Monday, May 22, 2023

Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0522 Facts About Charles Reed Bishop Affecting All Lands in Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Judge, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii







Neutral Nations/Other Nations
U.S. President Joe Biden
U.S. Secretary of State 
Governor Josh Green
Many Others

   Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0522 Facts About Charles Reed Bishop Affecting All Lands in Hawaii from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Judge,  etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii 




The following information shown below is evidence showing fraud, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, conspiracy(ies), deceit, thievery by non owners claiming to be the landowners in the Hawaiian Islands since 1893.

In our Inventory project reviewing lands of our Royal Family, much fraud has been uncovered.

A team of our Royal Family members or konohiki/caretakers have written emails/letters, visited various locations and have confronted hostile including weapon carrying individuals/including police persons called by individuals  who have failed to prove documents of ownership, nor are they related to our Royal Family members.

Examples:  The KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, The Aquarium, Bishop Museum, Women's YWCA, Washington Place, Boy Scouts - in Nuuanu, Hawaiian Electric Co. - Downtown, the Queen's Hospital, Heeia Ahupuaa, Punaluu Ahupuaa, Bank of Hawaii, First Hawaiian Bank, Kapalama Shopping Center, Queen Liliuokalani Children's Center, Iolani Palace, Moanalua Ahupuaa, Moses Kekuaiwa's Ahupuaa, Waimanalo Ahupuaa, Pohakuloa Ahupuaa, Waikoloa Ahupuaa, the State of Hawaii Attorney General, etc.

According to our Kingdom of Hawaii laws, no one can take our lands away; we can move on our lands at our pleasure.

According to the Doctrine of Political Question, we are part of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and have a separation of powers as documented by  former U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye.

According to University of Hawaii Law Professor Williamson Chang, there was no Annexation.

According to United Nations Dr. Alfred deZayas, we have international immunities.

As a Royal person, a Royal Family member as a Kamehameha descendant from four (4) of his children, two (2) of his hanai/adopted children, and four (4) of his stepchildren, we have immunities.

As the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, we have immunities and those subjects who are with us also have immunities.

We maintain a Constitutional Monarchy government,  remain a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation and aware that the permanent friendship and amity Treaty of 1850 continues on.

Breach of Neutrality law of 1854 is documented.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.

Additional Evidence

The following evidence shows that the Trustees of the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/KSBE are Not the land owners of our Allodial lands.

According to research, the facts found are as follows:

(1)  The Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop ended in 1893 because it was an estate created in 1884 and belongs to the Kingdom of Hawaii.

(2)  Bernice Pauahi Bishop's husband Charles Reed Bishop was a party to those who usurped Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, was a documented conspirator, a treasonous person who lost all interest in our Royal Family's lands.

(3)  Charles Reed Bishop was entitled to only 1/2 of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop for his life time only.

Note:  Kalola a stepsister, and cousin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop was her next-of-kin and owned 1/2 of the Estate until the death of Charles Reed Bishop, then she would own the full estate.

(4) Charles Reed Bishop deeded his life interest to himself and the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  The Trust was null and void because conspirators became a conspirator, treasonous group who moved to pirate lands, assets, and resources, etc.

(5)  Charles Reed Bishop and Trustees reformed the Trust in 1896 which made the Trust null and void.

(6)  Charles Reed Bishop died.  His life interest ended.  The Trustees interests ended.

Instead, the Trustees made themselves heirs and perpetuated crimes against the true Allodial landowners, the next-of-kin Kalola's descendants and heirs.

(7)  Aliens are squatting on our Private Properties.  The Aliens are not able to prove their Allodial land titles.  

(8)  Rents of $500,000 per acre per month retroactive to 1893 are the amounts charged by our Royal Family.

The following post is recorded for the legal records and as a notice conveyed that failure to pay rents is cause for the removal of the parties and recorded eviction notice.

The buildings on our Royal Family's properties may remain or will be removed by the squatters with costs to the squatters.

