Monday, March 25, 2024

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Kingdom of Hawaii Occupied by Warmongers/Pirates Documented

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Kingdom of Hawaii Occupied by Warmongers/Pirates Documented

                                                        Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2024)

The Kingdom of Hawaii is about Religion and Morality vs. Pirates/Occupiers - Genocide Activists U.S. Supporting Warmongers:


The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages. The measure passed 14-0, with the United States abstaining.

Our Kingdom of Hawaii desires to help the innocents who are being plundered upon by the U.S. support. In 1893, the U.S. invaded the Kingdom of Hawaii and has occupied and pirated our friendly neutral non-violent nation and breached the Treaty, the Protectorate, the Neutrality Law, and the agreement of the U.S. Junta. Taxes, etc. are being pirated by the U.S. who wrongfully, criminally plunders upon innocents by funding, financing warmongers. See: Kamehameha III documented that "religion and morality" is the first interest of my Kingdom. Part of these monies should be used to provide water and food for the innocents in Gaza, Palestine, Haiti, and other areas whose innocent people are being plundered upon. Please inform other nations because many do not know that we are occupied and violated and are People's of Genocide who remain to be the true land owners and are occupied by a non-religion and immoral nation which is contrary to our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation. See: .........Thank you, Amelia Gora Royal Family Representative, a Kamehameha descendant, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Hawaii - c/o P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii - email:

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