-Kin:

Bernice Pauahi Bishop

Her lands:   16,011 acres and 353,000 acres totaling 369,011 acres

to Next-of-Kin:

Kalola (w) 6,895 acres plus 369,011 acres totaling  375,906 acres

to Her son Kahekili's Heir  of her body and Hanai/adopted daughters Heirs of her body

to His son Ioela Heir of his body who married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/            


to His daughter Haili (w) (siblings) Heir of his body who married Kaluakini

to Elizabeth Kaluakini (w) (siblings) Heir of her body who married Joseph Gora

to John Gora (siblings: Joseph, Walter, William, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis) Heir of

          his body

to Amelia Gora (siblings: Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian)

Posted by at 11:01 AM 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Royal Familys Inventory Project - June 2024


                     Royal Family's Inventory Project

Allodial Lands - Forever Lands to Kamehameha's heirs of his body:

Ruth Keelikolani lands =  353,000 acres

to Next-of-Kin:

Bernice Pauahi Bishop

Her lands:   16,011 acres and 353,000 acres totaling 369,011 acres

to Next-of-Kin:

Kalola (w) 6,895 acres plus 369,011 acres totaling  375,906 acres

to Her son Kahekili's Heir  of her body and Hanai/adopted daughters Heirs of her body

to His son Ioela Heir of his body who married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/            


to His daughter Haili (w) (siblings) Heir of his body who married Kaluakini

to Elizabeth Kaluakini (w) (siblings) Heir of her body who married Joseph Gora

to John Gora (siblings: Joseph, Walter, William, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis) Heir of

          his body

to Amelia Gora (siblings: Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian)

Posted by at 11:01 AM 


Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: About Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the lands: 353,000 acres plus 16,011 acres = 378,569 acres

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  About Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the lands:  353,000 acres plus 16,011 acres = 378,569 acres 

                                                           Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

In 1872, Bernice was summoned to the deathbed of King Kamehameha V, where he named her successor to the throne. Bishop refused, simply saying, “Do not think of me.” Rather than assume the crown, she spent the next decade traveling the world, hosted by the royal and noble visitors who had enjoyed her hospitality on Oahu. In 1883, Ruth Ke elikolani—royal governess of the Islands—passed away, leaving nearly 353,000 acres to her cousin Bernice. Bernice was instantly the largest landowner in the Islands, in personal possession of about 9 percent of the Hawaiian landmass.

With their newfound wealth, the Bishops decided to write their wills. Bernice made individual provisions for a number of charities, friends, and servants. The great bulk of her estate—some 378,569 acres of land—was to be held in trust, for the purpose of opening “two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools.”


Bernice Pauahi Bishop

  • Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Sex: Female
  • Alma Mater: No college
  • Religion: Congregationalist
  • Era: 19th Century
  • Source of Fortune:
    • Inheritance
  • Philanthropic Focus:
    • K-12 Education

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was a Hawaiian princess, the last direct descendant of the Royal House of Kamehameha. With her husband, Charles Reed Bishop, she is remembered as one of the most remarkable philanthropists in the history of the Islands. Her bequest endowed the Kamehameha Schools, which to this day specialize in educating the children of native Hawaiians. After her death, Charles Bishop spent many years bringing her vision to fruition.

Pauahi was born in December 1831, the great-granddaughter of King Kamehameha the Great, conqueror and unifier of the Hawaiian Islands. In her earliest years, she was raised as an ali i (noble), steeped in native traditions. At the age of seven, however, she was sent to the Royal School. Run by a pair of married Protestant missionaries, the school was committed to providing the children with the finest possible course of Western education. “Miss Bernice” quickly became a star pupil, excelling in both academics and etiquette, and a devout Christian. She was often compared favorably to her spoiled, misbehaving ali i classmates—including Prince Lot Kapuaiwa, the future King Kamehameha V.

