Thursday, April 25, 2024

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2024 - 0425 Pirates Ceasefire on Innocents!


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pirates Sell "Public Lands in the Territory of Hawaii" - 1910

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Pirates Sell "Public Lands in the Territory of Hawaii" - 1910

                                      - Reviewing Piracy(ies) Evidence -

                                                         Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

Evidence of Piracy by Occupiers who had No Annexation= No Jurisdiction in a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Note:  Territories have No Sovereignty vs.  the Kingdom of Hawaii that has full Sovereignty status since 1841.

Also, notice that the laws were set up by the U.S. Congress.]

Due to the breaches of the U.S. Constitution of 1787 - Supremacy Clause; the 1849 ratified in 1850 Treaty; the Protectorate of 1854 with the U.S., Great Britain, and France; the Neutrality Law of 1854; the agreement between Queen Liliuokalani with the U.S. Junta; the 1895 Neutrality law of the U.S.; the 1896 Neutrality law of the U.S., International Laws, all must be returned.

  The U.S. has violated their own laws, etc. and remains in the Pirate status to this day.  

Other Nations joining or allied with the U.S., Great Britain, and France also become the same status of Pirates.

In other words, all transactions by the Territory of Hawaii were illegal.


The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Research incomplete.


'Once a Pirate, always a Pirate' with fellow conspirators or updated term 'Allies':



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Amelia Gora
Remember now.... Territories have NO SOVEREIGNTY vs. the Kingdom of Hawaii has Full Sovereignty since 1841! Now... the breaches of Neutrality Law of 1854 means Nations in breach are OFFICIALLY, doesn't that mean the conspirators/or updated term ALLIES add the nations on the Pirates list as well? In other words, all funding to nations by Pirate Nations adds them to the Pirate list as well.....doesn't it? includes ISRAEL, UKRAINE etc.? Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate!..........Ceasefire on Innocents! Genocide and Punishment by the United Nations, etc. is now regarded as Pirates which has a different handling........based on Religion and Morality as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli since 1840!!! check out we remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation occupied by documented Pirates, Warmongers, etc.
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk
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Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum
Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum
Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum
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Amelia Gora
Now, because what happened to the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the partnership of the Vatican with Austria, France, Prussia, Russian, Great Britain, and the United States all in partnership (excepting Russia who bowed out), they are all partners/updated terms PIRATES .... these Nations and the Vatican signed the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona with the intent to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and planned for the One World Order/New World Order, which also means the decimation of populations, etc. see: new post breaches and violations of the rule of law takes them down and now are in the position of Satan along with the Pope in the Vatican, etc.!
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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pray for Palestine et. als. and All Innocents from Genocide, Piracy, Plundering, etc.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:   Pray for Palestine et. als. and All Innocents from Genocide, Piracy, Plundering, etc.

                                                                                       Posted by Amelia Gora (2024)




IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2024 - 0425 Pirates Ceasefire on Innocents!


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pirates Sell "Public Lands in the Territory of Hawaii" - 1910

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Pirates Sell "Public Lands in the Territory of Hawaii" - 1910

                                      - Reviewing Piracy(ies) Evidence -

                                                         Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

Evidence of Piracy by Occupiers who had No Annexation= No Jurisdiction in a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Note:  Territories have No Sovereignty vs.  the Kingdom of Hawaii that has full Sovereignty status since 1841.

Also, notice that the laws were set up by the U.S. Congress.]

Due to the breaches of the U.S. Constitution of 1787 - Supremacy Clause; the 1849 ratified in 1850 Treaty; the Protectorate of 1854 with the U.S., Great Britain, and France; the Neutrality Law of 1854; the agreement between Queen Liliuokalani with the U.S. Junta; the 1895 Neutrality law of the U.S.; the 1896 Neutrality law of the U.S., International Laws, all must be returned.

  The U.S. has violated their own laws, etc. and remains in the Pirate status to this day.  

Other Nations joining or allied with the U.S., Great Britain, and France also become the same status of Pirates.

In other words, all transactions by the Territory of Hawaii were illegal.


The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Research incomplete.


