Monday, July 24, 2023

Maintaining a Neutral, Friendly, Non-Violent Nation Since 1843 - The Kingdom of Hawaii

Facts From Our Royal Family - Kalola's Descendants/Heirs & Konohiki -2023

U.S. Claims to Annexation is a Lie --- U.S. interested in Hawaii Since 1820. U.S. Great Britain and France breached their Protectorate of 1854 - Stipulations breached. The Neutrality Law of 1854 was breached by the U.S., Great Britain, and France. U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani and warned Americans about the Breach of the Neutrality Law - means A Military Enterprise or Expedition charged including punishment for Piracy for breach recorded by Kamehameha III.  U.S. President McKinley disregarded U.S. President Cleveland and had the Army, Navy, and others "develop" the Territory government - created by the U.S. that had no Sovereignty.  The Kingdom of Hawaii remained a Independent Government recognized with Sovereignty.  In 1959, the non-sovereign territory was given a shared sovereignty with 49 other states through a "Tradition" method of Executive Order which is Not Law. Truth Remains:  No Annexation means no Jurisdiction or Occupation Status in Hawaii and 'it's Not Possible to Annex another foreign nation' per University of Hawaii Law School Dean Professor Williamson Chang. See:
also, United Nations Dr. Alfred deZayas documented that Hawaii is "under a strange form of occupation by the United States". and a "fraudulent annexation".  See:

  Note:  Kalola was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop and the Full owner of the Allodial lands of Ruth Keelikolani, whose next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Charles Reed Bishop owned only a life interest which terminated on January 17, 1893 due to his conspiracy, and treason against Queen Liliuokalani, the Royal Family and kanaka maoli, and the Kingdom of Hawaii.  He died in 1915.  The Trustees owns nothing.

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