In 1846, Charles Reed Bishop arrived in Hawaii. The 24-year-old clerk had sailed from New York en route to Oregon; after rough passage through Cape Horn, the ship put in at Honolulu for provisions. Bishop decided to wait out the winter in the Islands. He found work with local Yankee merchants, soon becoming a clerk at the U.S. consulate. He met Pauahi and soon began regularly calling on her at the Royal School. Though her family firmly reminded her of her obligation to marry Hawaiian royalty, Pauahi resisted. In June 1850, in a small ceremony which her parents refused to attend, Pauahi became Bernice P. Bishop.

Bishop reconciled with her family within a year, and by 1857 had inherited from them an estate totaling 16,011 acres. With it came a wide range of responsibilities. Throughout her mid-20s, Bishop served as a traditional Hawaiian philanthropist, offering guidance, support, and assistance to those who approached her. She spent many working hours in her garden, seated under a tamarind tree, taking visits from fellow islanders and working through their problems in her native Hawaiian tongue.

At the same time, Bernice was ever more involved in American forms of civic engagement. She was a leader in several charitable organizations, including the Stranger’s Friend Society, which aided sick travelers, and the Women’s Sewing Society, which provided clothing for the poor. An accomplished contralto singer and pianist, she conducted performances of the works of Haydn and Verdi with the Amateur Musical Society, and gave music lessons at the Royal School. A devout Protestant, Bishop regularly taught Sunday school at Kawaiaha o Church.

Charles Bishop, meanwhile, found mounting success as a businessman, opening a bank that profited from the booming sugar trade. (It would eventually become First Hawaiian Bank, which remains the oldest and largest bank in the state, with assets totaling $16 billion and branches in Guam and Saipan.) Before the islands were annexed, he held a series of public offices, even serving as minister of foreign affairs from 1873 to 1874. With her royal lineage and his growing fortune, the Bishops were the social leaders of Honolulu, hosting visiting dignitaries, including ambassadors and royalty.

In 1872, Bernice was summoned to the deathbed of King Kamehameha V, where he named her successor to the throne. Bishop refused, simply saying, “Do not think of me.” Rather than assume the crown, she spent the next decade traveling the world, hosted by the royal and noble visitors who had enjoyed her hospitality on Oahu. In 1883, Ruth Ke elikolani—royal governess of the Islands—passed away, leaving nearly 353,000 acres to her cousin Bernice. Bernice was instantly the largest landowner in the Islands, in personal possession of about 9 percent of the Hawaiian landmass.

With their newfound wealth, the Bishops decided to write their wills. Bernice made individual provisions for a number of charities, friends, and servants. The great bulk of her estate—some 378,569 acres of land—was to be held in trust, for the purpose of opening “two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools.” Her will further stipulated that the schools give preference to “Hawaiians of pure or part aboriginal blood,” providing them with an English-language education and inculcating strict Protestant morality. It was an ambitious project, unprecedented in Hawaiian history. In a letter written years later, Charles noted that his wife “no doubt had given more thought to the matter than I had.”

It was fortunate that the Bishops wrote their wills when they did. Bernice was diagnosed with breast cancer within a year. She died in October 1884.

The future of the schools was left to five trustees, including her husband. An accomplished philanthropist in his own right, Charles Bishop had already helped found the Hawaiian Historical Society, the Honolulu Public Library, and dozens of kindergartens throughout the Islands. (In 1889, he founded the Bishop Museum, home to the world’s largest collection of Polynesian cultural artifacts.) To launch the Kamehameha schools, Bishop drew on his previous service on the board of the Punahou School, where he funded the construction of Pauahi Hall, Charles Reed Bishop Hall, and the Bishop Hall of Science.

In November 1887, 39 students formed the first class at the boys’ school; in 1894, 35 students filled out the first class at the girls’ school. Today the schools have campuses on Oahu, Hawaii, and Maui, educating nearly 7,000 children annually. Thus do Charles and Bernice Pauahi Bishop, childless themselves, rank among the greatest patrons of Hawaii’s children.


