Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Legitimate government in Hawaii Series: Review of the Infiltration of the Constitutional Monarchy government in Hawaii


The Legitimate government in Hawaii Series:  Review of the Infiltration of the Constitutional Monarchy government in Hawaii

                                                                        Review by Amelia Gora (2022) 

Notice how many are eager to celebrate the 1893, January 17 date of the wrongful  Overthrow  of Queen Liliuokalani?

In actuality everyone should look at it as a time when the U.S. became documented Pirates in the world.

The real celebration to be had is  the   Facts Found /the Truth leading to the wrongful,   planned, premeditated overthrow  of Queen Liliuokalani!

A Concert of Pirates Plans

The following   are facts found which shows that there was No Annexation,   Hawaii was given back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897 by U.S. President rover Cleveland who recognized that the Royal government is the Legitimate government in Hawaii.

Some of the most important articles are:

1822 - Secret Treaty of Verona - which shows the moves by nations in collusion who looked to break down Monarchy governments world wide which included Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Great Britain, the Vatican, and the United States.

1840 -  The Kingdom  of Hawaiis Monarchy government became a Constitutional Monarchy when Kamehameha III   signed a Constitution.

1841 - Belgium was the first to recognize the Kingdom  of Hawaii.

1844 - An Agent for the United States claimed to have been the first to recognize the Kingdom  of Hawaii which was printed in the newspapers.

1845 - Kamehameha III had a retraction printed denying that the U.S. was over other nations in recognizing Hawaii and had a reprint made showing that Great Britain was also in a like place.

1850 - A Permanent   Treaty of Amity and Friendship was signed and ratified by both the Kingdom  of Hawaii and the United States President Zachary Taylor.

1852 - A Constitution was signed which included the anti-slavery law.  

Note:  the United States signed into law an anti-slavery law which was worded similarly to the law documented in the Kingdom  of Hawaii thirteen years later or in 1865.

 1854 - A Proclamation of Neutrality was made and signed by Kamehameha III, and served to the United States and many other nations.

Review by Amelia Gora (2021). Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli made a Neutrality Proclamation and Had the Proclamations served to the U.S., Great Britain, ...

1854 --  A Protectorate was agreed to by the United States, Great Britain, and France over the Kingdom  of Hawaii.

1864 - A Constitution was signed by Kamehameha  V.
Note:  It Abrogated the 1852 Constitution which included the anti-slavery law.
Abrogated -”Definitions. To formally annul or repeal a law through an act of the legislature, constitutional authority, or custom. In contract and insurance law, it is to rescind or terminate a contract.

Important note:  Former American Civil War General Alfred Hartwell selected as a Judge by Kamehameha V, influenced many changes in laws and did participate in the overthrow  of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

Jan 29, 2017 — researched by Amelia Gora (2017) The following American Civil War Generals were found in the Hawaiian Isl… ... 5) Alfred Hartwell.
Oct 29, 2016 — Background on A.S. Hartwell, a Conspirator: He was an Honorary Brevet Brigadier General working under President Lincoln in the American Civil ...

1887 - A Constitution was signed by King David Kalakaua wo was forced to sign with  a gun to  his head.  The Constitution was prepared by the White Supremacists who stripped the King of his rights.

Note:  King Kalakaua was under duress  which means that the 1887 Constitution was null and void.

1891 -  Queen Liliuokalani took office based on the  White  Supremacists 1887 Constitution which shhad called the Bayonet  Constitution.

Note:  The Queen attempted to remove the Constitution by having the 1864 Constitution re-entered into the government laws.

Extra Note:  King David Kalakauas Constitution was signed under duress which made the Constitution that he signed a fraud and illegal document.  Queen Liliuokalani too was under duress makinthe 1887 Constitution illegal.

1892 -  Benjamin Tracy of the U.S. Navy met wit Samuel Andrews relative of Lorrin Thurston in Makua Valley, Oahu, and helped to plan the overthrow  of Queen Liliuokalani.

