Thursday, May 25, 2023

Royal Family's Billings: No. 1 - Queen's Hospital




This is to inform you that Rents are due in the amount of $500,000 per acre per month retroactive to 1893.

This billing is for the land of KAAHA which the Queen's Hospital is currently on.

The Queen's Hospital's permanent Head is Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV who was married to Queen Emma a daughter of Dr. T.C.B. Rooke and Fanny Kekela.

Monies gotten from services was to be set aside for other patient care, subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma were not the owners of the property that Queen's Hospital was built on.

However, the Private Properties does belong to our Royal Family through other members as shown in the References below.

Letters/emails/Notices have been sent in the past including notifying everyone that we have our Konohiki assigned for the area.

A Police Report was wrongfully filed for our documented Konohiki Robert Lopaka Asam who visited his twin brother and another of our Royal Family's Konohiki who is a patient there named Kalani Asam.

Our Konohiki has the right to enter our Private Properties and has immunities from arrests, etc.

To date, the Queen's Hospital has failed to pay for Rents since 1893.

This is a friendly reminder that Rents are due for our Private Properties.

There was No Annexation, Kamehameha's descendants exists including myself.

Please allow our Royal Family's Konohiki/caretaker Robert Lopaka Asam to continue to visit his Konohiki brother and to be able to walk our Royal Family's Private Properties.

Questions? or P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786.

We maintain a peaceful, neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.

Thank you for your cooperation.



                                       Kingdom of Hawaii Collection Agency
                                    - Royal Family's Land Inventory Project -

Island of ___Oahu___________________________________________

Date: __________May 24, 2023_______________________________________

Name: __________Kaaha no A. Hanawai________________________________________

Royal Patent Number _____590_________________________________

Land Commission Award Number ______290_______________________
(for Royal Patent only)

Grant No.________________________________________________

Survey/Survey Notes __________Box 294-2_____________________________

Foreign Testimony/Native Testimony/Native Register/Foreign Testimony


Genealogies ___Kaaha____ (Konohiki of Kawaihao and married to Kalola the next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop)  Heirs:  H. Kahanawai/Hiram Kahanawai and Pooloku/Kapooloku/Abigaila/A. Hanawai to Z. Kaauwai Z. Kaauwai's Administrator:  Dr. Gerritt Parmele Judd who built the Queen's Hospital on Kaaha's land. 

Pooloku/Kapooloku/Abigaila/A. Hanawai was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kalola who was the stepdaughter of Abner Paki.  Kalola was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the heir and next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani who was an heir of Leleiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku the son of Kalanimoku.  

Leleiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku was the Konohiki of 17 acres in Downtown Honolulu then Ruth Keelikolani became the Konohiki of 17 acres then Bernice Pauahi Bishop became the Konohiki of 17 acres then Kalola became Konohiki.  Kalola's descendants/heirs became Konohiki of 17+ acres.

Kaaha was also a Konohiki for Kawaihao.  See article in References section.

Father                                                Mother                                        Child/Children

Kaaha                                               Kalola                                          

Luluhiwalani                                    Kalola                                         Kahekili/A. Kahekili

                                                                           hanai/adopted:       Pooloku/Kapooloku/
                                                                                                           A. Kahanawai

Kahekili/A. Kahekili                        Kahananui                                  Ioela

Hiram Kahanawai                           Pooloku/Kapooloku/A Kahanawai    unk. children

Ioela                                                Pooloku/Kapooloku/A. Kahanawai    Haili

Kaluakini                                        Haili                                                       Elizabeth

Joseph Matsugoro/Gora               Elizabeth                                             John Gora

John Gora                                       Mary Castro                                       Amelia Gora

King's Mahele (page no.)___Page 24____W.P. Leleiohoku/Leleiohoku ________________________

Konohiki Assigned:  ___Amelia Gora,  Lopaka Asam, Kalani Asam and others_______________________________________________________

Deputy Konohiki/Assistant Konohiki Assigned: ___________________________________________________________

Billing(s) Sent To/ Name of Occupier and Date:____May 25, 2023 Second Notice___________________________________________________

Seven Day Notices Dated: ____________________________________________________________

Police Report No. Filed (if trespassing notices are filed) ______Police Report for documented Konohiki Lopaka Asam/Robert Lopaka Asam for visiting his brother in the Queen's Hospital named Kalani Asam another Konohiki assigned to W.P. Leleiohoku's lands and Kaaha's land listed above._______________________________________________________

Notice of Eviction Date:

Notice of Removal of Building Date:  _________________________________ 

Notes, etc.