'Once a Pirate, always a Pirate' with fellow conspirators or updated term 'Allies':



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Amelia Gora
Remember now.... Territories have NO SOVEREIGNTY vs. the Kingdom of Hawaii has Full Sovereignty since 1841! Now... the breaches of Neutrality Law of 1854 means Nations in breach are OFFICIALLY, doesn't that mean the conspirators/or updated term ALLIES add the nations on the Pirates list as well? In other words, all funding to nations by Pirate Nations adds them to the Pirate list as well.....doesn't it? includes ISRAEL, UKRAINE etc.? Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate!..........Ceasefire on Innocents! Genocide and Punishment by the United Nations, etc. is now regarded as Pirates which has a different handling........based on Religion and Morality as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli since 1840!!! check out we remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation occupied by documented Pirates, Warmongers, etc.
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Amelia Gora
Now, because what happened to the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the partnership of the Vatican with Austria, France, Prussia, Russian, Great Britain, and the United States all in partnership (excepting Russia who bowed out), they are all partners/updated terms PIRATES .... these Nations and the Vatican signed the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona with the intent to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and planned for the One World Order/New World Order, which also means the decimation of populations, etc. see: new post breaches and violations of the rule of law takes them down and now are in the position of Satan along with the Pope in the Vatican, etc.!
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Reply to Amelia Gora…

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pray for Palestine et. als. and All Innocents from Genocide, Piracy, Plundering, etc.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:   Pray for Palestine et. als. and All Innocents from Genocide, Piracy, Plundering, etc.

                                                                                       Posted by Amelia Gora (2024)




Posted by at 2:42 PM 

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2024 - 0425 Pirates Ceasefire on Innocents!


The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pirates Sell "Public Lands in the Territory of Hawaii" - 1910

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Pirates Sell "Public Lands in the Territory of Hawaii" - 1910

                                      - Reviewing Piracy(ies) Evidence -

                                                         Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

Evidence of Piracy by Occupiers who had No Annexation= No Jurisdiction in a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Note:  Territories have No Sovereignty vs.  the Kingdom of Hawaii that has full Sovereignty status since 1841.

Also, notice that the laws were set up by the U.S. Congress.]

Due to the breaches of the U.S. Constitution of 1787 - Supremacy Clause; the 1849 ratified in 1850 Treaty; the Protectorate of 1854 with the U.S., Great Britain, and France; the Neutrality Law of 1854; the agreement between Queen Liliuokalani with the U.S. Junta; the 1895 Neutrality law of the U.S.; the 1896 Neutrality law of the U.S., International Laws, all must be returned.

  The U.S. has violated their own laws, etc. and remains in the Pirate status to this day.  

Other Nations joining or allied with the U.S., Great Britain, and France also become the same status of Pirates.

In other words, all transactions by the Territory of Hawaii were illegal.


The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Maui news. [volume] (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, October 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

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Research incomplete.


'Once a Pirate, always a Pirate' with fellow conspirators or updated term 'Allies':



Shared with Public
Amelia Gora
Remember now.... Territories have NO SOVEREIGNTY vs. the Kingdom of Hawaii has Full Sovereignty since 1841! Now... the breaches of Neutrality Law of 1854 means Nations in breach are OFFICIALLY, doesn't that mean the conspirators/or updated term ALLIES add the nations on the Pirates list as well? In other words, all funding to nations by Pirate Nations adds them to the Pirate list as well.....doesn't it? includes ISRAEL, UKRAINE etc.? Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate!..........Ceasefire on Innocents! Genocide and Punishment by the United Nations, etc. is now regarded as Pirates which has a different handling........based on Religion and Morality as documented by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli since 1840!!! check out we remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation occupied by documented Pirates, Warmongers, etc.
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May be an image of 3 people
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You, Matthew Yarberry, Elton Freitas and 8 others
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Amelia Gora
Now, because what happened to the Kingdom of Hawaii, and the partnership of the Vatican with Austria, France, Prussia, Russian, Great Britain, and the United States all in partnership (excepting Russia who bowed out), they are all partners/updated terms PIRATES .... these Nations and the Vatican signed the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona with the intent to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and planned for the One World Order/New World Order, which also means the decimation of populations, etc. see: new post breaches and violations of the rule of law takes them down and now are in the position of Satan along with the Pope in the Vatican, etc.!
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Reply to Amelia Gora…

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pray for Palestine et. als. and All Innocents from Genocide, Piracy, Plundering, etc.

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:   Pray for Palestine et. als. and All Innocents from Genocide, Piracy, Plundering, etc.

                                                                                       Posted by Amelia Gora (2024)




Monday, April 22, 2024

Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2024-0422: Opposition to Governor Josh Green's Move to Eminent Domain Private Properties in the Kingdom of Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member and Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


       Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2024-0422: Opposition to Governor Josh Green's Move to Eminent Domain Private Properties in the Kingdom of Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member and Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


As a Royal Family member, the heir of the blood of Princess Poomaikelani, and heir of the blood of four (4) of Kamehameha's children named Kaoleioku, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kanekapolei (w), and Kalanihelemaiiluna, a Representative of our Royal Family, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Superior Court Judge/Supreme Court Judge, Judicial Tribunal Judge, etc. of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Opposition to Governor Josh Green's move to Eminent Domain Private Properties is hereby documented.