Other activities/groups were getting ready to overthrow  the Queen and through research has been recorded.  See articles posted in the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk for other important information.  see: and Afft./Lien no. 96-177455 (281 pages) filed on 12/17/96 at the  Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

John Foster, Secretary of State under U.S. President Benjamin Harrison directed the overthrow  of Queen Liliuokalani.  See article about John Foster:

Read John Foster's article....a whistleblower out of history documents. ... Amelia Gora Reference: John Foster, he helped direct the overthrow article --an ...
Feb 23, 2020 — The constitution was enacted on October 8, 1840, by King Kamehameha III and Kekāuluohi as Kuhina Nui, an office similar to .
Prime Minister or ...
Conspiracies Planned, Set, and Moves Made

The stage was set for the White Supremacists and their planned organizations to shoot, kill, hang, guillotine, drown, scalp, turn into slaves, beat up,   treat inhumanely, etc. those who did not help to overthrow  the Queen in 1893.


Feb 18, 2020 — posted by Amelia Gora (2020) ... Yes, the Hawaiian Kingdom's history includes killing, enslaving, imprisoning, ... 153) Oxnard, Henry T.

Masons, Freemasons arrived in Hawaii a few weeks before the overthrow, and a parade to celebrate their city called Honolulu, Oahu.

Note:  Masons, Freemasons were operatives who arrived in Hawaii to assist in overthrowing  a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.  They arrived from various nations and operated in concert with the Sharpshooter's, the Army in Hawaii, missionaries/mercenaries, the Portuguese community, Punahou schools administrators and students, and Kamehameha Schools administrators and students.


1893 - The BOSTON warship was given orders on January 9 to enter Honolulu to assist in protecting the lives and safety of Americans.

1893 - Queen Liliuokalani was overthrown by White Supremacists whhad wanted Hawaii since 1826.  

The U.S. was bankrupt and nearly out of gold.  A U.S. Representative had asked for loans and were denied during King Kalakauas time.

The American Civil War had rendered the U.S. government, Great Britain bankrupt due to the costs of War.  Funding was gotten from the Bank of England, etc. and loans were due.

Queen Liliuokalani destroyed the new Constitution that she introduced, was actually   th1864 Constitution rewritten.

1893, 1894, 1897 - U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland did remind Americans of the Neutrality laws which was basically ignored by men who failed to follow rule of law, international laws, and acted as Pirates against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

U.S. President William McKinley

 Failed to follow the U.S. Constitution of 1787, the Treaty of 1850 ratified, a Permanent friendship and amity treaty between Kamehameha III his heirs and successors and U.S. President Zachary Taylor - the 1887 Constitution was made by the White Supremacists and forced on King David Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani, which was illegal due to duress.

He breached the Neutrality Laws, and the Protectorate status of the Kingdom  of Hawaii.

The Kamehameha Dynasty Continued

King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani were part of the Kamehameha Dynasty:  

Their mother Keohokalole was a hanai/adopted daughter  of a Kamehameha descendant named Nahuina, child of hanuna son of Kaoleioku, the Oldest son of Kamehameha with Kanekapolei.  hanuna was the brother of Pauahi, mother of Ruth Keelikolani, brother of Konia, the mother of Bernice Pauahi who married one of thheads of the overthrow  conspirators named Charles Reed Bishop, banker, and Pirate of the Pacific.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was also the stepsister of Kalola, Kaluaikau, Alapai, Abigail Maheha et. als  her hanai/adopted sister was Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.

Note:  Queen Liliuokalani was a party to the 1850 Treaty of Amity, and Friendship with the United States.  She too was an heir, and a successor of Kamehameha III.

Queen Liliuokalani was also a party to the Neutrality Law of 1854 which  was signed by Kamehameha III.

Note:  Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution documents that Treaties are the supreme law of the land and Judges are to also adhere to that as well.

Extra Note:  U.S. President McKinley, et. als. failed to follow the rules of law which included the U.S. Constitution, the supremacy clause  article 6 as well - treaties are the supreme law of the land.

