The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Celebration of Crime in Hawaii - by the Occupier - the Statehood Celebration
Reposted by Amelia Gora (2024)
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Aliens Celebration of Admission of Crimes Day- a Repost
CELEBRATING "ADMISSION OF CRIMES DAY" ---Through Public Law 103-150 & Remembering Documented Oppositions to the Occupiers Over Time
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
[TRANSLATED] Is Hawai`i Really The 50th State?
Hear What The US Dept Of Justice Says About US Sovereignty In Hawai`i ...
1 year ago 2,786 views koanifoundation
"U.S. Marines overthrew Monarch"
'Cleveland declared it to be an "act of war"'
Majority of Hawaiians supported Queen Liliuokalani (Kue petition - opposition to annexation)
Queen Liliuokalani protested in Washington.
Newlunds Resolution passed (illegal)
Professor Williamson Chang made a lenghthy legal expose about how it is not possible to annex a State with a resolution, etc. in the Palmyra Island case, U.S. Federal Court, Honolulu, Hawaii - Judge Ezra ( a Jew) in place.
1959 - Hawaii was made a State.
Harold Abel Cathcart documented opposition to the claims of Hawaii being a State, in answer to a legal notice by the U.S. government. Cathcart was one of the Kamehameha's descendants/ heirs who was a first cousin of our great grandmother.
1988 - U.S. Department of Justice: "taking of Hawaii illegal under U.S. laws"
1996 -2009 claims/ownership/ intense research filed showing more Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, owners of the Crown Lands exist along with evidence showing conspiracies, etc. in the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Hawaii, with the intent of maintaining truth, evidence for descendants/heirs, kanaka maoli, friends of kanaka maoli, etals., ramifications, etc.
2004 - Legal expert Francis Boyle's article(by Carolyn Lucas) in West Hawaii Today:
Law expert Francis Boyle urges natives to take back Hawaii
Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:53 AM HST
"International law expert Francis Boyle walked hastily into Kona Outdoor Circle Wednesday morning.... to hear his three-hour speech, "The Restoration of Hawaii's Independence."
"Boyle said the United States conceded it unlawfully occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii and has done so for more than 111 years. That fact alone, he added, "gives the Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) the entitlement to restore their independent status as a sovereign nation state."
The Akaka Bill does not allow for self-determination according to Boyle. The Bill calls for a "governing entity", not a government.
"Under the U.N. Charter, Article 73, Boyle said the United States is "obligated to bring about self-government of people within territories deemed non-self governing." Hawaii was once designated as a territory, but was removed from the U.N. list of Non-self Governing Peoples, after becoming a U.S. state in 1959."
"the Palestinians, who in 1988 decided on their own to "unilaterally proclaim their own state, in a declaration of independence. This eventually led to the Palestinian state being recognized today by 125 nation states in the world."
"He said Native Hawaiians, like the Palestinians, are striving for "their right of self-determination," which is afforded to them by the U.N. Charter, Article 1. It states, "The purpose of the United Nations is to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace."
"Boyle further suggested the audience "exercise their right of self-determination," instead of asking the permission of the U.S. Congress to declare their independence."
"To create an independent state, territory, population, government and international relations must exist."
"Hawaii already has a fixed territory -- the Hawaiian Archipelago -- and a population of distinguishable people -- the Native Hawaiians, who trace their ancestry back before the Europeans' appearance on the lands."
"Government, Boyle said, is in the kupuna council, but how the people are governed has yet to be organized. He added, "You don't need a government along the lines of a federal government of the United States or the State of Hawaii to have a government."
"Boyle said Hawaii also need the capacity to "enter into international relations, to deal with other states, and to keep your commitments," which meant establishing diplomatic relations as an independent state. "
"Hawaii should send the strongest message to Washington it can. Letters carry no weight. The number of people in the street do. Ghandi threw the mighty British out of India with peaceful, nonviolent force. People power, submit to it."
2008 - Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago officially reformed by the descendants and heirs of Kamehameha. We came together in part knowing, oral history, and documented history that we are the private property owners of the Crown Lands, criminally cited as the "ceded lands" by the occupiers/ criminal conspirators/deviants/perpetuators of fraud, corruption, criminal malfeasance, etc.