The Kingdom of Hawaii is a full/100% sovereign nation recognized since 1841 by Belgium.

The permanent Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 is a legal, binding contract which has article XIV in regards to piracy, fraud, etc.  The treaty is between Kamehameha III's heirs and successors and the U.S. President Zachary Taylor.

Treaties are the supreme law of the land as documented in the 1787 U.S. Constitution, and even Judges are bound to it.

Usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani, including Charles Reed Bishop, Sanford B. Dole, et. als. were supported by the U.S. Military invasion, expedition in 1893 as found in research.

U.S. President Cleveland did warn Americans about the breach of Neutrality in 1896.
See below.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.
See below.

There was No Annexation which means the U.S. has no Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands.
See below.

Allodial lands are forever lands conveyed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli from the time of the Mahele of 1848.  Aliens were given only Fee Simple, Less than Allodial, Freehold, and Leases of 30 years.

State of Hawaii Governor Green's Actions to "Eminent Domain" Private Properties of our Occupied Nation are those of War Crimes, etc. contrary to the U.S. Constitution of 1787, Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii ratified in 1850 - a Permanent Peace and Amity Treaty, Protectorate of 1854 breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France, and the Neutrality Treaty of 1854 breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France, Agreement between Queen Liliuokalani and the U.S. Junta in 1893, Rule of Law of the Kingdom of Hawaii, International Laws, Human Rights violations, etc.

Governor Green should also reveal his FAR number, Foreign Alien Registration Number that is assigned to all Foreign operators in our 100% sovereign nation.

As found in research

The U.S. Military invaded a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in 1893, supported by the U.S. Congress under U.S. President Benjamin Harrison.

The Provisional Government activists included Sharpshooters, etc. who were supplied weaponry/ammunition and instructions on how to War.

The Provisional Government could last only for two (2) years, and another form of government namely, a Republic had to be formed.
See:  Archives, Habeas Corpus case of Sheldon who printed the near accurate story of the overthrow of 1893.

The Provisional Government and Republic of Hawaii had no sovereignty.

U.S. became two (2) nations in 1897:  

1) the United States - operated with nations that had sovereignty and had Treaties, and 

2) the American Empire - operated with Territories that had no sovereignty.

Reference:  HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii case, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

3)  U.S. President William McKinley disregarded U.S. President's Grover Cleveland moves in returning Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani and had the Army, Navy, and other personnel "develop" a Territory for the United States and called it a Territory of Hawaii.

4)  Territories had No Sovereignty.

Note:  the Kingdom of Hawaii with 100% Sovereignty became occupied by White Annexationists/Supremacists from 1893 on.

5)  The Attorney General in court case PA PELEKANE, in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS claimed that the Territory of Hawaii was 'a successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii'.
Fraud, corruption, identity theft, piracy, etc. documented.

6)  In 1959, through Executive Order of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hawaii was given a 1/50% interest in the Sovereignty of the United States.

Note:  the occupied Kingdom of Hawaii remained a 100% Sovereign nation occupied by those who failed to follow rule of laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii, International laws, violating human rights, operating based on plundering, piracies of lands, assets, mineral rights, water rights, etc.

7)  The U.S., the State of Hawaii Governor, et. als. are Occupiers without granted authority to proceed in assuming Private Properties by 'eminent domain'.

8)  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii is the Kingdom of Hawaii.

9) As Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, I, Amelia Gora, have to authority to Null and Void illegal contracts in the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/the Hawaiiian Archipelago.

Maui Wildfire and Moves to 'Eminent Domain' Private Properties

 On August 8, 2023, the Maui wildfire resulted in  deaths, devastation, questions of lasers being the cause, brought the  Occupier State of Hawaii millions of dollars contributed with lack of accountability.

The documented Occupier State of Hawaii which has No Annexation, which means No Jurisdiction now seeks to gain Private Properties by Eminent Domain through a lawbreaker named Governor Green who sits on our Royal Family's Private Property next to Queen Liliuokalani's Washington Place which had only a lease from Kalanimoku.  Kalanimoku's heir of his body was his son Leleiohoku.  Leleiohoku married Ruth Keelikolani whose next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin was Kalola (w).

Part of the properties in Lahaina are under Leleiohoku's, Ruth Keelikolani's names.


