Saturday, April 22, 2023

BMJ Postings/British Medical Journal

One Foot In The Past

The mummy's curse: historical cohort study

BMJ 2002325 doi: (Published 21 December 2002)Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:1482

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The mummy's curse: historical cohort study

BMJ 2002325 doi: (Published 21 December 2002)Cite this as: BMJ 2002;325:1482

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As a young child, I had always been interested in King Tut's tombs,
the artifacts, etc.

The issues of biological, spiritual, are definitely true and needed

The above appear to be diversions or reasons why some of the peoples
involved may have been set up or killed.

Reason? Monies, gold, finances involved. The same thing happened in
Hawaii....the stealing of TREASURES, lucrative money making ventures by

Hawaii had a three way PROTECTORATE: Great Britain, United States
and Germany with France as a friend closeby.

The undertaking/excavation of the King Tut's tomb involved GREAT
BRITAIN, AMERICAN and GERMANS due to the book(s) kept and translated from
the German language. See GODS, GRAVES AND SCHOLARS The Story of
Archaeology by C. W. CERAM, translated from the German by E. B. Garside
New York Alfred A. Knopf (1952). The book has an intense accounting of
the history as early as 1903 where the Egyptians allowed American Davis to
excavate, taken over by the Englishmen and Germans.

Wars were gotten at the expense of the Kingdom of Hawaii's
monies....U.S. was bankrupt in 1893/depression in 1893 and Congress
celebrated at the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, called her
NIGGER, etc. Germany owed LOTS OF MONEY, needed money.....Great Britain

The Issues of MONEY, DIVERSIONS, DECEIVING the public even using the
idea of an ancient or claimed CURSE is also part of this picture.

World War II fought by Americans is based on FRAUD due to the FRAUD
CLAIMS over Pearl Harbor, which is based on a FRAUD DEED entered in courts
only three years ago...many died NEEDLESSLY.

Germany, owing monies over time, was funded by Prescott Bush,
grandfather of current President Bush. Adolph Hitler was funded by
American(s) Bush and killed 6 million Jews. English were part of the
Masons, Freemasons, like the Bush family and others to breakdown MONARCHY
governments, ANCIENT SOCIETIES with a foundation of WEALTH, CULTURE,

Notice how there appears to be a DIVERSION meant to MISLEAD many,
used as ENTERTAINMENT in the past.....the DIVERSIONS used today are the
entertainment/Hollywood, actors, singers, etc.

Lastly, the world under the microscope is indeed an unexplored area
of study, however; greed, political maneuvers, economic reasons are
actually the true issues, the GRAVEROBBERS, EXPLOITERS, with political,
economic interests are areas which cannot be set aside in analyzing the

Aloha. From One of Kamehameha's descendants, a Royal person

Competing interests:  
Chronological History of Hawaii, Abroad, and the United States

Competing interests: No competing interests

THE MUMMIES CURSE - A Historical DIVERSION? BMJ › rapid-response › 2011/10/29 › m... Dec 21, 2002 — As a young child, I had always been interested in King Tut's tombs, the artifacts, etc. The issues of biological, spiritual, are definitely 


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