Monday, May 30, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: About Princess Ruth, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kalola et.als. and the Alien Infiltrators Affecting the Hawaiian Kingdom

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  About Princess Ruth, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kalola et.als. and the Alien Infiltrators Affecting the Hawaiian Kingdom

                                                                               Review by Amelia Gora (2022)

The following came off of Facebook:

Poe alien putting out lies .....Ruth was hanai sister of Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was an adopted/hanai child of Mataio Kekuanaoa ... a bunch of white supremacists saw an opportunity to conspire against our Royal family and used the teachings of Yale and Harvard white supremacists to move on their claims ...these lands are allodial lands which cannot be owned by aliens and Kamehameha’s descendants exist .... I for one connect to Ruth Keelikolanis brothers Paalua, Kapena, John Kapena... it’s not our problem that many have failed to do their homework ... Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin to Keelikolani and she inherited her properties... then when she died her probate showed Kalola as her next-of-kin which means Bernice Pauahi Bishop cousin and stepsister became heir.... her husband a white supremacist faggot who had several male lovers was the backbone of the overthrow of his hanai sister Queen Liliuokalani... Bishop was a treasonous person who lost his life estate of half interest .. the other half became our ancestors kalolas and descendants which turned to full interest since bishops treasonous activities ... didn’t you know that the Kamehameha schools along with punahou also engaged in treason for their part in supporting the annexationist ... then top that off with an NSA, FBI called Booz and Allen giving supporting advice in how to maintain a trust that the do not own! Share this far and wide .... there was no annexation rents are due from documented pirates who have been adjudicated in our Hawaiian Kingdom courts! This is posted for the records!
May be a black-and-white image of 1 person
"Princess Ruth Luka Keanolani Kauanahoahoa Keʻelikōlani was a strong supporter of Hawaiian language and traditional cultural practices. Born in 1826, Keʻelikōlani was a descendant of senior royal lines on both sides of her family. During a time when many Hawaiians were converting to Christianity, Keʻelikōlani retained many traditional Hawaiian religious practices even though it had been abolished in 1819. As a member of the royal family, Keʻelikōlani served as Royal Governor of the Island of Hawaii. Keʻelikōlani understood English, however, she insisted that she be addressed only in Hawaiian and required non-Hawaiian speakers to use translators if they wished to communicate with her. By the 1870s, Keʻelikōlani was the largest landowner in Hawaii. Despite the fact that she owned a Western-style house, Keʻelikōlani chose to live in a large, traditional grass home. When she died, Keʻelikōlani willed all 353,000 acres of land that she owned, 9% of the Hawaiian Islands, to her cousin Princess Bernice Pauahi and later it was put in a trust for the Kamehameha Schools." -- via the National Women's History Museum #AAPIMonth
To inspire kids with more stories of real-life women who changed the world, we highly recommend the picture book "Shaking Things Up: 14 Young Women Who Changed the World" (
) and the illustrated biography "HerStory: 50 Women and Girls Who Shook the World" for ages 8 to 13 (
For books for children about Native American and Indigenous girls and women, visit our blog post, "A Celebration of Native American and Indigenous Mighty Girls" at
You can also find over 100 books starring both real-life and fictional princesses who are smart, daring, and determined in our special feature: "The Ultimate Guide to the Independent Princess" at
For more books for children and teens on trailblazing girls and women from around the world, visit A Mighty Girl's "Role Models" biography section at
Jason Perez Guillory
  • Kanaloa Koko
    Princes Ke'elikolani and Princess Pauahi come from the Royal house of Queen Moana which is the Royal Line I come from and they are my Royal cousins that was in the,Kanaina probate who is the father of King Lunalilo.
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  • Amelia Gora
    Our family are the siblings of both of them ... the oldest brother Paalua the stepbrothers Kapena, John Kapena, furthermore keelikolanis two husbands are siblings of our ancestors ..... Leleiohoku And Isaac Young Davis .... we are the heirs of Ruth keelikolanis one share in Charles Kanaina and two shares of Bernice Pauahi s interest in Charles Kanaina s interest too and we descend from 2 of Queen Liliuokalani’s hanai/adopted children ,,,, our fa
    Ily like the English, French monarchy etc only married family which is why we know who belongs and who doesn’t belong on our genealogy lines ....
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  • Kanaloa Koko
    The shares of the land of Kanaina was sold off by the administrator ordered by the court and all family were compensated I've been fighting in a court case for the last 10 years with land still left of Kanaina given to him by a family member. There are also other family members in the case but we are the closest bloodline to to Kanaina From anyother family members. No more land left
    In the probate case
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  • Kanaloa Koko
    Kanaina and his youngest brother Kaawhoeola who married his aunt the sister of their mothers are 6 generation grandparents and they are the half Brothers of Queen Liliuokalani grandmother that's how we're closely related to Queen Liliuokalani.
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  • Amelia Gora
    Queen Liliuokalani had many hanai/adopted children which includes two of my gg grandmothers: Kekualoa and Princess Poomaikelani. My grandmother sat with Queen Liliuokalani and watched the dancers hula.... Charles Kanaina did say he was married to Kekauonohi in Kealiiahonui's probate so there are many heirs to C. Kanaina......he became a stepfather to all the Kamehameha's too...complex for sure...but the Allodial titles says it all....Aliens especially the usurpers do not have the jurisdiction to all lands in Hawaii..... have you read all of Dr. De Zayas docs about Hawaii? Important for sure... AWAII'S INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STATUS - Alfred de Zayas ...
     › 2019/08/22 › ha...
    Aug 22, 2019 — The Hawaiian Kingdom constitution clearly states that all royal titles are no longer inheritable and can only be acquired through a public ...
    Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
    Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
    Alfred de Zayas' Human Rights Corner
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  • Amelia Gora
    notice that DeZayas talks about the Hawaiian Constitution... the Bayonnet Constitution was signed under stress, duress, usurpation with a gun to Kalakaua's head.... the 1864 Constitution was with psyops present ...Hartwell who maneuvered the legalese, etc. ---the Royal Family's exist under stress, duress, usurpation, documented genocide, etc. which means null and void has been made etc. ---the intent to destroy Monarchy governments has been on the agenda by pirate nations and documented for all to see ....the united nations was also developed for those purposes....but some nations have now opened their eyes to the truth....furthermore support of other neutral, friendly, non-violent nations continues...such as Kuala Lumpur, etc. - posted for the records.
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