Leleiohoku   LCA9971   RP -                   Ahupuaa in Lahaina, Maui
Ruth Keelikolani's land in Lahaina LCA 7716 Royal Patent 8146   2,061.79 Acs.

  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the heirs of the body of Kalola (w) who was married to Luluhiwalani the son of Keoua, the brother of Kalanimoku who was the landowner who
left his lands to his son Leleiohoku who married Ruth Keelikolani/Princess Ruth Keelikolani whose next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop, then Kalola (w) became the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Other Reminder, 

Rents are due of $50,000 per month retroactive to 1893 for lands occupied by Governor Green whose house sits on Leleiohoku's land behind of Washington Place, Honolulu, Oahu.

Maintaining our Private Properties

  As one of the landowners, Private Properties landowners, also one of the representatives of our Royal Family members, heirs of the body of Kalola (w) the Allodial landowners of all the lands claimed by the Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trust/ KSBE  also recognize that they legally ceased to exist when Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.
The Trustees are Not the Allodial landowners and have illegally deeded lands to the U.S., State of Hawaii, etc. over time.

Those transactions are all Null and Void.  

Those transactions are illegal.

Violations of the Kingdom of Hawaii laws and International Laws are noted and reasons why Governor Green is now listed on the Genocide Activities in Hawaii, reports to the Honolulu Police Department and our Kingdom of Hawaii records.  

Note:  the first report was recorded in 1998.

State of Hawaii Governor Green cannot assume Private Properties in the Hawaiian Islands or the Hawaiian Archipelago.

State of Hawaii Governor Green collaborates with non-owners called the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates who lost all interest in lands since 1893.

The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest or 1/3 interest of the estate, and Kalola (w) was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884.  

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani/Princess Ruth.  Then Kalola (w) became the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Genealogies of Kalola's heirs of the body

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the heirs of the blood of Kalola (w) and inherited the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop through Kalola (w) son Kahekili/A. Kahekili Luluhiwalani and her hanai/adopted daughter Princess Poomaikelani/Kapoolohu/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/ Abigaila.

Kahekili/A. Kahekili Luluhiwalani and Kahananui (w) had son Ioela.

Ioela married Princess Poomaikelani/Kapoolohu/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/ Abigaila and had Haili (w) (and siblings).

Haili (w) married Kaluakini who was the hanai/adopted father of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani.

Haili (w) and Kaluakini had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (and siblings).

Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini married Joseph Matsugoro/Takeshita/Gora and had John Gora and siblings named:  Joseph, Walter, William, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis Gora.

John Gora married Mary Gora and had myself, Amelia Gora and siblings named:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian.

Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Operating in the Legitimate Government, the Kingdom of Hawaii

I, Amelia Gora, as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs for more than eight (8) years, hereby Null and Void all illegal contracts made by the Occupier State of Hawaii, the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Trustees of Queen's Hospital, and other Trusts rightfully belonging in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Reference:  Landais and DeFlanchet cases, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Acting as a Representative of all kanaka maoli who are the Allodial landowners in the Hawaiian Islands, I hereby aid, assist, and protect their forever lands, along with our Royal Family's lands, the Crown Lands which was documented as owned by Kamehameha III 'himself, his heirs and successors, forever', and the Government Lands which is under the care of the House of Nobles, their heirs and successors, assisting the Minister of Interior who are the heirs of the body of John Kapena, et. als. and existing today with evidence of breaches of the U.S. Constitution of 1787, the Treaty ratified in 1850 - permanent peace and amity treaty, the Protectorate of 1854 by the U.S., Great Britain, and France; the Neutrality Law of 1854 with U.S., Great Britain, France, etc.; and the Agreement between Queen Liliuokalani and the U.S. Junta.

Annexation claimed by the U.S. is a documented lie covered in Professor Williamson Chang's legal evidence, United Nations Alfred de Zayas, U.S. Supreme Court's Memorandum published in 2000, etc.  

Opposition was documented in 1897 by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.

The claim to 'Eminent Domain' Private Properties by the illegal Occupier State of Hawaii remains is not legal, and remains opposed.

Legally, due to the U.S. involvement in the invasion of the Kingdom of Hawaii, a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation, "all shall be returned" as documented by the U.S. Junta and Queen Liliuokalani's Agreement.

The Neutrality Law breaches remains unresolved.  See below for more information.





