Monday, April 8, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Repost - History Overview from Hawaii of Educating the Cute, Unknowing Sheep

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Repost - History Overview from Hawaii of Educating the Cute, Unknowing Sheep

                                                    Reposted by Amelia Gora (2024)

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History Overview from Hawaii of Educating the Cute, Unknowing Sheep

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Message Amelia Gora
1) Kamehameha's, his wives, King Kalakaua's, Queen Liliuokalani's, hanai/adopted children of Kamehameha III etals. descendants exist today.

2) Konohiki, land owners descendants prior to the wrongful dethronement of Hawaii's Queen in 1893 exist.

3) Royal persons, Sovereign heirs - with immunities exist.

4) Kingdom heirs exist currently uniting with the Hawaiian Kingdom Government, a government.

5) Provisional government turned Republic, turned Territory, turned State with documented oppositions all the way is in fact a corporation/corporate structure of the larger corporation called the United States of America (since 1874) operating under Great Britain.)

6) The problems for the U.S. appears to be in the period when 1. Washington, D.C. was organized apart from the United States in 1874. (note: research incomplete) 2. The U.S./U.S.A. became divided in the American Civil War. The War was funded by France, Great Britain, U.S., Germany and the Bank of England. 3. The U.S./U.S.A. never was a separate nation from Great Britain due to the facts that many of the U.S. Presidents were Royal persons descending from the Kings of England/Great Britain; the Rush-Baggot Treaty was a permanent Treaty; association/affiliation with the Masons/ Freemasons secret societies, etc.

7) U.S. in actuality a business corporation interested in profits/gains/finances. Business structure includes CEO's such as U.S. President's, Governors etals. disregarding the duties, laws of a nation. (See previous IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web at the hawaiian_genealogy_society-akg for messages, articles, etc.)

8) A U.S. representative asked for loans from the Hawaiian Kingdom because they were bankrupt and our House of Nobles denied them because the loan would not be paid off for thousands of years....only a small interest would be paid at a time.

note: The German Jews did give the U.S. loans expecting a 10% interest.....but they were the ones who were killed off in the World Wars.

If the U.S. took on loans here, and loans there, that means they still owe many nations monies borrowed and are in actuality owned by many nations, including the Hawaiian Kingdom!

9) Congress and the U.S. President Benjamin Harrison premeditated the criminal assumption of a neutral, non-violent nation and dethroned Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. See articles written previously in the news on the web IOLANI-The Royal Hawk publisher, editor, writer Amelia Gora, anti-war news, history, genealogies with articles submitted by other researchers, and researchers from around the world.

Also see the PEARL HARBOR article at the New York Times found by researcher Shane Lee.

Also see various liens, notices filed at the Bureau of Conveyances by Amelia Gora, et. als.

10) President Benjamin Harrison used his executive orders to deny the passage of prosecuting those who did crimes on the high seas in December 1893.

This move saved the conspirator's Thurston, Dole, Thomas Akaka (Senator Daniel Akaka's ancestor) et. als. from being prosecuted for "pirate's crimes on the high seas".

11) President Benjamin Harrison suggested that 'a plebiscite be given to make it appear that the "overthrow" was the will of the people.'

12) President Cleveland moved to allow the U.S. Federal bank to be purchased by private interests, causing the Federal banks to be in private hands of 13+ stockholders/investors.

13) The private investors make up the Federal Reserve Banks whose stockholders defend, promote a move towards a new world order/one world order; they get 3-4 cents off of every bill/Federal Reserve note printed; the bills/Federal Reserve notes printed has no gold, silver backing; they charge tremendous interest for loans, etc.; they are associated with the Bank of England, a bank that funds the 'Business of Wars' through financing both sides, etc. (example: U.S. innocents versus Iraq's innocents) Note: in 1913 - There was a 'silent cou d'tat' by the bankers.

14) A Federal Reserve Act was passed accommodating bankers. in 1919 - President Woodrow Wilson admitted U.S. under a small group of men.

15) Taxes on the people are collected by the IRS/ Internal Revenue Service which operates under and for the private business Federal Reserve Banks.

16) U.S. Congressman Daniel Inouye is on record saying 'there is no law allowing anyone to pay taxes'.

17) The U.S./U.S.A. is bankrupt, utilizing Wars to pay off the debts to the private bankers moving towards enslaving the masses, exterminating People of Color, and accommodating financing, stolen goods, thievery off of nations/ independent nations such as Hawaii, the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Kingdom of Hawaii, Hawaiian archipelago; Spain, Japan, Haiti, Iraq.

18) The U.S./U.S.A. a corporation since 1874 has military bases in 130 countries/nations. There are 190/191 countries/nations in total.

19) Profiteers of nuclear weapons, depleted uranium weapons for Wars, testing, etc. includes the Queen of England with the majority of stocks in the uranium, etc. mines.

20) The Corporate structure of the U.S. has many corporations which began with the Standard Oil Company and the many under it's umbrella.

21) Congress, over time, have failed to extinguish the Standard Oil agreement, and instead the lawyers have moved the structure over to foreign governments with support from the U.S. military who defends the lives, and properties of its own.

22) The U.S. breached the law of nations documented Queen Liliuokalani.

23) The U.S., England, and the bankers (Morgan bankers were investors for both England and the U.S.) departed from the Law of Nations and formed the League of Nations, then the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations with the purpose of One World Order/New World Order, the foundation being the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona, and started the United Nations with contributions from the EXXON corporation (which evolved from the Standard Oil Company) with the Rockefeller, et. als. as permanent heads who contributed the land that the United Nations has it's building on.


The history of Hawaii has indeed affected the World today. A Corporation is not a government. Everyone affected by the U.S., Great Britain's, France's etals. corporate structure needs to work on diminishing the tight reins of slavery by reaching for the areas of history that has problematic issues, reenact Constitutions, limit or eliminate the Corporate structure moving in to assume the rights of citizens.

There's more history which has been brought out by many historians, researchers, writers, which shows evidence of decadent nations looking to kill off all people of color, etc.

In other words, dear friends, take heed, and take back your governments.


references: research, books, articles by Amelia Kuulei Gora; Joe Rodrigues messages re: Federal taxes, etc.: Aaron Russo, director, investigative reporter, etc. *********************** "

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Researcher (history, genealogy(ies), and legal), Writer, Editor, Publisher of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web from Hawaii.


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