Now, sit back and listen to yet another criminal Jew Lingle nosing in on private properties of the Royal families who exist today:
- posted previously - cannot locate the file again -fyi.......
ceded lands with dingle.mp3
5397K Play Download
Overview of Radio Talk Show, Monday, January 12, 2009:
Shane: Is it acceptable for anyone to possess stolen properties?
Why do you feel that the State should be allowed to keep stolen lands affected upon
(Radio Talk Show host hung up on Shane then Linda Lingle continued.....)
Linda Lingle did not address the questions but continued on to talk about how a law suit in 1980 was made in appeal to the U.S.
Governor Waihee "native Hawaiian" did seek to sell ceded lands and obtained legislature approval for parcels on the Big Island and Maui.
The land (ceded) was transferred from the American government provided that it fulfilled five(5) purposes:
affordable housing for all (not only Hawaiians)/betterment of Hawaiian people.
Important Note: Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III set up an alodio/ano alodio system which secures the lands to the kanaka maoli foever/"inures" to the benefit of the heirs. The Kanaka Maoli are the ones with the title, all others claim control, etc. Legal Titles remain in Hawaiian/ Kanaka Maoli hands.
1993 - "U.S. Congress passed...Apology resolution..." "a regret for American involvement in 1893." (Lingle identifies this as a apology resolution disregarding the fact that it was documented as P.L. 103-150 - P.L. for public law) see Professor Boyles explanation at:
see also Craven's and others information at
2) others
3) Dr. Matthew Craven, et. als.
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CONTINUITY OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM by Dr. Matthew Craven Reader in ...
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by M Craven - 2002 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
CONTINUITY OF THE HAWAIIAN KINGDOM by Dr. Matthew Craven. Reader in International Law. SOAS, University of London. Being a portion of a ... Similar hawaii-nation : Message: Hawaiian Journal of Law and Politics ...
Aug 9, 2004 – "Hawai`i, History, and International Law," by Dr. Matthew Craven, Reader in International Law, University of London, Law Department, ... CachedHawaiian Society of Law and Politics ... - Jan 22, 2005
Legal Brief on Haw'n Kingdom continuity ... - Nov 10, 2002Professor Matthew Craven | Academic | SOAS
London - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of LondonProfessor Matthew Craven BA LLM PhD (Nottingham) DipEd Public international law, ... M.,Dr and M, Prof, eds. (2005) Interrogating the Treaty: Essays in the ... › ... › Departments › Law › Department Staff- Cached - SimilarHawaiian Society of Law & Politics - Hawaii / South Pacific Travel
Keynote speaker will be Dr. Matthew Craven, author of a 2002 legal brief on the "Continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom." ... CachedThe Basis for the Restoration of the Hawaiian - What Really Happened
In July 2002, Dr. Matthew Craven, Reader of International Law SOAS, University of London, issued a legal opinion titled The Continuity of the Hawaiian... Cached
1994 - "Senator Inouye claimed a regret...did not change anything" --- info to the contrary was recorded/found by Henry Noa's group (another Hawaiian government claim).
OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs filed a lawsuit for the ceded lands.
Governor Cayetano did not do anything to sell ceded lands. (Cayetano did document in the Rice vs. Cayetano case that all persons born in Hawaii were "native Hawaiians")
2002 - The Circuit Court ruled in behalf of the State of Hawaii and claimed they had good title, providing the State fulfilled the five purposes:
1. Public education
2. Public facilities
3. Home ownership
4. Farms
5. Betterment of Hawaiian people
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs: (The opinion was that) a Moratorium until issues of Hawaiian claims resolved.
'32 States joined with U.S. government joined in appeal'.
"affects ability (of the State) to sell bonds...." etc. (lands, etc.) 1.2 million acres of ceded lands affected.
(After the case is won)
"issues will (later) be addressed that the State has clear title".
