Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Legitimate government in Hawaii Series: Repost - Coronavirus Prevention: Remembering the Basic Spiritual Truth, other tips, History of the 28 Pandemics, etc.


 The Legitimate government in Hawaii Series:  Coronavirus Prevention: Remembering the Basic Spiritual Truth, other tips, History of the 28 Pandemics, etc.

                                                    Review by Amelia Gora (2022)

Coronavirus Prevention:  Remembering the Basic Spiritual Truth, etc.

                                                                Review by Amelia Gora (2020)

We learned that when God created man, he also created all medicines to benefit appears that Western medicine has taken us far away from that basic guide....for example, did you know that Papa Awai used the natural Hawaiian plants to get rid of cancers....and the Western doctors actually took lessons from him? In the Hawaiian Islands, we have the kahuna laau lapaau who practice the traditional medicines..... the Sage comes from India? and that clears the air from germs - bacteria, etc. ….. prayers also helps...… malama pono everyone

The following are posts in regards to the Coronavirus19 Prevention, etc.:

  • Amelia Gora We learned that when God created man, he also created all medicines to benefit appears that Western medicine has taken us far away from that basic guide....for example, did you know that Papa Awai used the natural Hawaiian plants to get rid of cancers....and the Western doctors actually took lessons from him? In the Hawaiian Islands, we have the kahuna laau lapaau who practice the traditional medicines..... the Sage comes from India? and that clears the air from germs - bacteria, etc. ….. prayers also helps...… malama pono everyone.
    Sister Act- I Will Follow Him
    Sister Act- I Will Follow Him
    Sister Act- I Will Follow Him

The following are recent posts about the Coronavirus 19, etc.:

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus 19 Prevention...Heals Patients Faster.... Worth Trying!

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Gigi Briones Roco Verdejolo added a new photo to the album: T I P S.Follow
Now the Corona virus outbreak is spreading all over the world. In Indonesia alone is increasingly growing.
There is an interesting incident in China.
when the Corona virus epidemic broke out in many parts of the world, there was a family that was completely untouched by the Corona virus.
There was a doctor who was surprised by this and he visited the family. the doctor discovered that this family put peeled onions on a bowl every day and placed them in every room in the house.
finally the doctor took one of the bowls with peeled onions and with the bacteriological method the doctor found that the entire surface of the onion was full of viruses and germs that were already inactive.
The onion turns out to suck the virus and germs then focus it into the intra-cell, then digest it in the vacuole and kill it.
Not only viruses, but also bacteria, germs, all of them are collected there when they are inactive or dead.
then this doctor also saw that there were several shops in China that also installed shallots around the shop and were also free from epidemic attacks and found that their employees were healthier.
finally the doctor came to a conclusion: So place a few peeled onions in a bowl, place them in the bedroom and living room.
Change every day, then you will be free from all viruses and bacteria including Corona virus.
finally this doctor made an experiment: He had a patient with severe pneumonia or pneumonia and was undergoing treatment. So this doctor took some onions, then he peeled and put in a bowl and then placed beside the patient's bed overnight.
at first he felt strange himself. Even her medical doctor friends thought she was practicing magic.
The next morning the doctor was shocked because it turned out that the onion had turned black. and when the onion is taken and examined in a laboratory it turns out that the onion is full of germs and bacteria.
Every day this doctor puts onion and if it has blackened then discarded and replaced with new ones.
It turns out that this doctor's patient healed faster.
well let's start now, we put onions that have been peeled. Put it in a bowl and place it in the room, living room, warehouse, and every corner of the room. Hopefully the viruses, germs and bacteria in your home will be completely absorbed by onions.
spread this news to friends, relatives, relatives, so they can also prevent the Corona virus.


Amelia Gora…/coronavirus19-co… Interesting points found in aged 1866 book... 


What if...

"Thanks to the huge fear generated worldwide, literally billions of dollars were spent by more than 60 countries around the world stockpiling Tamiflu to prevent both the avian and swine flus. As the meds had a shelf life of seven years, almost all of those millions of doses eventually went down the drain, while the billions of dollars spent flowed straight into the coffers of big Pharma and into the pockets of the politicians who supported them. Fomenting fear clearly can be very profitable for some."

Dear friends,

The coronavirus is spreading. Many thousands of people have died around the world and more are dying every day. Caution is clearly warranted to protect our health that of our loved ones.

Yet what if...

What if there are some powerful people in our world with no sense of morality or ethics?

What if some of those people – let's call them the power elite – have risen to top positions in government and corporations?

What if these elites at times band together in secret meetings to coordinate how they can get more money and more control over the public?

What if they've learned to take advantage of big shocks to the public – like pandemics and terrorist attacks – to forward their control agendas and make huge profits from predictable market swings and fear-based purchasing?

What if these heartless elites have developed many ways to stealthily fan the flames of fear during these shocks to make the public more afraid and more willing to surrender their freedoms to the authorities?

What if besides the huge profits to be made by these elites, the coronavirus is being used as a further test to see how much we are willing give up our freedoms when fear runs rampant?

What if we, the people, learn to recognize this as it's happening?

What if each of us has incredible untapped power as sovereign individuals to follow our inner and higher guidance and to transform fear into love no matter what challenges we face?

What if the vast majority of us on this planet in our core really want to find ways to love and support each other in finding deeper meaning and greater harmony in our lives?

Friday, March 27, 2020

CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!! Important about Fever Meds for the Coronavirus19

DO NOT TAKE ADVIL OR IBUPROFEN - kick starts /feeds the virus......these people had major issues with breathing......
Those who died had Advil and Ibuprofen...……...only take ACETAMINOPHEN, Tylenol...…..
l.  stay home, well, and safe
2. Do Not take Advil or Ibuprofen - virus thrives on these.
3.  Those who recovered did Not have Advil or Ibuprofen in their body.
4.  Check with your private physician.


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Jesuits Behind the Scenes....Coronavirus developed by Scientists... Global CHAOS Intended .....Believe it or Not?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Make Your own Sanitizers at Home: Project Safety

Monday, March 23, 2020

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: The 28th Pandemic - Entity Governor Ige FAILS in Protecting the Lives, Health, and Safety of the People in the Hawaiian Islands

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Vol VII No. 797 - We need to Laugh in these times; or explore ...... .including...survival gardening....


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Updated: The 28 (not 27) PANDEMICS DOCUMENTED IN HISTORY - Part 1

                             Updated: The 28 PANDEMICS DOCUMENTED IN HISTORY - Part 1

                                         Correcting The 27 PANDEMICS posted at

                                                  -  From 430 B.C. thru 2020 A.D. -

                                                                                       Review by Amelia Gora (2020)

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Updated - The 28 Pandemics - Part 2 - Deaths and Vaccines Developed

                                  Updated:  The 28 PANDEMICS DOCUMENTED IN HISTORY - Part 2

                 Deaths Recorded (Highlighted in Yellow) and Vaccines Created (Highlighted in Turqoise)

                                                  -  From 430 B.C. thru 2020 A.D. -

                                                                                       Review by Amelia Gora (2020)




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