1897   - Opposition to Annexation was made by Queen Liliuokalani and 40,000 of her subjects.

1898 - U.S. President William McKinley created another nation for the U.S. called the American Empire and placed Territories that had no Treaties on that list.

Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii, Hawaiian reports, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.  

McKinley had the Army, Navy, and other personnel develop the Territory of the United States then had it called the Territory of Hawaii. 

The United States maintained the second nation which operated with nations that had treaties intact.

Note:  McKinley disregarded the Kingdom  of Hawaii as having an active Treaty with the United States.  It was Sanford B. Dole who wrote an article claiming that Kamehameha V was the last of the Kamehameha's in 1874.  Later the claims were also made for Bernice Pauahi Bishop, then   Ruth Keelikolani.

Also note:  By claiming the last of the Kamehameha's, the Treaty of 1850 would not be in effect.  But wrong, the Kamehameha's  existed then and their descendants exist  even today.  The treaty is a permanent friendship and amity treaty.

1959 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an executive order making the Territory of Hawaii - created by the U.S. which was under the American Empire, and made it a State with a shared sovereignty or 1/50 interest in the sovereignty of the United States.

Note:  The Kingdom  of Hawaii /Hawaiian Kingdom  as full sovereignty and remains a separate, independent nation which never went away.  

1969 - An article appeared about the SEIZURE of Hawaii which shows that there was NO ANNEXATION.

2000 - The U.S. Justice Department had an article showing that Hawaii was not legally annexed by the U.S.

2015 - Law School head and Law Professor Williamson Chang researched the moves towards Annexation and found that it is not possible for the U.S.(or any nation) to Annex another sovereign nation.

Feb 16, 2015 — by Amelia Gora (2015) ... see the article "Thirty Days of Hawaiian History" from the PACIFIC ... OHA 29th #3 with Williamson B C Chang.
2018 - United Nations Dr. Alfred deZayas recognized that the Kingdom  of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom  exists and the U.S. is indeed an occupier meaning there was NO ANNEXATION!

May 10, 2019 — Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the ... posted by Amelia Gora (2019).


The Kingdom  of Hawaii /Hawaiian Kingdom  exists wit full sovereignty.   
The State of Hawaii as a 1/50 sovereignty for bein a created part of the United States with
 the criminal efforts of U.S. President William McKinley who failed to follow rule of law, disregarded the Kamehameha's existence, failed to follow the Neutrality Laws, International laws, failed to respect the Treaty signed by U.S. President Zachary Taylor and supported the genocide activities against kanaka maoli who remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent operating nation.  

The Kingdom  of Hawaii /Hawaiian Kingdom  exists with Full Sovereignty - 100% vs. a Pirate created entity called the State  of Hawaii with 1/50% sovereignty shared with 49 other States which makes up the United States or full sovereignty equal to the Kingdom  of Hawaii/ Hawaiian Kingdom.

Apologies were not accepted by the Royal Family which was an apology Public Law/ P.L. 103-150  from U.S. President William Clinton in 1993.

U.S. Senators Akaka and Daniel Inouye represented the Pirate created 1/50% for the occupying  entity called the State of Hawaii..

Our Constitutional Monarchy government continues on as well as our Royal Family, descendants and heirs of Kamehameha who ruled as the Kin in 1810 with knowledge that the U.S. wanted to Annex us since 1826 as documented by John Foster, Secretary of State under U.S. Benjamin Harrison in 1893.

Kamehameha lll through Queen Liliuokalani and our Royal Family today maintains a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Rents are due, and our Kingdom  of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdoms records needs to be returned, etc..



