Monday, April 17, 2023

Jurassic Park Producers & Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0416 Added Notice from the True Land owners, Landlords, the Allodial landowners or our Royal Family's Private Properties & Notifying All of the Identity Thieves, Pirates Claiming to be owners called the Trustees of the Reformed Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, etc. Amelia Gora, Royal person, one of Kamehameha's descendants, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii


IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2023 -0416 and      Jurassic Park Producers & Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0416 Added Notice from the True Land owners, Landlords, th






Jurassic Park Producers
Neutral Nations
U.S. President Joe Biden
Secretary of State 
Governor Josh Green, M.D. 
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

Many Interested others
    IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2023 -0416 and

     Jurassic Park Producers & Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0416 Added Notice from the True Land owners, Landlords, the Allodial landowners or our Royal Family's Private Properties & Notifying All of the Identity Thieves, Pirates Claiming to be owners called the Trustees of the Reformed Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop,  etc. Amelia Gora, Royal person, one of Kamehameha's descendants, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii

The following information is entered for our legal records which is intended to be used for the negotiations / and for negotiations for lease of our Private Properties belonging to our Royal Family and Not those claiming to own our Allodial Lands and fraudulently collecting monies for our lands:


1987 - In Washington - met Michael Crichton (see story below)

1991 - Michael Crichton wrote Jurassic Park utilizing some of my ideas as noted below.

1995 - Jurassic Park movie came out.

2005 - wrote letter to contact Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg - no response.

2008 - Michael Crichton died.

2022+ - Inventory made on our Royal Family's Private Properties.  
Our properties of Heeia, etc. under the name of Abner Paki was utilized by Steven Spielberg et. als.

Other properties including Punaluu Ahupuaa under Leleiohoku was utilized by Steven Spielberg et.als.

2023 - Our Royal Family was not compensated for the usage.

Illegal contracts were made by non-owners for  filming.

Negotiations must be made with our Royal Family and Not the non-owners who were not the Allodial Title land owners.

Negotiations for leases can be made by contacting us c/o P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii or email:

In person meetings  shall be held on Tuesdays, of Fridays from 10:30 to 1:00 PM at Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace formerly known as Central Intermediate in Downtown Honolulu a block away from the IOLANI Palace, Downtown Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, First Floor.

Our Royal Family the descendants and heirs of Kalola is the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani, one of Kamehameha's descendants who was the hanai/adopted sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Kalola was Bernice Pauahi's cousin and stepsister.

Lands Utilized for Filming

Heeia Ahupuaa - under the name of Abner Paki who was Bernice Pauahi's father, and uncle and stepfather of Kalola.

Punaluu Ahupuaa - under the name of Leleiohoku a husband of Ruth Keelikolani.  The land was owned by Ruth Keelikolani the hanai/adopted sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Kalola was her next-of-kin.

Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop

They were Aliens and could never own Allodial lands.  Aliens were limited to 30 year leases, rents, freehold, fee simple.  They were supported by the widower of Bernice Pauahi Bishop named Charles Reed Bishop who inherited 1/2 of the estate for his lifetime only.

The Trustees and Charles Reed Bishop helped to dethrone the Queen, were documented conspirators and lost all interest in lands in Hawaii in 1893.

Charles Reed Bishop deeded his life interest to the Trustees and died in 1915 which resulted in the loss of all lands when Bishop died.

Illegal Contracts 

Since 1893, lands were unlawfully, illegally conveyed, leased, rented to many by the Trustees and Charles Reed Bishop who had only 1/2 of the Estate.

Bishop and Trustees engaged in illegal contracts over time disregarding Kalola's 1/2 interest in the estate since 1884.

True Land Owners

Since 1893, Kalola's descendants and heirs owned the entire estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop which included Heeia and Punaluu  Ahupuaa's which were fraudulently claimed for by non-owners.

The True Land Owners are Kalola's descendants and heirs.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the Allodial landowners and one of the Representatives of our Royal Family descending from Kalola.

I, Amelia Gora, did contribute many ideas which resulted in the making of Michael Crichton's book and the movie Jurassic Park,/sequels, etc. which has been filmed on our Private Properties.