  1. by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2016) Let us review the the Article: 1897. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. - Article posted 1904 in the New York Times. ... 1897 - U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. 1897. U.S. President Cleveland left office. U.S. President McKinley succeeded him.
  2. Posted by Amelia Gora on March 8, 2021 at 2:43am in Politics ... U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897. Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects were under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation. Evidence of Premeditation has been found.
  3. MPORTANT! Found It!! U.S. President Cleveland's Orders to Willis ...

  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  U.S. President Cleveland's Warning & U.S. Neutrality Status

                                                     Review by Amelia Gora (2024)

U.S. President Cleveland's Warning to Americans exposed the Neutrality Law that was breached in August 1896; also the U.S. Passed their Neutrality Law in June 12, 1895 and continued it in July 27, 1896.

Therefore, like the anti-slavery law passed by Kamehameha III in the 1852 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the U.S. followed by passing their an-slavery law in 1865 or 13 years after the Kingdom of Hawaii's Constitution.

The Chronological list follows:

1852 - Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law.

1854 - Kamehameha III passed the Neutrality law.  Letters were served to the U.S., and other nations that had Treaties with the Kingdom of Hawaii.

1865 - The United States passed their anti-slavery law.

1895 - June 12.  U.S. President Grover Cleveland passed the U.S. Neutrality law.

1896 - July 27. U.S. President Grover Cleveland Announced the Continuation of the U.S. Neutrality law.

1896 - August 26. U.S. President Grover Cleveland warned Americans about the Neutrality law of the Kingdom of Hawaii.


1896  - August 26. U.S. President Cleveland: Warned About a Military enterprise or Expedition = Breach of Neutrality 

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, August 26, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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United States, a Neutral Nation -

More Grover Cleveland speeches

View all Grover Cleveland speeches

July 27, 1896: Announcing the Continuation of US Neutrality


By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Whereas by a proclamation dated the 12th day of June, A.D. 1895, attention was called to the serious civil disturbances, accompanied by armed resistance to the established Government of Spain, then prevailing in the island of Cuba, and citizens of the United States and all other persons were admonished to abstain from taking part in such disturbances in contravention of the neutrality laws of the United States; and
Whereas said civil disturbances and armed resistance to the authority of Spain, a power with which the United States are on terms of peace and amity, continue to prevail in said island of Cuba; and
Whereas since the date of said proclamation said neutrality laws of the United States have been the subject of authoritative exposition by the judicial tribunal of last resort, and it has thus been declared that any combination of persons organized in the United States for the purpose of proceeding to and making war upon a foreign country with which the United States are at peace, and provided with arms to be used for such purpose, constitutes a "military expedition or enterprise" within the meaning of said neutrality laws, and that the providing or preparing of the means for such "military expedition or enterprise," which is expressly prohibited by said laws, includes furnishing or aiding in transportation for such "military expedition or enterprise;" and
Whereas, by express enactment, if two or more persons conspire to commit an offense against the United States any act of one conspirator to effect the object of such conspiracy renders all the conspirators liable to fine and imprisonment; and
Whereas there is reason to believe that citizens of the United States and others within their jurisdiction fail to apprehend the meaning and operation of the neutrality laws of the United States as authoritatively interpreted as aforesaid, and may be misled into participation in transactions which are violations of said laws and will render them liable to the severe penalties provided for such violations:
Now, therefore, that the laws above referred to, as judicially construed, may be duly executed, that the international obligations of the United States may be fully satisfied, and that their citizens and all others within their jurisdiction, being seasonably apprised of their legal duty in the premises, may abstain from disobedience to the laws of the United States and thereby escape the forfeitures and penalties legally consequent thereon, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby solemnly warn all citizens of the United States and all others within their jurisdiction against violations of the said laws, interpreted as hereinbefore explained, and give notice that all such violations will be vigorously prosecuted; and I do hereby invoke the cooperation of all good citizens in the enforcement of said laws and in the detection and apprehension of any offenders against the same, and do hereby enjoin upon all the executive officers of the United States the utmost diligence in preventing, prosecuting, and punishing any infractions thereof.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 27th day of July, A. D. 1896, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-first.
By the President:
Secretary of State.



The above reflects the unresolved issues due to the Neutrality Law breaches made by Americans over time.

The punishments are severe and recorded by U.S. President Cleveland who did Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

Breaches of the Neutrality Laws are documented which can be used affecting State of Hawaii's Governor Green as well.

Research incomplete.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2024-0422: Opposition to Governor Josh Green's Move to Eminent Domain Private Properties in the Kingdom of Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member and Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


       Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2024-0422: Opposition to Governor Josh Green's Move to Eminent Domain Private Properties in the Kingdom of Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Family member and Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


As a Royal Family member, the heir of the blood of Princess Poomaikelani, and heir of the blood of four (4) of Kamehameha's children named Kaoleioku, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, Kanekapolei (w), and Kalanihelemaiiluna, a Representative of our Royal Family, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, Superior Court Judge/Supreme Court Judge, Judicial Tribunal Judge, etc. of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Opposition to Governor Josh Green's move to Eminent Domain Private Properties is hereby documented.

