Monday, June 26, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg (dec.) on Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg (dec.) on Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution

                                                                      Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

Mistah G Irish is with Sharron Kia'i Gonzalez and 
13 others

Hawaiians, and the world, are lied to every single day by the U.S. government about the true history of Hawai'i. The U.S. government knows full well, as they did in the case of Viet Nam, that they are lying.
There is much more to it than what has been acknowledged publicly, and historically.
The truth is deliberately concealed by the U.S. Government about how they abused and denied, and knowingly continue to abuse and deny, Hawaiians' fundamental human rights (as a matter of international law.)
If only one person in government had the "balls" of Daniel Ellsberg to expose the actual truths and the U.S. government's continuing deceit, then you as Hawaiians might get justice and the realization of your full human rights that you are entitled to.
There is someone today ( probably a Hawaiian) who knows the truth of what the U.S. government's agenda is in pushing Department of Interior's efforts under a knowingly false legal premise.
All it takes is one person with access to expose the on-going deceit and denial of human rights. I pray that they find the courage that the likes of Ellsberg, Snowden, Manning and Assange have shown.
Sadly, of the 3 major U.S. political dissidents of the 20th century (Daniel Ellsberg, Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky) Noam Chomsky (now aged 94) is the only one that remains. Who is going to replace them?
Ellsberg on the constitution and treaties:
The oath of office taken by members of congress requires them to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".
He also pointed out that under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, treaties, including the United Nations Charter ...that the United States has signed, become the 🚨supreme law of the land that neither the states, the president, nor the congress have the power to break.🚨
* clearly relevant as we come up on the anniversary (July, 7th) of the constitutionally illegal "Newlands Resolution" that led to the illegal Annexation of Hawai'i.
Ellsberg on the "Pentagon Papers"
"the documents demonstrated unconstitutional behavior by a succession of presidents, the violation of their oath and the violation of the oath of every one of their subordinates."[28]
He added that he leaked the Papers to end what he perceived to be "a wrongful war"
Daniel Ellsberg was a true hero of democracy, free speech and human rights.
R.I.L. Daniel Ellsberg
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'THANK YOU! DANIEL ELLSBERG 1931 -2023'
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Kamehameha schools pirate trustees of 1@71 to present evidence
0:39 / 1:42
All reactions:
Mike Gunner, Steven Kapaakinimaka and 1 other


  • Mike Gunner
    I have tons of documents of Kamehameha schools theft of Hawaiian lands
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  • Amelia Gora
    lets work on projects to return the lands to kanaka maoli
  • Amelia Gora
    are you on this island? we can work on those projects at Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace/ Princess Ruth School... we have been meeting there since November 2021........ We'll post notices to all kanaka maoli who lost lands to the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE and help them reclaim them too.... Pass the word on.... we'll make it an ongoing project for Mondays 10:30 AM to 12:30 - Project Reclamation effective July 3, 2024 email
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    • 8m

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All reactions:
ShoShannah Lee Spaur, Laulani Teale and 3 others

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