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Exists

The Legitimate Government is the Royal Government, the Kingdom of Hawaii, a Constitutional Monarchy Government which has full sovereignty vs. the U.S. created 1/50% sovereignty government based on the Executive Order signed by U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.  There was no Annexation:

Justice Memo.jpg

Negotiations for Land Use

Negotiations must be made with our Royal Family, the descendants and heirs of Kalola.

Please contact us.

Thank you,


Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, etc.


GmailAmelia Gora <>


Amelia Gora <>Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 4:46 PM
December 22, 2005

Mr. Michael Crichton
Mr. Steven Spielberg

                           Re:  Out of Court Settlement for Idea,
Information Utilized
                                   For Movie "JURASSIC PARK" and
the movies based
                                   On the "JURASSIC PARK" theme,
including "THE
                                   LOST WORLD"


My name is Amelia Kuulei Gora living on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.

Compensation for my Information/ideas that I had while speaking with
the writer, Michael Crichton is due.

The basis or my information/ideas was used in the movie(s) (and book

The basis or my information/ideas were also used for the
followup/sequel movies (and books) "THE LOST WORLD".

The movies were filmed, and directed by the marvelous Steven

Michael Crichton gave me his name and number scribbled on a paper,
and he knew my name also.  He asked me what college was I attending…
told him University of Hawaii at Manoa.  I believe he still remembers


I went to Washington, D.C. for a research conference.  I was a
student researcher for the Haumana Program, part of the Pacific
Biomedical Research Program.  (Verification may be made at the
University of Hawaii at Manoa – PBRC program for dates.)  I attended
the Washington Symposium utilizing a Federal grant, which included
flights to and from, hotel, meals, etc.

                        Regal Travel

27 Mar 87 – Friday
 United                 2 Coach Class
 Lv: Honolulu              515P            Nonstop
 Ar: Chicago/Ohare    503A            Arrival Date-28 Mar
 1Full/1Lt-Meal-Movie                     Seat-17K

28 Mar 87 – Saturday
 United            60 Coach Class
 Lv:  Chicago/Ohare       600A         Nonstop
 Ar:  NYC/Laguardia       900A
 Breakfast-Audio                              Seat-7A

                                            SURFACE TRANSPORTATION

04 Apr 87 – Saturday
 United              603 Coach Class
 Lv:  Wash/National         800A         Nonstop
 Ar:  Chicago/Ohare         901A
 Breakfast-Audio                               Seat-10F

 United              123 Coach Class
 Lv:  Chicago/Ohare        1005A       Nonstop
 Ar:  San Francisco          1233P
 Lunch-Movie                                     Seat-15A

05 Apr 87 – Sunday
 United               185 Coach Class
 Lv: San Francisco            200P        Nonstop
 Ar: Honolulu                     410P
 Lunch-Movie                                     Seat-34K

                                                  Passenger Portion
of Ticket      43.00

TicketNumber/S:                           7682901064-065
Check             .00

       AIR TANSPORTATION        .00   TAX           .00
TTL               .00

Note:  Went to New York, stayed overnite with other students, took
the train to Washington, D.C. to attend a Biochemistry Symposium.

In Washington, we stayed at:

1919 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20009

GORA, AMELIA           MS         IN:  03/29 – 04/04/87 (Out)
Folio: 410943

University of Hawaii at Manoa              Rate: 36.25  Room:  6149
1993 East-West Rd., Rm 217     FSE536
Honolulu, HI              96822

3/29/87  Cash/Check   BT  REF. No.         Credit 197.55

While in Washington, I visited many places, including the Museum.
I met good looking, disarming Michael Crichton and his pretty
girlfriend and told them that they were a good looking couple.

It was at the exhibit of those cute baby Triceratops (?), partially
hatched and full dinosaur eggs.  I remember gawking and scrutinizing
the exhibit and shared my thoughts with the good looking couple after
I noticed how everyone stared at the exhibit, almost hoping to see
the creatures move/come alive, hoping just like I.

I moved to my right and stared and gawked at the mosquito imbedded in
the aged resin and they came over to peer in also.  That's when I
told them that it would be so neat if one could tap into the mosquito
and remove the DNA molecules and figure out what kind of creatures it
had feasted on.  Of course the DNA was also solidified so it would
not be possible but it would make a good movie.