The Kingdom of Hawaii is a full/100% sovereign nation recognized since 1841 by Belgium.

The permanent Treaty of 1849 ratified in 1850 is a legal, binding contract which has article XIV in regards to piracy, fraud, etc.  The treaty is between Kamehameha III's heirs and successors and the U.S. President Zachary Taylor.

Treaties are the supreme law of the land as documented in the 1787 U.S. Constitution, and even Judges are bound to it.

Usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani, including Charles Reed Bishop, Sanford B. Dole, et. als. were supported by the U.S. Military invasion, expedition in 1893 as found in research.

U.S. President Cleveland did warn Americans about the breach of Neutrality in 1896.
See below.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.
See below.

There was No Annexation which means the U.S. has no Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands.
See below.

Allodial lands are forever lands conveyed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli from the time of the Mahele of 1848.  Aliens were given only Fee Simple, Less than Allodial, Freehold, and Leases of 30 years.

State of Hawaii Governor Green's Actions to "Eminent Domain" Private Properties of our Occupied Nation are those of War Crimes, etc. contrary to the U.S. Constitution of 1787, Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii ratified in 1850 - a Permanent Peace and Amity Treaty, Protectorate of 1854 breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France, and the Neutrality Treaty of 1854 breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France, Agreement between Queen Liliuokalani and the U.S. Junta in 1893, Rule of Law of the Kingdom of Hawaii, International Laws, Human Rights violations, etc.

Governor Green should also reveal his FAR number, Foreign Alien Registration Number that is assigned to all Foreign operators in our 100% sovereign nation.

As found in research

The U.S. Military invaded a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in 1893, supported by the U.S. Congress under U.S. President Benjamin Harrison.

The Provisional Government activists included Sharpshooters, etc. who were supplied weaponry/ammunition and instructions on how to War.

The Provisional Government could last only for two (2) years, and another form of government namely, a Republic had to be formed.
See:  Archives, Habeas Corpus case of Sheldon who printed the near accurate story of the overthrow of 1893.

The Provisional Government and Republic of Hawaii had no sovereignty.

U.S. became two (2) nations in 1897:  

1) the United States - operated with nations that had sovereignty and had Treaties, and 

2) the American Empire - operated with Territories that had no sovereignty.

Reference:  HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii case, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

3)  U.S. President William McKinley disregarded U.S. President's Grover Cleveland moves in returning Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani and had the Army, Navy, and other personnel "develop" a Territory for the United States and called it a Territory of Hawaii.

4)  Territories had No Sovereignty.

Note:  the Kingdom of Hawaii with 100% Sovereignty became occupied by White Annexationists/Supremacists from 1893 on.

5)  The Attorney General in court case PA PELEKANE, in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS claimed that the Territory of Hawaii was 'a successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii'.
Fraud, corruption, identity theft, piracy, etc. documented.

6)  In 1959, through Executive Order of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hawaii was given a 1/50% interest in the Sovereignty of the United States.

Note:  the occupied Kingdom of Hawaii remained a 100% Sovereign nation occupied by those who failed to follow rule of laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii, International laws, violating human rights, operating based on plundering, piracies of lands, assets, mineral rights, water rights, etc.

7)  The U.S., the State of Hawaii Governor, et. als. are Occupiers without granted authority to proceed in assuming Private Properties by 'eminent domain'.

8)  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii is the Kingdom of Hawaii.

9) As Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, I, Amelia Gora, have to authority to Null and Void illegal contracts in the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/the Hawaiiian Archipelago.

Maui Wildfire and Moves to 'Eminent Domain' Private Properties

 On August 8, 2023, the Maui wildfire resulted in  deaths, devastation, questions of lasers being the cause, brought the  Occupier State of Hawaii millions of dollars contributed with lack of accountability.

The documented Occupier State of Hawaii which has No Annexation, which means No Jurisdiction now seeks to gain Private Properties by Eminent Domain through a lawbreaker named Governor Green who sits on our Royal Family's Private Property next to Queen Liliuokalani's Washington Place which had only a lease from Kalanimoku.  Kalanimoku's heir of his body was his son Leleiohoku.  Leleiohoku married Ruth Keelikolani whose next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin was Kalola (w).

