The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Tampering of Alii Genealogies from 1874 On Documented....
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2022)
Genealogies of our Alii were posted in 1867 which included Kalola who became the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop:
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Comment by Amelia Gora on January 12, 2012 at 10:48pm
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CCompare the 1867 Genealogies and the 1874 Genealogies........
Notice how Ruth Keelikolani's father changed from Kahalaia to Kekuanaoa.....Kekuanaoa died in 1868.
Notice how Queen Emma's husband Bennett Namakeha's genealogies were eliminated and not shown in the 1874 genealogies.
Notice how Kahekili, Kalola (w) genealogies were eliminated in the 1874 genealogies. Our families are descendants of these lines..............
Can you see the the heirs had been eliminated.........but the names are documented in the testimonies, etc. which validates the 1867 genealogies.
Many were afraid of our tutu Kekuanaoa.........and when he died in 1868, lots of criminal deviance occurred............
Kekuanaoa was married five (5) times:
(1) - Kalehua/Kauhi - son Paalua/JWD Paalua.
(2) Pauahi - Keelikolani/Ruth Keelikolani daughter; stepson: Kapena
(3) Kinau - children: Moses, David, Lot/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV, Victoria Kamamalu, and hanai/adopted : Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
(4) Kalolo/ Kaloloahilani - no children.
(5) Kalima - children: John, Sam, and Umiokalani (female) - stepchildren of Kekuanaoa.
1871 - Kalola's son entered Kamehameha descendants court cases, Bernice Pauahi Bishop did not.
Reference: Probate 365 - Hooleia (female) case. Kahekili the son of Kalola was awarded lands with Akahi (widow of Kalanimoku) and her stepson Leleiohoku.
1874 -Sanford B. Dole wrote articles about "the last of the Kamehameha's"; other writers followed suit.
1883 - Ruth Keelikolani's next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop. Her 353,000+ acres were given to her along with her Palace, and all of the Kamehameha artifacts.
1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died. Her spouse Charles Reed Bishop became an heir of a life interest. He could never own allodial titles. Her stepsister a true cousin named Kalola owned the other 1/2 of her estate then the full interest after Charles Reed Bishop died.
1893 - Charles Reed Bishop conspired to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani and lost all interest in Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Estate.
Charles Reed Bishops partners-in-crimes included Sanford B. Dole, all of Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Trustees, the Kamehameha Schools students, Punahou Schools students etc. and lost all interest in lands, etc. due to conspiracy, treason, piracy, premeditation, etc.
Kalola's descendants owned full interest which means they owned Ruth Keelikolani's lands, etc. and Bernice Pauahi Bishops lands.
1915 - Charles Reed Blshop died and shared his pirated loot with his family, and friends.
Bishop signed a deed to himself, and Bernice Pauahi Bishop's trustees. The Deed was for his life interest. This is a criminal conveyance with intent to defraud the true heirs, owners.
The Trustees under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop claimed to be heirs but are really calculating pirates, pillagers entrenched in acts of conspiracy against the Royal Family of a Constitutional Monarchy.
2022 - Rents are due from Pirates, pillagers, racketeers who are Not the allodial landowners of our Royal Family's lands, monies, interests, etc.
The tampered genealogies since 1874 are Evidence of fraud, conspiracies, piracy, pillaging, racketeering against a neutral, non-violent, friendly peoples who did no wrong.
Ramifications are ongoing.
All lands affected must be returned. All monies, etc. must be returned.
Research incomplete.
and now this is exposed for all to see...............
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