We discussed the DNA, and chatted about the Scientific Symposium that
I had attended.

The couple headed toward the large hall, and I followed shortly
behind. The cutey stopped, left his     friend and returned to me
with excitement in his eyes, his voice and asked me what period did I
think it was the Crestacean, Pleistocene(?)*** period or Jurassic
period.  Told him I think the Jurassic?

I had to head back to the visitor bus and meet my friends because we
were on a whirlwind tour and heading back.

Michael scribbled out his name, number and excitedly asked more
questions.  (I felt uncomfortable for a good looking guy handing me
his phone number while his     FRIEND was only a short distance away.)

Told him that I was a student researcher from Hawaii/University of
Hawaii at Manoa and on a Biochemistry Research Symposium in
Washington, D.C. and had to hurry back.

At the top of the stairs overlooking an enormous hanging dinosaur
skeleton, he asked me………if it were a movie, how would it turn out?
Told him it would have to have a family who were trying to escape.  I
continued to walk down the stairs while turning to talk with them and
stated that they would jump on the skeleton and all of the bones
would collapse and fall to the ground…..and that would be a neat

There were a lot a people around who heard me, including a boy of 12-
14 who stood out because like Michael and his     friend, his eyes
were as wide as saucers wanting to hear more.  Perhaps, even the
security guards leaned over to hear about the utter destruction of
their aged skeletal display.  Their display became a catastrophic
mess in the minds of all who heard.  It became a challenge to the
young and old because it was simply unheard of.

I left the place with the imaginations of many       ing the halls,
their minds open like a "Pandora's box" unleashed.

That was fun!  It was exhilarating to overstep the sciences and move
towards a creative one, which both of you have excelled and succeeded
in making it real in the film world.

For that bit, I feel, think, and believe that it's truly fair to be
given a fair amount of compensation.  For without the basis,
information/idea which was given, such a movie would not have come to
fruition….and that would be sad indeed.

Additionally, I look forward to the gawking faces of my five (5)
children, and my long time friend who had dared to give me his phone
number in 1990.  That was three (3) years after Michael Crichton had
given me his phone number.

On numerous occasions, my friend laughed and ridiculed me for my
memories, my ideas, and information.  He laughed at my detailed story
of the dinosaurs, talking about events of the movie.

(My friend also laughed and continues to laugh(!) about my ideas of
the safety surfboard leash. In the past (1972), some Japanese
surfer's from Kaneohe (Wayne Yonamine, Craig Arakaki, and Norman
Murakami) had laughed and made fun of my suggestion too.  It was in
the interest of saving lives because Norman (and many others) nearly
drowned.  He was one of the lucky ones.)  As it turned out, one of
their friends had taken up the suggestion and developed the leash as
suggested by myself.  My suggestion, because I worked at Sears
Sporting Goods part time at the time, was to utilize the cord with a
line with one end connected to the board and the other utilizing
velcro tied to the foot.  Because the surfboard is an island, I
explained.  They belittled and laughed at me and said, `the board
crashes downward, tied to the board one can get injured', told
them, `dive stupid' (had gotten irritated by them).  They asked, `how
do you tie it to the board' ---told them the skeg and they laughed
saying `the skeg comes off easily'---told them `hey you guys make
boards, just DO IT!' ---well someone is surely laughing their way to
the bank! For now…---The point is is that, that too was a good idea
by a part Hawaiian female!)

(Even my part Hawaiian surfing friend uses the surfboard leash and
laughs that off! He does not believe and I am willing to let him
meet/talk with those guys too!)

You're welcome to call me a creative advisor, if you will, one that
has been unpaid for a long time.  I also have a wealth of ideas that
could turn into more movies if you like.

Please feel free to discuss payments, etc. with my representative
attorney.  He has been hired as a contingent attorney.

Alternatively, in the event that Michael Crichton denies obtaining
the information/ideas from me, the entire issue will be exposed to
the public along with many ongoing, important issues
in/about/surrounding Hawaii.