Further reading:

  • George Kanahele, Pauahi: The Kamehameha Legacy (Kamehameha Schools Press, 1986)
  • Harold Kent, Charles Reed Bishop: Man of Hawaii (Pacific Books, 1965)
Posted by at 5:08 AM 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: About Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the lands: 353,000 acres plus 16,011 acres = 378,569 acres

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  About Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the lands:  353,000 acres plus 16,011 acres = 378,569 acres 

                                                           Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

In 1872, Bernice was summoned to the deathbed of King Kamehameha V, where he named her successor to the throne. Bishop refused, simply saying, “Do not think of me.” Rather than assume the crown, she spent the next decade traveling the world, hosted by the royal and noble visitors who had enjoyed her hospitality on Oahu. In 1883, Ruth Ke elikolani—royal governess of the Islands—passed away, leaving nearly 353,000 acres to her cousin Bernice. Bernice was instantly the largest landowner in the Islands, in personal possession of about 9 percent of the Hawaiian landmass.

With their newfound wealth, the Bishops decided to write their wills. Bernice made individual provisions for a number of charities, friends, and servants. The great bulk of her estate—some 378,569 acres of land—was to be held in trust, for the purpose of opening “two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools.”


Bernice Pauahi Bishop

  • Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Sex: Female
  • Alma Mater: No college
  • Religion: Congregationalist
  • Era: 19th Century
  • Source of Fortune:
    • Inheritance
  • Philanthropic Focus:
    • K-12 Education

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was a Hawaiian princess, the last direct descendant of the Royal House of Kamehameha. With her husband, Charles Reed Bishop, she is remembered as one of the most remarkable philanthropists in the history of the Islands. Her bequest endowed the Kamehameha Schools, which to this day specialize in educating the children of native Hawaiians. After her death, Charles Bishop spent many years bringing her vision to fruition.

Pauahi was born in December 1831, the great-granddaughter of King Kamehameha the Great, conqueror and unifier of the Hawaiian Islands. In her earliest years, she was raised as an ali i (noble), steeped in native traditions. At the age of seven, however, she was sent to the Royal School. Run by a pair of married Protestant missionaries, the school was committed to providing the children with the finest possible course of Western education. “Miss Bernice” quickly became a star pupil, excelling in both academics and etiquette, and a devout Christian. She was often compared favorably to her spoiled, misbehaving ali i classmates—including Prince Lot Kapuaiwa, the future King Kamehameha V.

In 1846, Charles Reed Bishop arrived in Hawaii. The 24-year-old clerk had sailed from New York en route to Oregon; after rough passage through Cape Horn, the ship put in at Honolulu for provisions. Bishop decided to wait out the winter in the Islands. He found work with local Yankee merchants, soon becoming a clerk at the U.S. consulate. He met Pauahi and soon began regularly calling on her at the Royal School. Though her family firmly reminded her of her obligation to marry Hawaiian royalty, Pauahi resisted. In June 1850, in a small ceremony which her parents refused to attend, Pauahi became Bernice P. Bishop.

Bishop reconciled with her family within a year, and by 1857 had inherited from them an estate totaling 16,011 acres. With it came a wide range of responsibilities. Throughout her mid-20s, Bishop served as a traditional Hawaiian philanthropist, offering guidance, support, and assistance to those who approached her. She spent many working hours in her garden, seated under a tamarind tree, taking visits from fellow islanders and working through their problems in her native Hawaiian tongue.

At the same time, Bernice was ever more involved in American forms of civic engagement. She was a leader in several charitable organizations, including the Stranger’s Friend Society, which aided sick travelers, and the Women’s Sewing Society, which provided clothing for the poor. An accomplished contralto singer and pianist, she conducted performances of the works of Haydn and Verdi with the Amateur Musical Society, and gave music lessons at the Royal School. A devout Protestant, Bishop regularly taught Sunday school at Kawaiaha o Church.