Correction: Our Royal Families - Part 3

OUR ROYAL FAMILIES - Part 3 or Corrected Version: Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners: The Royal Families/ Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research by Amelia Gora (2015)

In the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaiian
Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii or

Corrected Version:  Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners: The Royal Families/ Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research by Amelia Gora (2015)


Corrected Version:  Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners:  The Royal Families/Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research
                                                                                  by Amelia Gora (2015)
The following are some of the Descendants/Heirs of Kamehameha Found in Research.  
Introducing the Royal Families who are the Crown Land, etc. Owners who are not subject to the laws, have sovereignty, maintain all non-treasonous persons/kanaka maoli and subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and maintaining the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Treaty with Japan, Treaty with the Netherlands, Convention with Portugal, Convention with Russia, Treaty with Spain, Treaty with Sweden and Norway, Treaty with the Swiss Confederation, Postal Convention with Tahiti, etc.:
Kamehameha's Family/Bloodlines/Heirs/Children/Descendants:
1)  Kaoleioku - his four (4) children were:  Pauahi (w); Hanuna/Hanuno (k); Keola (k) and Konia (w)
2)  Kanekapolei (2) - her children were:  Kikau (k); u.i. others/research incomplete
3)  Kahiwa Kanekapolei - her children were:  Kepelino (k); u.i. others/research incomplete
4)  Keliiokahekili (w) - her children were: u.i. others/research incomplete
5)  Liholiho/Kamehameha II - research incomplete
6)  Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III - his children were 10:  Keawe 1(k); Keawe 2 (k); Opunui (k); Kekipi;                          Keawe; Mahoe (w); Kahalaoa; Papa; Nalimu; and Albert Kunuiakea.  His hanai                                            hookama/ adopted and inherited sovereignty:  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV;                                 Hueu Davis, Kale Davis (w), and Peke Davis (w)
7) Nahienaena (w) - her u.i. child/research incomplete
8) Kamamalu (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children
9)  Kinau (w) - married Liholiho/Kamehameha II her step brother - no children
10)  Kinau (k) - his children were:  Miriam Kekauonohi/Kekauonohi (w); Maulili (k); and                      
                        Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k)
11)  Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (k) - his children were:  Kalaniulumoku (k) and Abner Paki (k)
12)  Kahalaia (k) - was with Pauahi (w) the mother of Ruth Keelikolani; also married Kekuanaoa (k)
13)  Kapapauai (w) - child u.i. - research incomplete
14)  6 other u.i. siblings of Liholiho/Kamehameha II; Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III; and
                         Nahienaena  (w) - research incomplete        
Kamehameha's had 19 Children, which includes those being researched.              
So, the foreigners claimed that Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V was the "last of the Kamehameha's"
In 1874, Sanford B. Dole, a treasonous, conspirator, pillager, pirate did write an article stating that Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V(died in 1872) was the "last of the Kamehameha's".,  see the article "Thirty Days of Hawaiian History" from the PACIFIC  COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER at:
Sanford B. Dole was one of the planners of taking over the King's/Queen's position or the Royal Families genealogies, lands, assets, resources since the 1870's.  
The other planners included Charles Reed Bishop, husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who was a hanai sister/adopted sister of Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Ruth Keelikolani, et. als.  
Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V died in 1872.
Ruth Keelikolani died in 1883.  
 Ruth Keelikolani was also called "the last of the Kamehameha's" by the foreigners.  She died in 1883.
Ruth Keelikolani died in 1883 and it was claimed to have left all of her lands to Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was also claimed to be "the last of the Kamehameha's" by the foreigners, a lie that was promoted and perpetuated by treasonous, conspirators, pirates, pillagers named Sanford B. Dole, Charles Reed Bishop and Friends, et. als.
The Truth:
Kamehameha had a total of 19+ children.
Royal Families are Not subject to the laws.  Kamehameha's descendants/heirs existed and were living in Kamehameha's life time.  
Let us review where "the last of the Kamehameha's" Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, and Ruth Keelikolani came from:
Kamehameha's  three (3) of his 19 children and their children:
Child #9:                                                         Child #1:                                             Child #11: 
Kinau (w)               ( step siblings)          Kaoleioku (k)                                   Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki (k)
      /                                                                        /                                                                                      /
Moses Kaikioewa                          Pauahi (w) daughter:  Ruth Keelikolani (w) 1) Kalaniulumoku(k)
David Kamehameha                     Hanuna (k) children: Kapule, Kini(w),Hookahi(w),  2) Abner Paki(k)
Lot Kamehameha/                                                   and  Poohina (w)                                          /
  Kamehameha V                      Konia (w) daughter:  Bernice Pauahi (w)     Bernice Pauahi
Alexander Liholiho/                         hanai daughter:  Kaeha/ Makaeha/
   Kamehameha IV                             Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani                         Kalaniulumoku (k) ch:
Victoria Kamamalu                     Keola (k)                                                                               Kalola (w), Alapai(k)
hanai/adopted:  Bernice Pauahi (w)                                                                                  Jane Loeau (w)                                                                                                                                                               Abigail Maheha(w)
                                                                                                                                                           P.F. Koakanu (k)
                                                                                                                                                                et. als.,
step children:  Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua (k) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 1st wife - Kalehua)
                            Ruth Keelikolani (w) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 2nd wife - Pauahi)