I am the editor of the news on the web called the IOLANI – The Royal
Hawk which is currently exposing corruption in entities, Government
(s), the illegal dethroning of Queen Liliuokalani, the Kingdom of
Hawaii, antiwar issues which reaches many around the world.  Truth
and honesty is the news.  I also have a controversial website:

I am also a writer of Hawaiian History and genealogy books.  Hawaii's
history affects the world today.  You're welcome to download some of
my writing's at under hawaiian_genealogy_society-akg .

My history and genealogy books are sold at the University of Hawaii
at Manoa bookstore.

If you my name "amelia gora or amelia kuulei gora" there
are also many topics there.  Other search machines will also pick up

There are even published articles at the British Medical Journal
site/ see "The Mummies Curse", etc.  That in itself would
make an interesting movie as well.

It would be an honor for Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg to
consider making a movie about Hawaii and the affects on the World

Please consider more challenges to the minds and imaginations of
many, and even those with an anti-war stance.  You will be remembered
by many, many more who believe and rely on Truth these days.

There are many Royal families, activists (Kingdom of Hawaii, antiwar,
nuclear free, etals.), foreign government officials, writers
(including Michael Moore, John Kaminski, Jeff Rense, etals. who
contribute to the news on the web), college professors, students,
etals. who read the weekly news from Hawaii.

Your expeditious reply will be greatly appreciated.


Amelia Kuulei Gora

Ps.  A face to face meeting would be acceptable.  I wouldn't mind
seeing you, the cutey, handsome Michael Crichton again.  Hope you got
married to the pretty      you were with….your children must be good
looking too.

 All of the above is true, correct to the best of my knowledge.

Also, I am a Royal person not subject to the laws, one of the
descendants of Kamehameha, Queen Liliuokalani, Kahekili of Maui,
Kaumualii of Kauai, John Young, Isaac Davis (Kamehameha's counselors)
et als. Descendant.

(Note and Comments:
Pursuit of TRUTH is necessary is these days.  Aloha and Happy
Holidays! Have a Safe, Family, Friends Holidays! )


IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2023 -0415 and      Jurassic Park Producers & Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0415 Notice from the True Land owners, Landlords, th


" class="gmail-CToWUd gmail-a6T"/>  


Jurassic Park Producers
Neutral Nations
U.S. President Joe Biden
Secretary of State 
Governor Josh Green, M.D. 
Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands

Many Interested others
    IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2023 -0415 and

     Jurassic Park Producers & Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Legal Notice No. 2023-0415 Notice from the True Land owners, Landlords, the Allodial landowners or our Royal Family's Private Properties & Notifying All of the Identity Thieves, Pirates Claiming to be owners called the Trustees of the Reformed Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop,  etc. Amelia Gora, Royal person, one of Kamehameha's descendants, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii

My name is Amelia Gora and I met Michael Crichton while visiting Washington, D.C.  I attended a Scientific Symposium and visited the Museum there.

We spoke and I shared my ideas with him.  We discussed ideas about the mosquito imbedded in the amber material and I told him wouldn't it be neat if the DNA that the mosquito had gathered could be used to recreate the creatures from the past?  Then he followed me over to the triceratops exhibit showing the babies emerging from the eggs and told him that everyone seemed so interested in the creatures and it would be neat to have it move and hatch etc.  He was with his pretty girlfriend at the time and he gave me his phone number.  He asked me that if there was such a movie made what period should that be?  He named a few of the periods and we both agreed that it would be the Jurassic period.  He asked me how would such a movie end?  I hurried down the stairs as I told him that such a creature created would be terrifying a family who climbed on the bones of the prehistoric creature and it would come crashing down............the Security Guard and a young boy were appalled at the description and they were shocked about the destruction of the exhibit as I rushed down the stairs to meet my friends at the bus waiting at the front.  

Crichton knew that I was visiting from Hawaii and attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa with my Biochemistry Student Researcher status hopefully to move into the John Burns Medical School.

Interestingly, Crichton was a Medical Doctor when he died.

I threw away his phone number out of guilt because his girlfriend was attractive and I didn't want to intrude.  I kept his phone number until I felt I needed to throw it away.

I did keep the evidence of my visit to the Museum, my airline tickets, hotel tickets, etc. and did write a letter to the producers.  I did not get a response.