2012 - the State of Hawaii thru the Attorney General's office sued the Kamehameha family(ies) for filing a lien before the most recent "Ceded Lands" case by the Supreme Court...the real term for the lands are the Crown Lands, not the occupiers "Ceded Lands" term used. This case will continue on because much evidence has been found that shows that our family(ies) are the owners and the caretakers of the Crown Lands and we are not related to the State of Hawaii, etc.
Other issues which has come up includes the facts that we are the bloodlines/koko of many of the Alii in the Hawaiian Islands documented and the State of Hawaii, the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Administrators etc. are not related to us, etc.
The bittersweet fact is that the State of Hawaii is not a government but an entity which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, the Republic of Hawaii, and the Provisional government set in place by the premeditated acts of U.S. through its Congress, PIRATES ON THE OPEN SEAS, PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends who were part of the voted in, temporary part of the Hawaiian Government named the House of Representatives.*
When the entire World sees the progressive corruptions of the past affecting the World today, the ongoing denial of wrongs, the failure to make corrections over time, the claimed State of Hawaii, along with the U.S. will continue to fall apart while everyone watches along with us.
Warring against other nations utilizing monies of our families, our peoples, our friendly neutral non violent nation, kanaka maoli funds/assets/gold coins, is not OK.......continued use of our monies, trusts, etc. to fund wars is not OK....cease and desist now.
Private Properties of the Royal families remain Private Properties of our Royal families. The bloodlines of Kamehameha are the owners of the Crown lands which was dubbed "ceded lands" by PIRATES IN THE OPEN SEAS, terrorists of our families, our kanaka maoli, defenders of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etals.
We are Sovereigns and will continue to operate as Sovereigns, the owners of our archipelago and maintain that the treaties with foreign governments continue to be our concerns as well.
Rents and leases are due from the entity State of Hawaii utilizing properties owned by the Charles Kanaina's heirs, the Keoni Ana's/John Young's etals., Kamehameha descendants/heirs families lands including Washington Place, State Capitol, Iolani Palace, etc.
Rents and Leases for $500 trillion dollars in gold coins per year retroactive to 1893 is a friendly reminder to you by a Sovereign, one of Kamehameha's, descendant/heirs, etals., a Royal person not subject to the laws.
Amelia Kuulei Gora, a Royal family representative, Kamehameha etals. descendant, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago
*added the info 8/16/2012 based on the fact that the Hawaiian Government is made up of three parts: 1) Sovereign - heirs /descendants and successors - permanent part; 2) House of Nobles heirs/descendants and successors - bloodlines/koko - permanent part of the three part government; 3) voted in, temporary part of the government called House of Representatives - this is the part that conspired, committed treason, etc. in 1893 and progressed to Statehood with oppositions documented every step of the way.
by Amelia Gora (2003)
i'm in the agreement of a theory about how mankind evolved to adapt to the environment....sunlight gives us vitamins.....because the tropics have an intense amount of light versus the snow countries, high elevation areas, mankinds skin, noses, eyebrows, ridges, etc. adapted.
therefore, the tropics or take Hawaii for example, the aborigines peoples skin vary in light brown, warm brown, brown, very brown, dark brown, sometimes black...............then look at Norwegians for example, super white, fair, sunburned, or fiery sunburned if in the tropical sun in Hawaii....the natural skin tones accomodates the natural environment of the persons home.....
did some research on sea life a while ago - i worked on CORAL SEX believe it or not CORALS have sex and they are also asexual....i had the task of defining which was the male and which the female....on the night of the summer full moon, the egg and sperm are released by the corals and they swim, merge with each other and voila a baby coral is born, it settles,plants itself to another coral or a stable setting and grows....corals live and grow for hundreds of years...then again, oops, sorry diverted from the flow of thought about the sunlight or how light affects everyone over time...... a friend working on another project measured the kind and amount of light that was filtered through by depths of Hawaii, at the very deepest areas of the ocean, creatures/prehistoric creatures have been found....they are very white, look like frogs due to their long legs, and have bubbles on each side (perhaps for decompression due to their activities at the depths?), even the shrimp are very, very white due to their natural habitat at the deep levels and when they're brought up and out of the water, they become very red, even bright red........