Konohiki Assignments posted to many.  See:  

Topic: Royal Family Legal Directive/Notice No. 2023 - 0505:  Konohiki Assigned to our Private Property which the Queen's Hospital sits on  from Amelia Gora, Royal Person descendant of A. Kahanawai Kaaha/Kap
n  from Amelia Gora, Royal Person descendant of A. Kahanawai Kaaha/Kapooloku/Princess Poomaikelani Greetings, The assigned Konohiki for our Queen's Hospital land belonging to A. Kahanawai Kaaha/ Kapooloku/Princess Poomaikelani is Lopaka Asam. Lopaka Asam did inform me that the Queen's Hospital did ban him from visiting his brother - another Konohiki , his brother named Kalani Asam. Lopaka Asam is our Konohiki representative and cannot be blocked from entering our Private Property which includes Queen's Hospital. The land is an Allodial land belonging to A. Kahanawai Kaaha, our great great grandmother who was also known as Kapooloku/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani who married Hiram Kahanawai Kaaha. The Allodial land was deeded to Kaaukai whose administrator to Kaaukai was Dr. Gerrit Parmele Judd who set the land up for the building of the Hospital. Rents are due from the Queen's Hospital to our Royal Family.  Rents are $500,000 per acre per month retroactive to 1893. Meanwhile, our Konohiki Lopaka Asam must be allowed to visit his brother another Konohiki named Kalani Asam so that he may feed him dinner, etc. Thank you for your cooperation in these important matters. Questions? or P.O. Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786 aloha. Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, a Kamehameha descendant from four (4) of his children, land owner, landlord, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii . References: Queen Emma affecting the Queen’s Hospital in Hawaii: The Truth THE TRUTH ABOUT QUEEN EMMA OR FOREIGN INFILTRATION OF ROYAL FAMILIES ASSETS, ETC.  THE TRUTH ABOUT QUEEN EMMA OR  FOREIGN INFILTRATION OF ROYAL FAMILIES ASSETS, ETC. – Research Shows Queen Emma was the Daughter of ……and She Claimed to be the Successor of King William Charles Lunalilo posted by Amelia Gora (2015)   On October 29, 2015, Calvin Santos and I tried to track down various Trusts affecting John Young’s, Isaac Davis including His descendants/heirs Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, Peke Davis lands, assets, trusts whose mother was Grace Kamaikui.As it turns out, the Queen Emma’s Trust/Foundation, etc. a Sovereign Trust has been infiltrated by foreigners, racketeers, pirates, pillagers, genocide activists, corporations who are NOT related to our Royal Families.   Background:   Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV and his wife Emma signed the Articles of Incorporation for Queen’s Hospital.  Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV was the Permanent head/CEO of the Hospital in 1859. This is the researched background of Emma/Queen Emma: And the following shows that Queen Emma claimed that King Lunalilo designated her to be his Successor: Tags: Emma, Families, John, Kamehameha’s, King, Lunalilo’s, Olohana, Queen, Royal, Successor, More… Share Views: 2 ▼ Reply to This Upload Files Stop Following – Don’t email me when people reply Replies to This Discussion Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 38 minutes ago Delete The evidence found in the Kahn Collection changes the claims below as shown in the Legal Notice pertaining to Queen’s Hospital Trust which turned to the Queen Emma’s Land Company by deceitful  corporations, infiltrators in the Royal Families lands, funds, etc.  see:… Summary of October 29, 2015 Meeting, also posted as a Legal Notice in the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk also Hawaiian Kingdom Records No. 2015-1030 – Queen’s Hospital, etc, Matters/Concerns from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, heir, House of Nobles member, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs : “Emma was the daughter of Fanny Kekela and Naea.  Fanny Kekela was the sister of Grace Kamaikui.  Their parents were John Young and Kaonaeha/Kuamoo.” “Emma was adopted by Dr. T.C.B. Rooke who didn’t have children.  Grace Kamaikui was married to Dr. TCB Rooke.  He was her second marriage.  Her first marriage was to Isaac Davis who died in 1810.” With this new information entered, Emma being the true daughter of R.C. Wyllie, THE HONOURABLEROBERT CRICHTON WYLLIE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS In officeMarch 26, 1845 – October 19, 1865 MONARCH Kamehameha IIIKamehameha IVKamehameha V PRECEDED BY Gerrit P. Judd SUCCEEDED BY Charles de Varigny PERSONAL DETAILS BORN October 13, 1798Dunlop, Scotland, Kingdom of Great Britain DIED October 19, 1865 (aged 67)Honolulu, Oahu, Kingdom of Hawaii RESTING PLACE Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum[1] NATIONALITY Kingdom of HawaiiUnited KingdomKingdom of Great Britain RESIDENCE Rosebank, Nuanuu Valley OCCUPATION Physician, Businessman, Politician RELIGION Anglicanism SIGNATURE    Reply Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora 2 minutes ago Delete *  This means that R.C. Wyllie was with Fanny Kekela, daughter of John Young and fathered Emma. Robert Crighton Wyllie  was the Minister of Foreign Affairs under Kamehameha IV.  He was a Physician who succeeded Genocide Activist Doctor Gerrit Parmele Judd. Dr. Thomas C.B. Rooke alone adopted Emma. Dr. Thomas C.B. Rooke was the second husband of Emma’s Aunty Grace Kamaikui. Grace Kamaikui was the widow of Isaac Davis and had three (3) children:  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Grace Kamaikui specified that in the event Emma did not have children, her lands would go to her family, NOT Dr. Thomas C. B. Rooke who died BEFORE she died. Dr, Thomas C.B. Rooke died in 1858. Queen Emma and Kamehameha IV’s son Albert Kamehameha died in 1862. Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho died in 1863. Grace Kamaikui died in 1866. King William Lunalilo, a Kamehameha descendant and whose mother was the widow of   Kamehameha, Kamehameha II – Liholiho, and David Kamehameha,  died in 1874. His father was David Kamehameha, and step father Charles Kanaina: LUNALILO Photograph of Lunalilo by Menzies Dickson KING OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS (MORE…) REIGN January 8, 1873 – February 3, 1874 INVESTITURE January 9, 1873Kawaiahaʻo Church PREDECESSOR Kamehameha V SUCCESSOR Kalākaua BORN January 31, 1835Pohukaina, Honolulu, Oahu DIED February 3, 1874 (aged 39)Haimoeipo, Honolulu, Oahu BURIAL February 28, 1874[1][2]Royal Mausoleum at Mauna ʻAla (temporary)November 23, 1875[3]Lunalilo Mausoleum,Kawaiahaʻo Church FULL NAME William Charles Lunalilo HOUSE Keōua Nui / KamehamehaKalaimamahu FATHER Charles Kanaina MOTHER Kekāuluohi RELIGION Church of Hawaii (Church of England/Anglican)[citation needed   Queen Emma claimed that she was named successor. Pirates of the Pacific Charles Reed Bishop and Friends nominated David Kalakaua in a Public Meeting held in the Kawaiahao Church. Charles Reed Bishop obtained the assistance of the American Military, and the British to keep order and prevent Queen Emma’s supporters from rioting. Contrary to the Will of Grace Kamaikui, Queen Emma’s wishes were pursued. After the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, Pirates, racketeers, pillagers moved towards assuming the assets, lands of the Royal Families etc. Dr. T.C.B. Rooke’s nephew came into the Hawaiian Islands and made claims for the Queen’s Hospital, etc., contrary to the Rules of Law. Dr. Gerritt Parmele Judd was an adminstrator of Kaaukai, et. als. and managed to assume the private property, alodio lands of our Royal Families and assumed it for the Hospital building. A permanent Corporation with Kamehameha IV – Alexander Liholiho was criminally assumed by foreigners under Dr. TCB Rooke’s nephew, Dr. Gerritt Parmele Judd, and a Corporation entity calling themselves Queen Emma’s Land Company has been legally dispossessed according to the Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America. The Queen’s Hospital is under a reorganization and criminal charges are recorded for the Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian Kingdom records, etc. Issues ongoing. aloha. Reference: also posted at …