This is a general message served to many and applicable to those on our Private Properties:

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: FACTS ABOUT Charles Reed Bishop Affecting All Lands in Hawaii

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  FACTS ABOUT Charles Reed Bishop Affecting All Lands in Hawaii

                                                                           Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

Most people don't know the Truth About the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/ Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and her White Supremacist Husband Charles Reed Bishop.

Charles Reed Bishop and Trustees played a part in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and importantly he had only a Life Interest in his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Estate.

He became part of an Alien Nation that had No Sovereignty called the Provisional Government, turned Republic then made a Territory of the United States turned Territory of Hawaii by a President who failed to follow the Rule of Law named U.S. President William McKinley.


Charles Reed Bishop had only a Life Interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop as evidenced by the Deed below which was found at the Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 142 pages 142-143 in the Kalanimoku Building, Downtown Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.


Life interest ends upon one's death.  A transfer of a life interest does not extend time to the person or others who have no legal rights to Royal Family lands.  These documents are evidence of a conspiracy by Aliens who moved to defraud the true heirs and supported by bankrupt nations - the U.S., Great Britain, and France who had invested in the American Civil War and were bankrupt since 1865.

The three (3) nations had a protectorate over the Kingdom of Hawaii until 1893 then placed a protectorate over the Alien entity called the Provisional Government.

The three (3) nations also breached the Neutrality Law of 1854, and the Treaties.



1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died of breast cancer.  She was the next- of kin to Ruth Keelikolani who died in 1883 and inherited 353,000+ acres of land, a Palace, artifacts, etc.

Her total lands amounted to 400,000+ acres  of land, a Palace, artifacts, etc.


Bernice Pauahi Bishop's husband inherited 1/2 of her estate for life - a life interest.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin was Kalola, a stepsister and cousin who was also a Kamehameha descendant.

Kalola inherited 1/2 of her estate and the full estate after the death of Charles Reed Bishop.

1886 - Kalola died and her descendants/heirs lived on.

Her heirs were Kahananui, widow of her son Kahekili/Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani who had a son named Ioela.

Kalola and her husband Luluhiwalani/S. Luluhiwalani had a hanai/adopted daughter named Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani.

Ioela married Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani had Haili who married Kaluakini and had Elikapeka and others.

1893 - Charles Reed Bishop conspired against Queen Liliuokalani and helped to dethrone her.  Bishop lost all interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Bishop became part of an Alien entity called the Provisional Government which had no Sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Hawaii with full Sovereignty continued on.

 Charles Reed Bishop carried on as if he did not lose all interest in lands in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Charles Reed Bishop transferred his life interest to himself, and the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates. 

1896 - Charles Reed Bishop  sold Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace to the Provisional Government turned Republic of Hawaii which had no Sovereignty.

Bishop did not own the full interest in Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace because he had inherited only 1/2 interest for his life only.

Kalola's descendants/heirs were also heirs with 1/2 interest and a full interest since 1893.

Note:  Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.


Charles Reed Bishop became Part of the Provisional Government, turned Republic etc. Affected the Ownership of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, lands in Waikiki, the Aquarium, the Bishop Museum, etc.

The Reformation of the Kingdom of Hawaii Trust was made by a foreign, Alien entity assuming Private Properties of our Royal Family from a 100% Sovereign Government

 The Hawaiian star. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 28, 1896, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


Charles Reed Bishop left the islands to work with the J.P. Morgan bankers and ran with the monies, investments, etc.

Bishop's interest in his wife's estate legally ended on January 17, 1893 when he participated in a concerted effort to usurp Queen Liliuokalani.

The premeditated, planned invasion of Hawaii succeeded due to Charles Reed Bishop, the "backbone" of the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani and the Pirate who obtained properties, monies, artifacts, gold, etc. under false pretenses.

His life interest ended and all of the interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop was fully owned by Kalola descendants and heirs.

1915 - Charles Reed Bishop died.  His life interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop ended upon his death.

The Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop's interest transferred by Charles Reed Bishop also died.

The Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop perpetuated fraud, deceit, piracy, plundering, racketeering, etc. and continued on with criminal claims.

1959 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower through his Executive Order made Hawaii a State of the U.S. with a shared 1/50% interest in Sovereignty.

1986 - 1996 Evidence of criminal activity by the Trustees, et.als. of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates recorded by Whistleblower Greg Wongham (dec.) shown at the link:

1996 - An Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 (281 pages) was filed which is a lien on all 132 islands (133 includes Loihi) at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii by Amelia Gora.  Genealogies, History, Premeditation evidence, etc. included.

2000 - There was no Annexation meaning there's no U.S. Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands.

2015 - Annexation of Hawaii is a Myth documented by University of Hawaii Law Professor Williamson Chang documented.

2018 -  The U.S. is an occupier as documented by United Nations Dr. Alfred deZayas.

2019 - Joinder No. Doc A-71510779 filed on July 31, 2019 (118 pages) filed - a Joinder to Afft. Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) with genealogies showing descendants of Kalola exists, Kalola is documented as the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop filed by  Francis Gora, John Gora, and Amelia Gora - descendants and heirs of Kalola and Representatives of our Royal Family.

2023 - Inventory of Ruth Keelikolani's, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kalola's lands, etc. continues.

Genocide Activists recorded for the Legal Records of the Kingdom of Hawaii while visiting our various lands recording squatters, etc.

Research incomplete.



by WBC Chang2015Cited by 30 — ChangWilliamson B.C.. Darkness over Hawaii: The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest Obstacle to Progress ...
by D over HawaiiCited by 30 — The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest Obstacle to. Progress. Williamson Chang*. I. INTRODUCTION: THE MYTH THAT HAWAI'I WAS ANNEXED BY THE. UNITED STATES…
Because the annexation was illegal, he and others seem to argue, statehood must be void, and the State of Hawaii does not hold legal title to Hawaiian land.
10 pages
Text of the Hawaiian Annexation Treaties of 1854, ... Beet sugar, annexation not injurious ... The following table shows the change wrought since the.
Profile image of Williamson Chang ... Download Free PDF ... The century-long occupation and illegal annexation of Hawaii could not become public in 1953.
Feb 8, 2022 — Without permission from the U.S. State Department, Minister Stevens recognized the new government and proclaimed Hawaii a U.S. protectorate.
May 10, 2019 — Expert to Hawai`i Judges: Islands Under “Strange Form of Occupation” by U.S. DeZayas addressed this letter to Hawaii Circuit Court Judges Gary ...

Jan 27, 2013 — Just found out that Greg Wongham Was MURDERED! sorry no details - only from a credible person All Kanaka Maoli, Whistleblowers/Friends of ...
Myron Isherwood of the. Department of Agriculture testified in support of the project. He said the area was abandoned because the lease expired. Isherwood said ...
After his honorable discharge lie returned to the Army National Bank as assistant casluer. When that institution was merged with the Bank of. Bishop & Co., Ltd.
Sep 19, 2020 — Greg was definitely onto something with the Chinese and Donna Tanoue. Tanoue sat on a board with Gary James Baldwin probably one of the late ...
Jan 13, 2014 — Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs Exists……….Including Myself, Amelia Gora et. als. ... The following is a brief overview of our Alii Nui lines.
Oct 8, 2014 — In addition to the bequests to my husband named in my said will I also give, devise and bequeath unto my said husband, Charles R. Bishop, the ... Hawaiians Clash With Trustees of Estate-Run School

By Todd S. Purdum, New York Times, October 14, 1997

A portrait of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, whose trust finances the Kamehameha Schools in Honolulu, see also 1999 article

HONOLULU -- It is the fabled legacy of a Polynesian princess, a feudal empire so vast that it could never be assembled in the modern world. It owns 8 percent of all the land in Hawaii, which makes it the largest private property owner in the state. It is worth perhaps $10 billion, with investments from the Pacific Rim to Wall Street. It is also one of the richest private charities in the world, whose sole beneficiary is the Kamehameha Schools, a 3,200-student school for Hawaiian boys and girls in the lush heights above this harbor city. It is governed by a five-member board of trustees, most of them former local politicians, each of whom earns more than $800,000 a year.