the point is that the lighting truly has a significant role in color....therefore making the point that a theory can become a fact applicable for humans after observing creatures of the deep who have significantly less light than the creatures who swim near the top of the water. In other words variation of color tones, etc. are normal and is to be expected in all creatures.
if all people had no skin,no color, then other comparisons would still be made, attempting to top/be the winner-who is better than the other....such as the level of intelligence, manners, etc.
in the above discussion, the information could be applied to the posting: NEGROS, N*I*G*G*E*R*S, BLACKS, POLYNESIANS, ETC. -because there were four (4) POINTS expected by WHITE Missionaries/Mercenaries: 1) body 2)mind 3)heart 4)CONTROL or HELM or GOVERNMENT.
In discussing the theory and if you add additional information such as experiments, scientific discoveries as discussed above, the theory becomes proven fact over time:
the recognition that the issue of skin color or part of physical appearance =body(1), intelligence = mind(2), and the reproduction/breeding/continuation of the species = heart(3). The Control or Helm or Government would be the religion or government= (4). In the sea,the PREDATORS - the sharks, the evil unknowns that sea creatures face are their CONTROLS.
So, by the look at things, it can be concluded that mankind can learn from creatures of the sea, when it comes to various problems, concerns faced by mankind....the concerns towards the PREDATORS which is what the Missionaries/Mercenaries (religion, economic activists) backed by the United States government -feeding off of their kill (sharks upon INNOCENTS).
Enter the idyllic environment called 'Paradise' and 'paradisical' terms used in the article and due to the perfect conditions for maximum enjoyment, Hawaii and other Pacific Islands, the PREDATORS (Missionaries/Mercenaries with their government) utilize EVILS, which they practice against, and through CRIMINAL DEVIANCE PLUNDER UPON INNOCENTS for the lands/territory, resources, etc. because they WANT WHAT OTHERS HAVE.....resulting in DEMONIC activities, moving towards Agression, Conflict, WARS, Killing either Physically, Mentally, or Spiritually the true owners,the aborigines of the land/territory and move validate their CRIMINAL CONSPIRACIES, PLANNED MOVES TO PLUNDER AND PRETEND TO BE VIOLATED, PLAY WAR GAMES, have CONTROLLED activities in their DEVIANT MOVES and seek others who are willing to believe their rationalizations which would be the American people, WHITES and uneducated, undereducated, mind-controlled PEOPLE OF COLOR.
Lastly, my paternal grampa, Joseph Gora, had a saying that didn't make real sense until now:
'There are SHARKS on the land, and There are SHARKS in the sea.'
His wisdom and saying sums up ALL THE ABOVE in one sentence!
aloha and malama pono.
additional information:
we maintain a neutral, friendly, non-violent Nation......Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian archipelago
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora onAugust 2, 2011 at 4:56pm
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Queen Liliuokalani prophesied and stated the following:
“Oh, honest Americans, as Christians hear me for my downtrodden people! Their form
of Government is as dear to them as yours is Precious to you. Quite as warmly s you love
your country, so they love theirs. With all your Goodly possessions, covering a
territory so immense that there yet remain parts unexplored, possessing islands that,
although new at hand, had to be neutral ground in time of war, do not covet the little
vineyard of Naboth’s, so far from your shores, lest the Punishment of Ahab fall upon you,
if not in Your day, in that of your children, for “be not deceived, God is not
mocked.” The people to whom your fathers told of the living God, and taught to call
“Father”, and whom the sons now seek to despoil and destroy, are crying aloud
to Him in the time of trouble, and He will keep His promise, and will listen to the
Voices of His Hawaiian children lamenting for their homes.”Kaulana Na Pua
Hidden behind a deceptively light tune, this protest song tells of the ardent opposition of Native Hawaiians to the annexation of their nation to ...
by CallitQuitsHawaii | 2 years ago |10,112 views
Kaulana Na Pua
Sudden Rush & Na Wai Kaulana Na Pua Slide Show With Random Pics Of Hawaii Or Anyting 2 Do With Hawaii.
by ce808 | 1 year ago | 10,876 views
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on January 22, 2012 at 7:59pm
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