Thursday, January 9, 2025

Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/All Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2025 - 0109j Royal Family's Allodial Landowners of King William Lunalilo's, Charles Kanaina's Interests Requiring Weekly Usage of the Administration Building on the Grounds of the Iolani Palace Effective Immediately from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family's Representative, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Researcher and Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii





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 Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/All Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2025 - 0109j Royal Family's Allodial Landowners of King William Lunalilo's, Charles Kanaina's, et. als. Interests and Requiring Weekly Usage of the Iolani Palace Basement or Administration Building or the Fort  on the Grounds of the Iolani Palace Effective Immediately from  Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family's Representative, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Researcher and Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


As one of the Allodial landowners of King William Lunalilo's whose father Charles Kanaina became heir and his heirs were:

Charles Kanaina the father of King William Lunalilo's Heirs in Probate:

There were nine (9) interests in the Probate of Charles Kanaina.  They were:

(1)  Bernice Pauahi Bishop (1/9 - total 2/9 int) 

(2)  Bernice Pauahi Bishop (1/9 - total 2/9 int)  

(3)  Ruth Keelikolani (w)

(4)  Hana Lilikalani (w), Edward Lilikalani (k), and Naihe (k)

(5)  A.W. Haalilio (k), Levi Haalelea (k) and Kahukaiola (k)

(6)  Pahau (w)

(7) Kaaua (k)

(8)  Kaiapoepoe (k) et. als.

(9)  Kahonu (k) et. als.

We have decided to utilize our Private Properties for the purpose of our Royal Family's meetings, classes, etc.

I, Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, and one of our Royal Family's Representatives, have multiple claims based on the following  

- 5/9 interest in the following heirs:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Ruth Keelikolani, A.W. Haalilio, Levi Haalelea,  Kahuakaiola, and Kaau;a.

- Konohiki interest to King William Lunalilo, Charles Kanaina, et. als.

5/9 Interest Follows:

(1)  Bernice Pauahi Bishop 1/9 interest (2/9 interest in total).

Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin in Probate of the Kingdom of Hawaii was Kalola (w), a cousin and a stepsister.

Father                                                Mother                                          Child

Abner Paki                                        Konia                                            Bernice Pauahi 

Abner Paki                                        Kakainaalii                                   Kalola (w)

 Note:  Kalaniulumoku -Abner Paki's brother died in 1838 and his widow became a wife of Abner Paki.

Also Note:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the Next-of-Kin to Ruth Keelikolani.

and Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Next-of-Kin was Kalola (w).

(2)  Bernice Pauahi Bishop 1/9 interest (2/9 interest in total).

Father                                                Mother                                          Child

Abner Paki                                        Konia                                            Bernice Pauahi 

Abner Paki                                        Kakainaalii                                   Kalola (w)

 Note:  Kalaniulumoku -Abner Paki's brother died in 1838 and his widow became a wife of Abner Paki.

Also Note:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the Next-of-Kin to Ruth Keelikolani.

and Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Next-of-Kin was Kalola (w).

(3)  Ruth Keelikolani 1/9 interest.

Father                                                 Mother                                           Child

Mataio Kekuanaoa                             Pauahi                                            Ruth Keelikolani

 Note:  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the Next-of-Kin to Ruth Keelikolani.

and Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Next-of-Kin was Kalola (w).

(4)  Kaaua 1/9 interest.

Father                                                      Mother                                          Child

Kapena                                                   Kalima                                          John Kapena

Mataio Kekuanaoa                                 Kalima                                         John Kapena

                                                                                                                    Sam Kapena

                                                                                                                   Umiokalani (w)

                                                                                                                   JWD Paalua

                                                                                                                   Ruth Keelikolani

                                                                                                                   Moses Kekuaiwa

                                                                                                                   David Kamehameha

                                                                                                                   Lot/Kamehameha V

                                                                                                                   Alexander Liholiho/

                                                                                                                       Kamehameha IV

                                                                                                                   Victoria Kamamalu

                                                                                                         hanai: Bernice Pauahi Bishop

Kaaua                                                            Kalima                                  John Kapena et. als.

John Kapena                                                 Kalaikini                               Keawe

                                                                                                                    Kekualoa (w)


(5)  A.W. Haalilio (k), Levi Haalelea (k) and Kahukaiola (k)

Father                                                              Mother                                  Child

John Ii                                                       Sarai Hiwauli                             A.W. Haalilio 

                                                                                                                     Levi Haalelea


                                                                                                  hanai/adopted:  Victoria Kamamalu 

                                                                                                                            Kapehe (w)

Konohiki Interests

Amelia Gora, and others



It is anticipated for our meetings to commence on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 10:00 A.M. and held at our pleasure thereafter.

Our Royal Family members including myself are heirs of the body of Kamehameha through four (4) of his children:

(1) Kaoleioku - thru son Hanuna

(2) Kanekapolei 2 (w) - thru son Kikau

(3) Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III - thru son Opunui

(4) Kalanihelemaiiluna - thru son Kalaniulumoku

Also, am heir of the body of Kalaniopuu thru four (4) of his children:

(1) Kiwalao

(2) Puali Nui (w)

(3) Kalaipaihala

(4) Manoua (w)

Also, am heir of the body of Kaumualii thru two (2) of his children:

(1) Kinoiki (w) - daughter Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapapoko/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani.