                             John Kapena (k) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)
                             Sam Kapena (k)  (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)
                             Umiokalani (w) (from Mataio Kekuanaoa's 5th wife - Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine)
Note:  Kinau (w) and Pauahi (w) were two of the five (5) widows of Liholiho/Kamehameha II.
1) Mataio Kekuanaoa, House of Nobles member, married  Kalehua - Son:  Paalua/Palua/Kapaalua(k)
2) Mataio Kekuanaoa married Pauahi (w)  - Daughter:  Ruth Keelikolani.  
3)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kinau (w) - Children:  Moses; David; Lot/Kamehameha V;
                                                                                  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu;
                                                                                  hanai:  Bernice Pauahi
4)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kaloloahilani/Kalolo (w) - no children
5)  Mataio Kekuanaoa married step sister:  Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine (w) - her children were
                                               John Kapena, Sam Kapena, Umiokalani (w), Alenoho (k), Kapehe (w) et, aks
 Mataio Kekuanaoa had a total of five (5) marriages.
Mataio Kekuanaoa had a Probate disregarding the fact that he was a Permanent member of the House of Nobles, a Sovereign successor through his ancestor Kaumualii.
Mataio Kekuanaoa was part of the Royal Families who are not subject to the laws.
Mataio Kekuanaoa, a successor, a non-Kamehameha descendant/heir of was made heir of a Kamehameha descendant Victoria Kamamalu by the First Circuit Court Judge.
When Mataio Kekuanaoa died, his heir was Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop, et. als..
Ruth Keelikolani  who was not the only heir, left her interest to her hanai sister Bernice Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Problematic Issues
1)  Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop were Not the "last of the Kamehameha's".
2)  Kamehameha had a total of 19+ children and the three - Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, younger brother of step sister Ruth Keelikolani and hanai sister Bernice Pauahi /Bernice Pauahi Bishop were from  three (3) out of his 19+ children.
3)  All three (3) were Kamehameha's descendants leaving first cousins existing who were also descendants/heirs of Kamehameha.
4)  All three (3) were Kamehameha's descendants, part of the Royal Families who were Not subject to the laws, as with their siblings/step siblings/cousins who were Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.
5)  They were and remain beneficiaries, reciprocal beneficiaries of all of Kamehameha's lands which includes the Crown Lands, etc.
6)  It was the desire/greed/lust, etc. of the non Royal Families/foreigners/whites/Americans, et., als. to assume Kamehameha's lands since their arrival in the Hawaiian Islands.
7)  The foreigners who made up the third part of the Hawaiian Government, a temporary, voted in position called the House of Representatives helped to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, did conspire, premeditate, pirate, pillage lands, estates, trusts, etc. of the Royal Families.
They were treasonous and did belonged to the third part or temporary voted in part of the three-part government.  The permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government was headed by the Sovereign's / Kamehameha's heirs and successors, and the House of Nobles heirs and successors.
It was the treasonous group which dethroned Queen Liliuokalani and acted as the Provisional Government which was backed by the United States.  
The United States of America became the United States and the American Empire as documented in the Peacock vs. Hawaiian Republic case in 1899. ( see HAWAII REPORTS at the Archives, Main Library, or the Supreme Court Law Library,)
Queen Liliuokalani did state that those who dethroned her was an entity, neither de facto nor de jure.  Reason being that the treasonous persons were only part of the voted in, temporary body of a neutral, friendly, non violent nation which was supported by the United States, England, and the bankers - including the J.P. Morgan bankers who were the investors for bankrupt nations United States, and England due to their American Civil War losses, etc.
8)  The foreigners moved on the genealogies, the history, and the legal activities to accommodate themselves but have been discovered through research the criminal undertakings with the intent to defraud, assume, pirate, pillage what is not theirs, does not belong with documented evidence, etc.
9)  The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV is applied against all who have pirated, pillaged, against our Royal Families, which includes Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's heirs/descendants and successors which includes Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha I's, and Kaumualii's children, step children, hanai children/adopted children, and including the House of Nobles permanent members descendants/heirs documented in articles posted for the Judicial Tribunal evidence, etc.
The above shows the 19+ heirs of Kamehameha, his children whose descendants/heirs exists today including myself, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs from four (4) of his children and  two (2) of his hanai/adopted children.
The above shows the Kamehameha heirs.  The successors list are posted at "Our Royal Families Part 2".
All of the above is part of the genealogy, history, legal research which uncovers the treasons, criminal frauds, the mega frauds, pillaging, piracy(ies), racketeering, corruption engaged in by the Americans supported by a bankrupt, corrupt, deviant nation which wrongfully Plundered upon a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and wrongfully utilized villainous characters to conspire against the true land owners, the true title owners who maintains the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, which recognizes the Constitution of the United States of America even today.
This evidence is also being used for the purposes of the Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom, etc. and supports the reasons why it is Not O.K. to utilize our Families, our Nations funds for the use of Wars and wrongful Plundering Upon Innocents at our expense, etc.
There are legal reasons why the American Consulate needs to operate here because War crimes have been committed and crimes against our Royal Families, subjects, friends, and supporters is unacceptable.
Maintaining our Royal Families land claims, all kanaka maoli land claims in the Hawaiian Islands/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Hawaii and aloha.
                                                                  Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, successors,
                                                                 House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Konohiki, Hawaiian
                                                                 Genealogical Society member - Hawaiian Kingdom