Part of the properties in Lahaina are under Leleiohoku's, Ruth Keelikolani's names.


Leleiohoku   LCA9971   RP -                   Ahupuaa in Lahaina, Maui
Ruth Keelikolani's land in Lahaina LCA 7716 Royal Patent 8146   2,061.79 Acs.

  I, Amelia Gora, am one of the heirs of the body of Kalola (w) who was married to Luluhiwalani the son of Keoua, the brother of Kalanimoku who was the landowner who
left his lands to his son Leleiohoku who married Ruth Keelikolani/Princess Ruth Keelikolani whose next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop, then Kalola (w) became the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Other Reminder, 

Rents are due of $50,000 per month retroactive to 1893 for lands occupied by Governor Green whose house sits on Leleiohoku's land behind of Washington Place, Honolulu, Oahu.

Maintaining our Private Properties

  As one of the landowners, Private Properties landowners, also one of the representatives of our Royal Family members, heirs of the body of Kalola (w) the Allodial landowners of all the lands claimed by the Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trust/ KSBE  also recognize that they legally ceased to exist when Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.
The Trustees are Not the Allodial landowners and have illegally deeded lands to the U.S., State of Hawaii, etc. over time.

Those transactions are all Null and Void.  

Those transactions are illegal.

Violations of the Kingdom of Hawaii laws and International Laws are noted and reasons why Governor Green is now listed on the Genocide Activities in Hawaii, reports to the Honolulu Police Department and our Kingdom of Hawaii records.  

Note:  the first report was recorded in 1998.

State of Hawaii Governor Green cannot assume Private Properties in the Hawaiian Islands or the Hawaiian Archipelago.

State of Hawaii Governor Green collaborates with non-owners called the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates who lost all interest in lands since 1893.

The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest or 1/3 interest of the estate, and Kalola (w) was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who died in 1884.  

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani/Princess Ruth.  Then Kalola (w) became the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Genealogies of Kalola's heirs of the body

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the heirs of the blood of Kalola (w) and inherited the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop through Kalola (w) son Kahekili/A. Kahekili Luluhiwalani and her hanai/adopted daughter Princess Poomaikelani/Kapoolohu/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/ Abigaila.

Kahekili/A. Kahekili Luluhiwalani and Kahananui (w) had son Ioela.

Ioela married Princess Poomaikelani/Kapoolohu/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/ Abigaila and had Haili (w) (and siblings).

Haili (w) married Kaluakini who was the hanai/adopted father of Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani.

Haili (w) and Kaluakini had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini (and siblings).

Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini married Joseph Matsugoro/Takeshita/Gora and had John Gora and siblings named:  Joseph, Walter, William, Jolly, Lawrence, and Francis Gora.

John Gora married Mary Gora and had myself, Amelia Gora and siblings named:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, and Marian.

Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs Operating in the Legitimate Government, the Kingdom of Hawaii

I, Amelia Gora, as Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs for more than eight (8) years, hereby Null and Void all illegal contracts made by the Occupier State of Hawaii, the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Trustees of Queen's Hospital, and other Trusts rightfully belonging in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Reference:  Landais and DeFlanchet cases, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Acting as a Representative of all kanaka maoli who are the Allodial landowners in the Hawaiian Islands, I hereby aid, assist, and protect their forever lands, along with our Royal Family's lands, the Crown Lands which was documented as owned by Kamehameha III 'himself, his heirs and successors, forever', and the Government Lands which is under the care of the House of Nobles, their heirs and successors, assisting the Minister of Interior who are the heirs of the body of John Kapena, et. als. and existing today with evidence of breaches of the U.S. Constitution of 1787, the Treaty ratified in 1850 - permanent peace and amity treaty, the Protectorate of 1854 by the U.S., Great Britain, and France; the Neutrality Law of 1854 with U.S., Great Britain, France, etc.; and the Agreement between Queen Liliuokalani and the U.S. Junta.

Annexation claimed by the U.S. is a documented lie covered in Professor Williamson Chang's legal evidence, United Nations Alfred de Zayas, U.S. Supreme Court's Memorandum published in 2000, etc.  

Opposition was documented in 1897 by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.

The claim to 'Eminent Domain' Private Properties by the illegal Occupier State of Hawaii remains is not legal, and remains opposed.

Legally, due to the U.S. involvement in the invasion of the Kingdom of Hawaii, a peaceful, neutral, non-violent nation, "all shall be returned" as documented by the U.S. Junta and Queen Liliuokalani's Agreement.

The Neutrality Law breaches remains unresolved.  See below for more information.