For 113 years, the Bishop Estate has been the biggest kahuna in Hawaii, by turns the preserve of the old plantation oligarchy, then of the Republican territorial government and, since statehood, of the Democratic machine that has dominated politics here for more than three decades. Its inner workings shrouded in secrecy, the estate has drawn its share of controversy, most notably in the early 1980s when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a state law that forced it to sell off some of its vast holdings to the private homeowners who had leased its land for decades.

But now, for the first time, the Bishop Estate is drawing fire from the one group that has always rallied around it: Hawaiians themselves. Angered at the interference of one trustee in day-to-day school affairs, and by allegations of self-dealing and financial mismanagement by others, a group of Kamehameha students, faculty members, alumni and parents rose up last spring and demanded an accounting -- and changes. In the process, the group unleashed a firestorm that led the estate's trustees to seek a court-appointed fact-finder and prompted the Democratic governor, Benjamin J. Cayetano, to order an inquiry by the state attorney general, Margery Bronster. She recently issued a preliminary finding that "the rights of the beneficiaries may be at substantial risk," and that there were credible allegations that trustees may have breached their fiduciary duties. Local officials say the Internal Revenue Service is also conducting an inquiry that could threaten the estate's tax-exempt status. The attorney general is examining a range of issues, among them how the estate apparently spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying fees in an unsuccessful effort last year to defeat legislation intended to prevent excessive compensation for trustees of tax-exempt organizations; how the trustees invested some $85 million of trust assets in the same Texas methane gas venture in which some individual trustees also invested; how one trustee helped members of the exlcusive Robert Trent Jones Golf Club outside Washington, D.C., negotiate the purchase of the club from a group that included the Bishop Estate itself.

The affair has consumed the entire Hawaiian establishment, from the justices of the State Supreme Court, who appoint the Bishop trustees, to a group of leading Hawaiian elders, who called this summer for the ouster of four of the five trustees. It has pitted old friends and allies against each other, divided the trustees themselves, and widened a long-running debate about the rights and privileges of native Hawaiians. "We've heard these kinds of things before," Cayetano, the state's first governor of Filipino descent, said in a recent interview, referring to the allegations of mismanagement. "But I think that every elected official in the state doesn't want to get into a tussle with the Bishop Estate. The atttitude was, 'If the beneficiaries don't get excited, why should we?' "

But now, Cayetano added in an assessment universally shared by the combatants here, "For the first time, the Hawaiian community rose up and said: 'Wait, we want to look into this, we want to clean it up.' " Lawyers and spokesmen for the estate contend that the attorney general's inquiry in unncessary, and they won the right to have a judge determine whether documents she subpoenas should be shielded from disclosure on the grounds that they could harm business negotiations by the estate. They say that the estate is already one of the most scrutinized institutions in the islands, subject to annual review by a probate court master.

But so far the trustees have largely declined to comment on the details of the allegations against them, including the fact that some made personal side investments in the same entities the trust invested in, a practice that could be a violation of their fiduciary duties and one that the estate's lawyer says the trustees have since expressly prohibited. None agreed to be interviewed in any detail for this article. Henry H. Peters, the trustee most responsible for overseeing investment policy, met by a reporter in the lobby of the estate's headquarters in downtown Honolulu, would say only: "We're a private organization, and we'll compare our track record to anybody else's in town, or anywhere else."

The estate was created in 1884 by the will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the great-granddaughter and last direct descendant of Kamehameha I, the great 18th century king who unified the Hawaiian islands. Having married Charles Bishop, an American businessman and banker from Glens Falls, N.Y., against her family's wishes, and having turned down the chance to become queen, Princess Pauahi died of cancer, childless at the age of 52. She left the great bulk of her estate, some 400,000 acres of family lands, including a prime tract on Waikiki Beach, "to erect and maintain in the Hawaiian islands two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools."