 Tribunal Case(s): Kawaiahao Church Trustees, Ministers, et. als.

Updated 05/17/2014: POLICE REPORT ..27 MILLION STOLEN BY GRAVE ROBBERS ...Where's the TREASURES? WHO'S GUILTY? ABERCROMBIE, Kawaiahao Ministers, Trustees, Archaeologists, ET.ALS......

Well the Issues of Theft, Genocide Will Not Go Away....This is updated for your information:

Gold Coins valued at $18,000 per piece have been STOLEN from our and Kanaka Maoli ancestors burials at Kawaiahao Church.
To date, more than 300 burials have been unearthed......multiply that by five (5) gold coins per burial = 1500 then times that by $17,000 = $27,000,000 or TWENTY SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS which does not include the Pearls, Gold necklaces, bracelets, brooches, ear rings, cuff links, watches, etc.
Steal from the living as well as our dead.............well wicked ones, this is an official report to the Honolulu Police Department, etc. for STOLEN GOODS...........
The Prime suspects are the Kawaiahao Church Minister(s), their Trustees, the Archaeologists, Governor Abercrombie, Oahu Burial Council, et. als. for their active participation in taking part in removing ancestral /ancient burials, etc.
Theft of graves throughout the islands will be reported over time, especially after receiving information about what was buried with each burial documented in oral history, articles (evidence of a gold watch was found in a historical article by a former policeman whose ancestor was buried in the Kawaiahao Church Yard, etc.) etc.
This is a Public Notice of Stolen Goods Documented With the Intent to Prosecute Wrongdoers!
List of Complainants, stolen goods will be recorded for Kanaka Maoli at
Reference:  Value of gold coin quote of $18,000 gotten from the PAWN STARS show on the value of a single gold coin.  The Show aired on 8/31/2013 at 11:55 PM  Walls Come Tumbling Down.........
"GRAVE ROBBERS AT KAWAIAHAO....."my precious" ....wicked lot......
On Wednesday, January 11, 2012, Oahu Burial Council Meeting, the following occurred:

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