fyi...............a reminder, a keeper......

Replies to This Discussion

Permalink Reply by TK on April 8, 2008 at 3:45pm
Has anyone refuted or challenged Steven T. Newcomb after the article was published?
Permalink Reply by Yolanda Crisostomo on April 8, 2008 at 4:52pm
Aloha TK,

I don't know.

Permalink Reply by Tane on May 4, 2008 at 6:03pm
The US Supreme Court agrees with this analysis. They questioned Congress' jurisdiction. This was part of our argument decades ago, till today. The Ku'e Petitions are a key document to this argument that demonstrates that the Hawaii Nationals were opposed to it. The few who swore alligience to the Republic of Hawaii did so under duress as a means for employment to sustain themselves and their family. Others, the majority did not because they had their farms and not in the city of Honolulu. Under the Republic, the Hawaii nationals were not allowed to vote save a few who were landowners of a sizeable amount of land. The Republic was in name only and protected by the US military. Their presence in the first 75 days of the invasion was there specifically to protect the Provisional government set up by the US businessmen (Thurston, et al) and the US minister John Levitt Stevens under the guidance and approval of US Secy of State James Blaine and President Harrison. Thereafter, the US presence was more of a show of strength and monitoring what was ongoing to intimidate the people of Hawaii. They were afraid that Japan would step in and restore the Queen to the throne. Countries didn't want to go to war with the USA so kept their distance but watched the turn of events as this was an international concern.
Permalink Reply by Anston Kanehailua on May 4, 2008 at 8:15pm
Brah dis gottah be spread around to all the Hawaiians that don't know what really is going on
Permalink Reply by Tane on December 4, 2008 at 5:09pm
Help spread the word.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 2 seconds ago
Stephen Newcombs article is an important
Keep/Save for your files.............
Professor Williamson Chang's video/information is also very important........
  1. OHA 29th #3 with Williamson B C Chang