Movies beginning with Michael Crichton's "Jurassic Park":

  • Jurassic Park (1993 - movie)
  • The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997 - movie)
  • Jurassic Park III (2001 - movie)
  • Jurassic World (2015 - movie)
  • Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (2020 to present - animated TV series)
  • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018 - movie)
  • Battle at Big Rock (2019 - short film)
  • Jurassic World: Dominion (2022 - movie)
* Michael Crichton died in 2008 from cancer.  see:
Jurassic Park Movies on Our Royal Family's Lands
Some of the movies were filmed on Oahu, including on our family lands ..... Kualoa - belonging to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and occupied by conspirators descendants of Gerritt Parmele Judd, Albert Francis Judd, etc.  
Other areas includes our lands of Heeia  owned by Abner Paki whose daughter was Bernice Pauahi Bishop, and stepdaughter Kalola who's our ancestor.
Punaluu is another of our lands which is under the name of Leleiohoku who was married to Ruth Keelikolani and whose heir was Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin was her cousin and stepsister named Kalola.
The Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees have been criminally claiming our Royal Family's lands since 1884 with Charles Reed Bishop who was entitled to only a life interest of 1/2 the Estate of Bernice Pauahi.
Bernice Pauahi's next-of-kin was Kalola who inherited 1/2 the Estate until the death of Charles Reed Bishop.
Because Charles Reed Bishop and the Trustees conspired against Queen Liliuokllani in 1893, they lost all interest in lands.
Kalola, her heirs and descendants became the full owners of the entire Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop since 1893.
Charles Reed Bishop deeded his life interest to himself, the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and they continued to claim lands that they could not own.
Allodial lands were inherited by only the bloodlines of Kamehameha, and not to Aliens who could only be conveyed Fee Simple, worth only 30 years.  This included Leaseholds, Freehold, less than Allodial.
The Trustees claimed that all the heirs died and they made themselves heirs.
See:  Land Court case #1228, Hawaii State Land Court case(s), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The Kingdom of Hawaii with 100% sovereignty continued on.
United States President William McKinley disregarded U.S. President Grover Cleveland's return of Hawaii to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897 and McKinley had the Territory of the United States "developed" by the Army, Navy and others and disregarded the documented breach of the Neutrality Law from Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
U.S. President Grover Cleveland warned Americans about breaching the Neutrality Laws.
Michael Crichton did use some of my ideas for "Jurassic Park" and I received nothing for my ideas.
Then, the usurpers/conspirators descendants used our Royal Family's properties to film and make monies off of our lands without compensation as well.
Our lands are private properties and can no longer be used by your film companies.
The transactions made with the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE etc. are Illegal Contracts made by non-owners.
Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest which ended in 1893 due to conspiracy, piracy, racketeering, treason.
Charles Reed Bishop and the Trustees did Reform the Trust in 1896 operating from the Provisional Government turned Republic of Hawaii which had no sovereignty.  
There was no Annexation and U.S.  President McKinley had the Territory of the United States developed by the Army, Navy, and other personnel which was placed under the new second nation of the U.S. called the American Empire.
see :  Peacock vs. the Republic of Hawaii case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1899, Supreme Court/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The American Empire dealt with Territories that had no sovereignty.
The first nation was the United States which dealt with nations that has treaties with the U.S.
Charles Reed Bishop deeded his life interest to himself, and the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
The Trustees lost all interest in 1893 due to conspiracy, piracy, racketeering, and treason.
All interest ended upon Charles Reed Bishop death in 1915.  Instead, the Trustees perpetuated a crime and operated as if they were the owners disregarding our Kamehameha descendants, the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
 Negotiations for any future uses of our lands for filming will have to be done with our Royal Family - the Allodial land owners, the true owners, and Representatives who are not the Kamehameha Schools Trustees, the City & County, or the State of Hawaii who were fraudulently conveyed our Royal Family's private properties as discovered in our Inventory/ Accounting of our lands. 
The rental fees are $500,000 per acre per month retroactive to 1884 when Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.
The billings for rents were sent to the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees.
We remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and am informing you that this is also a legal notice/legal advisory which has also been sent to the Neutral Nations and many others.
or write:  P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786

Main Conspirator, Treasonous Person in Hawaii - Charles Reed Bishop Affecting the Trustees of Kamehameha Schools, et. als. by Amelia Gora, Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs - Kingdom of Hawaii

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