  1. by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2016) Let us review the the Article: 1897. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. - Article posted 1904 in the New York Times. ... 1897 - U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani. 1897. U.S. President Cleveland left office. U.S. President McKinley succeeded him.
  2. Posted by Amelia Gora on March 8, 2021 at 2:43am in Politics ... U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897. Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects were under duress, stress, coercion, and usurpation. Evidence of Premeditation has been found.
  3. MPORTANT! Found It!! U.S. President Cleveland's Orders to Willis ...

  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  U.S. President Cleveland's Warning & U.S. Neutrality Status

                                                     Review by Amelia Gora (2024)

U.S. President Cleveland's Warning to Americans exposed the Neutrality Law that was breached in August 1896; also the U.S. Passed their Neutrality Law in June 12, 1895 and continued it in July 27, 1896.

Therefore, like the anti-slavery law passed by Kamehameha III in the 1852 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the U.S. followed by passing their an-slavery law in 1865 or 13 years after the Kingdom of Hawaii's Constitution.

The Chronological list follows:

1852 - Kamehameha III passed the anti-slavery law.

1854 - Kamehameha III passed the Neutrality law.  Letters were served to the U.S., and other nations that had Treaties with the Kingdom of Hawaii.

1865 - The United States passed their anti-slavery law.

1895 - June 12.  U.S. President Grover Cleveland passed the U.S. Neutrality law.

1896 - July 27. U.S. President Grover Cleveland Announced the Continuation of the U.S. Neutrality law.

1896 - August 26. U.S. President Grover Cleveland warned Americans about the Neutrality law of the Kingdom of Hawaii.


1896  - August 26. U.S. President Cleveland: Warned About a Military enterprise or Expedition = Breach of Neutrality 

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, August 26, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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United States, a Neutral Nation -

More Grover Cleveland speeches

View all Grover Cleveland speeches

July 27, 1896: Announcing the Continuation of US Neutrality


By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Whereas by a proclamation dated the 12th day of June, A.D. 1895, attention was called to the serious civil disturbances, accompanied by armed resistance to the established Government of Spain, then prevailing in the island of Cuba, and citizens of the United States and all other persons were admonished to abstain from taking part in such disturbances in contravention of the neutrality laws of the United States; and
Whereas said civil disturbances and armed resistance to the authority of Spain, a power with which the United States are on terms of peace and amity, continue to prevail in said island of Cuba; and
Whereas since the date of said proclamation said neutrality laws of the United States have been the subject of authoritative exposition by the judicial tribunal of last resort, and it has thus been declared that any combination of persons organized in the United States for the purpose of proceeding to and making war upon a foreign country with which the United States are at peace, and provided with arms to be used for such purpose, constitutes a "military expedition or enterprise" within the meaning of said neutrality laws, and that the providing or preparing of the means for such "military expedition or enterprise," which is expressly prohibited by said laws, includes furnishing or aiding in transportation for such "military expedition or enterprise;" and
Whereas, by express enactment, if two or more persons conspire to commit an offense against the United States any act of one conspirator to effect the object of such conspiracy renders all the conspirators liable to fine and imprisonment; and
Whereas there is reason to believe that citizens of the United States and others within their jurisdiction fail to apprehend the meaning and operation of the neutrality laws of the United States as authoritatively interpreted as aforesaid, and may be misled into participation in transactions which are violations of said laws and will render them liable to the severe penalties provided for such violations:
Now, therefore, that the laws above referred to, as judicially construed, may be duly executed, that the international obligations of the United States may be fully satisfied, and that their citizens and all others within their jurisdiction, being seasonably apprised of their legal duty in the premises, may abstain from disobedience to the laws of the United States and thereby escape the forfeitures and penalties legally consequent thereon, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby solemnly warn all citizens of the United States and all others within their jurisdiction against violations of the said laws, interpreted as hereinbefore explained, and give notice that all such violations will be vigorously prosecuted; and I do hereby invoke the cooperation of all good citizens in the enforcement of said laws and in the detection and apprehension of any offenders against the same, and do hereby enjoin upon all the executive officers of the United States the utmost diligence in preventing, prosecuting, and punishing any infractions thereof.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 27th day of July, A. D. 1896, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and twenty-first.
By the President:
Secretary of State.



The above reflects the unresolved issues due to the Neutrality Law breaches made by Americans over time.

The punishments are severe and recorded by U.S. President Cleveland who did Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

Breaches of the Neutrality Laws are documented which can be used affecting State of Hawaii's Governor Green as well.

Research incomplete.


Posted by at 2:42 PM 

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