    • 8 months ago
    OHA 29th #3 with Williamson B C Chang.
  2. Professor Williamson Chang Repo Attorney General 09-22-2014

    • 4 months ago
    Press Conference on Letter of Professor Chang to Attorney General Eric Holder, and others, Statement of Professor Williamson ...
  3. Dr Chang Discusses Pu'uhonua Part One

    • 1 year ago
    September 20, 2013 Dr. Williamson Chang, professor at the UH Manoa school of law talks to a group gathered by Ohana ...
  4. Iolani Palace with Williamson B.C. Chang 1-18-2014

    • 1 year ago
    Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law Degrees AB Princeton University 1972 JD University of California, Berkeley 1975 ...

    1. Kiliwehi Kekumano Nanakuli DOI Testimonies

      • 7 months ago
      This video is about Kiliwehi Kekumano Nanakuli DOI Testimonies.
    2. Ko Hawaiʻi Polokika-Politics of Hawaiʻi

      • Active 1 week ago
      • 14 videos
      An initiative to create a platform to educate about Hawaii's true political landscape and the Hawaiian Kingdom's continued illegal ...
      • CHANNEL
    3. William Aila DOI Nanakuli Testimony... is he lying? I'll let you de...

      • 7 months ago

Reminding everyone on the eve of American Holiday for Prince Kuhio, a traitor, a conspirator, PIRATE, supported by Americans and their 50% supporters living on the Crown Lands:
For the purpose of this article, some of the Paid off Hawaiians/kanaka maoli/treasonous/ conspirators, et. als. follows below:
*Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Kuhio
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole was not allowed to vote in Congress.....he was only allowed to talk:
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole claimed Queen Liliuokalani Insane, entity Hawaii Court rules in favor of Treasonous persons Cleghorn, Smith, and Iaukea
Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed
articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web see hawaiian genealogy society and
Note: All the above articles indicate that he was not a supporter of Queen Liliuokalani. Kuhio was also a Mason/Freemason and friends of Charles Reed Bishop and conspirators/pirates of the Hawaiian Kingdom, our Queen, and aboriginal Hawaiians, kanaka maoli, Hawaiian Nationals.
Kanaka maoli were under duress, stress, usurpation, and coercion..........Premeditation to assume a neutral, friendly nation is documented..............what does that mean?  Ramifications ongoing.....



Exposing Some of the Highlights of Research-Part 2 by Amelia Gora (2014)-Masons in Washington, D.C. and the Hawaiian Islands Affecting the Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893

The following article shows some of the history of Washington, D.C. and that U.S. President George Washington was a "Grand Master Pro Tempore" of the Masonic Order when they celebrated a cornerstone in 1793......

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, October 16, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:




In 1892 (days before the criminal dethronement of our Queen, Queen Liliuokalani) a Masonic celebration was held which lay a "cornerstone" and the Masons proclaimed that Hawaii was the "home city of the Masons":

The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, December 28, 1892, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, December 28, 1892, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, December 28, 1892, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, December 28, 1892, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

Page  OLD HUNDRED - song mentioned above  

Note:  Many of the above names have been/will be listed in the Judicial Tribunal list.

In Thomas Allen's book NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, etc. Allen stated that the Masons were set up to break down Monarchy Governments worldwide................ Conspiracy documented.

See for Part 1.

There are many unresolved issues, which reveals that this is truly the CRIMINAL MECCA of the U.S., genocide issues 


Informing many because..............


Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!


Tags: HawaiiHawaiianKingdomcorruptionfraudinparasitespiratespredatorsuncovered

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