Charles Bishop, meanwhile, found mounting success as a businessman, opening a bank that profited from the booming sugar trade. (It would eventually become First Hawaiian Bank, which remains the oldest and largest bank in the state, with assets totaling $16 billion and branches in Guam and Saipan.) Before the islands were annexed, he held a series of public offices, even serving as minister of foreign affairs from 1873 to 1874. With her royal lineage and his growing fortune, the Bishops were the social leaders of Honolulu, hosting visiting dignitaries, including ambassadors and royalty.

In 1872, Bernice was summoned to the deathbed of King Kamehameha V, where he named her successor to the throne. Bishop refused, simply saying, “Do not think of me.” Rather than assume the crown, she spent the next decade traveling the world, hosted by the royal and noble visitors who had enjoyed her hospitality on Oahu. In 1883, Ruth Ke elikolani—royal governess of the Islands—passed away, leaving nearly 353,000 acres to her cousin Bernice. Bernice was instantly the largest landowner in the Islands, in personal possession of about 9 percent of the Hawaiian landmass.

With their newfound wealth, the Bishops decided to write their wills. Bernice made individual provisions for a number of charities, friends, and servants. The great bulk of her estate—some 378,569 acres of land—was to be held in trust, for the purpose of opening “two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools.” Her will further stipulated that the schools give preference to “Hawaiians of pure or part aboriginal blood,” providing them with an English-language education and inculcating strict Protestant morality. It was an ambitious project, unprecedented in Hawaiian history. In a letter written years later, Charles noted that his wife “no doubt had given more thought to the matter than I had.”

It was fortunate that the Bishops wrote their wills when they did. Bernice was diagnosed with breast cancer within a year. She died in October 1884.

The future of the schools was left to five trustees, including her husband. An accomplished philanthropist in his own right, Charles Bishop had already helped found the Hawaiian Historical Society, the Honolulu Public Library, and dozens of kindergartens throughout the Islands. (In 1889, he founded the Bishop Museum, home to the world’s largest collection of Polynesian cultural artifacts.) To launch the Kamehameha schools, Bishop drew on his previous service on the board of the Punahou School, where he funded the construction of Pauahi Hall, Charles Reed Bishop Hall, and the Bishop Hall of Science.

In November 1887, 39 students formed the first class at the boys’ school; in 1894, 35 students filled out the first class at the girls’ school. Today the schools have campuses on Oahu, Hawaii, and Maui, educating nearly 7,000 children annually. Thus do Charles and Bernice Pauahi Bishop, childless themselves, rank among the greatest patrons of Hawaii’s children.


Further reading:

  • George Kanahele, Pauahi: The Kamehameha Legacy (Kamehameha Schools Press, 1986)
  • Harold Kent, Charles Reed Bishop: Man of Hawaii (Pacific Books, 1965)
Posted by at 5:08 AM 

The U.S. FAILED to follow Rule of Law for the Kingdom of Hawaii's Neutrality Law, then U.S. President McKinley adds Neutrality Law to theirs, etc.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: U.S. President McKinley and His Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  U.S. President McKinley and His Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights

                                                                            Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

The following article was posted by UC Santa Barbara:

William McKinley photo
25th President of the United States: 1897 ‐ 1901

Proclamation 413—Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain

April 26, 1898

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Whereas by an act of Congress approved April 25, 1898, it is declared that war exists and that war has existed since the 21st day of April, A.D. 1898, including said day, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain; and

Whereas, it being desirable that such war should be conducted upon principles in harmony with the present views of nations and sanctioned by their recent practice, it has already been announced that the policy of this Government will be not to resort to privateering, but to adhere to the rules of the Declaration of Paris:

Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws, do hereby declare and proclaim:

1. The neutral flag covers enemy's goods with the exception of contraband of war.

2. Neutral goods not contraband of war are not liable to confiscation under the enemy's flag.

3. Blockades in order to be binding must be effective.

4. Spanish merchant vessels in any ports or places within the United States shall be allowed till May 21, 1898, inclusive, for loading their cargoes and departing from such ports or places; and such Spanish merchant vessels, if met at sea by any United States ship, shall be permitted to continue their voyage if on examination of their papers it shall appear that their cargoes were taken on board before the expiration of the above term: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to Spanish vessels having on board any officer in the military or naval service of the enemy, or any coal (except such as may be necessary for their voyage), or any other article prohibited or contraband of war, or any dispatch of or to the Spanish Government.