(2) Haupu/Kahekili - daughter:  Kalima (w)

Also, am heir of the body of John Young  thru his daughter Grace Kamaikui:

(1)  Hueu Davis - son Kailio

(2)  Peke Davis - son David Keawe/Davis Keawe/DW Keawe/DW Pauahi

Note:  The husband of Grace Kamaikui died.  His name was Isaac Davis.  Both John Young/Olohana and Kamehameha  adopted the three (3) children:  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis.

The Genealogy information was researched by Amelia Gora, the Hawaiian Genealogical Society who continues our ancestor's Princess Poomaikelani since the time of King David Kalakaua.


We are the Private Property Allodial landowners, the Generational Trust landowners based on the 1848 Mahele by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Rents are due at the rate of $50,000 per acre per month retroactive to 1893, and fees for admission fees, etc.  This includes the 4 milllion acres Private Properties as noted by University of Hawaii at Manoa Law Professor Wiliamson Chang  Reference:

" Hawaii has a total of 4 million acres. 1.8 million acres of those lands are these

“ceded lands.” These are the crown and government lands of the Kingdom of Hawaii that were confiscated by the Provisional Government and the Republic of Hawaii. They were supposedly “ceded” or transferred by the Republic of Hawaii in 1898 to the United States by the Joint Resolution of annexation. In short, the Joint Resolution, the act of annexation of sovereignty, was supposedly also a deed. The United States claimed it is the deed by which all public property, all public lands were transferred to the United States on July 7, 1898. During the territorial period much of these public lands were secured for federal or territorial use by executive orders, either by the President of the United States or the Governor of the Territory. At statehood the United States “ceded” the public lands it no longer needed back to the State of Hawaii. Hence, the use of the term “ceded lands.” By the Act of Admission those lands were to be held in trust for both the general public and native Hawaiians. The issue of the legal status of the “ceded lands” is the nine hundred pound gorilla in the room. For both camps, federal recognition, or de-occupation, for the Hawaiians everywhere, from the man on the street, to the trustees of the Bishop Estate and all the Alii trusts, from the Civic Clubs, to the Homesteads, to the student at Manoa to the Hawaiian working on the docks--- it is about “land”—it is about the lands the United States and the State tookit is about the ceded lands. Whether we are a Hawaiian National, Native Hawaiian or native Hawaiian on Homestead land--whether we are Hawaiian in halaus, Hawaiian musicians, Hawaiian students, or Hawaiians working in State Government we are all responsible for the status of our public lands. It is clear to me that the “ceded landsdo not belong to the United States or to the belong State of Hawaii. The Joint Resolution had no power to take our public lands: it was neither a treaty nor a deed. How can it have such power, it was merely an act of the United States Congress? If an act of the United States Congress could acquire the public lands of Hawaii, an act of the Kingdom of Hawaii, by its House of Nobles and Legislature, could also acquire the public lands of the United States. The very meaning of “sovereignty” is the absolute power over your own territory and
“Of Time and the River: Ceded Lands and the Ongoing Quest for Justice in Hawai’i” Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law University of Hawai’i William S. Richardson School of Law September 2, 2014 Honolulu, Hawai’i Page 3 property. The United States and the Kingdom of Hawaii as subjects under international law have no power to take the property of another state and no other state can take their public property. The only means of transferring property is by treaty. There was no treaty. The Joint resolution was not a treaty. [See Appendix A] :"

Questions?  P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

thank you and aloha.

p.s. Please review the other requests including the eviction of the Princess Ruth School/ Princess Ruth Keelikolani School/ Central Intermediate School.

Our Royal Family owns 17 acres in total for Leleiohoku's Property which was inherited by Ruth Keelikolani then left to

Bernice Pauahi Bishop as Next-of-kin, then to Kalola (w). Charles Reed Bishop inherited only a life interest which ended in 1915.

The Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates interest ended in 1915.


facebook: Meetings, classes anticipated for the Iolani Palace by our Royal Family .......... please share far and wide..........mahalo/thank you!
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/All Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2025 - 0109j Royal Family's Allodial Landowners of King William Lunalilo's, Charles Kanaina's Interests Requiring Weekly Usage of the Administration Building on the Grounds...
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/All Nations Legal Directive/Notice No. 2025 - 0109j Royal Family's Allodial Landowners of King William Lunalilo's, Charles Kanaina's Interests Requiring Weekly Usage of the Administration Building on the Grounds...
The Hague ICJ/International Court of Justice Neutral and All Nations New U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump and Team Ms. Tulsi ...
Living In A Sovereign Land
Living In A Sovereign Land
Living In A Sovereign Land
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message to Elon Musk posted on Facebook............ ;)

Amelia Gora

Hi Elon....have posted a number of Legal Advisory's/Notices to you a number of times with Tulsi Gabbard too..... Happy New Year! see: aloha.


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