5. Any Spanish merchant vessel which prior to April 21, 1898, shall have sailed from any foreign port bound for any port or place in the United States shall be permitted to enter such port or place and to discharge her cargo, and afterwards forthwith to depart without molestation; and any such vessel, if met at sea by any United States ship, shall be permitted to continue her voyage to any port not blockaded.

6. The right of search is to be exercised with strict regard for the rights of neutrals, and the voyages of mail steamers are not to be interfered with except on the clearest grounds of suspicion of a violation of law in respect of contraband or blockade.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington on the 26th day of April, A.D. 1898, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second.


By the President:


Acting Secretary of State.

William McKinley, Proclamation 413—Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project


Posted by at 3:33 AM 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: U.S. President McKinley and His Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  U.S. President McKinley and His Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights

                                                                            Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

The following article was posted by UC Santa Barbara:

William McKinley photo
25th President of the United States: 1897 ‐ 1901

Proclamation 413—Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain

April 26, 1898

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Whereas by an act of Congress approved April 25, 1898, it is declared that war exists and that war has existed since the 21st day of April, A.D. 1898, including said day, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain; and

Whereas, it being desirable that such war should be conducted upon principles in harmony with the present views of nations and sanctioned by their recent practice, it has already been announced that the policy of this Government will be not to resort to privateering, but to adhere to the rules of the Declaration of Paris:

Now, therefore, I, William McKinley, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution and the laws, do hereby declare and proclaim:

1. The neutral flag covers enemy's goods with the exception of contraband of war.

2. Neutral goods not contraband of war are not liable to confiscation under the enemy's flag.

3. Blockades in order to be binding must be effective.

4. Spanish merchant vessels in any ports or places within the United States shall be allowed till May 21, 1898, inclusive, for loading their cargoes and departing from such ports or places; and such Spanish merchant vessels, if met at sea by any United States ship, shall be permitted to continue their voyage if on examination of their papers it shall appear that their cargoes were taken on board before the expiration of the above term: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to Spanish vessels having on board any officer in the military or naval service of the enemy, or any coal (except such as may be necessary for their voyage), or any other article prohibited or contraband of war, or any dispatch of or to the Spanish Government.

5. Any Spanish merchant vessel which prior to April 21, 1898, shall have sailed from any foreign port bound for any port or place in the United States shall be permitted to enter such port or place and to discharge her cargo, and afterwards forthwith to depart without molestation; and any such vessel, if met at sea by any United States ship, shall be permitted to continue her voyage to any port not blockaded.

6. The right of search is to be exercised with strict regard for the rights of neutrals, and the voyages of mail steamers are not to be interfered with except on the clearest grounds of suspicion of a violation of law in respect of contraband or blockade.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington on the 26th day of April, A.D. 1898, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-second.


By the President:


Acting Secretary of State.

William McKinley, Proclamation 413—Standards of Conduct and Respect of Neutral Rights in the War with Spain Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project


Posted by at 3:33 AM 


Monday, May 20, 2024

Neutral Nation to Neutral and Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice 2024 - 0519:IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2024 - 0519 = Why Ceasefire Must be Made - Genocide is Documented by Pirates on Record from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Relations, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


Posted by at 2:34 AM 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Neutral Nation to Neutral and Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice 2024 - 0519:IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2024 - 0519 = Why Ceasefire Must be Made - Genocide is Documented by Pirates on Record from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs/Relations, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


Posted by at 2:34 AM 

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