Princess Pauahi made her bequest at a time when the native Hawaiian population had been greatly reduced by Western diseases, and she provided that the schools, which became one coeducational institution years ago, should offer instruction "in such knowledge as may tend to make good and industrious men and women." She did not specify that the schools were to be exclusively for children of Hawaiian descent, but that has been the school's policy in practice. The princess decreed that the estate's five member board of trustees should be chosen by members of the Hawaii Supreme Court. That has led to the highly unusual arrangement whereby the five members of the current State Supreme Court, acting, they say, as individuals, choose the trustees. It is a process that critics deride as arbitrary at best, and a system of post-employment sinecures for retired officeholders and ready-made conflicts of interest for the court at worst.

Of the five current trustees, who function as a collective executive and can serve until age 70, the chairman, Richard S. H. Wong, is a former president of the state Senate, another, Peters is the former speaker of the State House of Representatives, a third, Lokelani Lindsey is a former district superintendent of education and failed mayoral candidate on the island of Maui, and a fourth, Gerard A. Jervis, is a longtime friend of former Gov. John Waihee who served as a member of the panel that recommends candidates for appointment to the Supreme Court. Only one trustee, Oswald K. Stender, had professional experience managing financial assets, as a chief executive of a for-profit family trust here. "If they left Hawaii, I don't think there's a one of them who could earn $100,000 a year, with the possible exception of Oz Stender," said Randall Roth, a professor at the University of Hawaii law school and co-author of "Broken Trust," a scathing indictment of the estate's management practices that was published in the opinion section of The Honolulu Star-Bulletin in August, and called for the ouster of all the trustees except Stender. Roth's co-authors were a cross-section of Hawaiian island elders: Samuel King, a senior Federal District Court judge and son of a former governor and Bishop Estate trustee; Msgr. Charles Kekumano, a retired Catholic priest who heads another royal trust; Walter Heen, a retired state appeals court judge, and Gladys Brandt, a former principal of the Kamehameha School for Girls. Under a 1959 state law, the trustees' collective compensation is capped at 2 percent of the estate's gross annual revenues, and in recent years they have each waived hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees for which they would be eligible. Sorting out the estate's finances is difficult, but it is estimated to be worth between $7 and $10 billion and its current annual income from investments alone runs something above $200 million, about half of which is spent on educational programs.

For most of its life, the estate was land-rich and cash-poor, but the forced land sales of the 1980s caused a huge cash infusion, some of which the trustees have reinvested in such speculative ventures as a 10 percent stake, worth half a billion dollars, in the investment banking firm of Goldman, Sachs. Over the years, both the manner of the trustees' selection and the amount of their compensation has prompted calls for overhaul. And despite the sharp increase in the value of the estate's assets, Kamehameha still enrolls just under 7 percent of the children in the state of Hawaiian ancestry, the same percentage it did in the early 1960s with assets valued at a few hundred million dollars. In 1995, when it spent $84 million on educational programs, it also wrote off $44 million in soured investments.

The current controversy has its roots in the involvement of one trustee, Mrs. Lindsey, in day-to-day affairs at the school, and the board's decision in 1995 to cut about $11 million for school "outreach" programs, resulting in the dismissal of about 170 employees. Alumni and parents say that Mrs. Lindsey, who was appointed to the board in 1992, broke with past practice, taking an office on the school campus, undermining the school principal, Dr. Michael J. Chun, demoralizing the faculty and acting unilaterally in a way that may violate the terms of the trust, which requires collective decisions. They have also accused her of using estate workers to help with the construction of her personal residence. Upset at such events, the president of last year's student body, Kamani Kualaau, drafted a letter expressing his concerns, intending to publish it in the local newspaper. When Mrs. Lindsey learned of it, she summoned him to her office, and implicitly threatened to complain about him to Princeton University, which had offered him admission to its freshman class. "She said, 'I'm not going to do this, but how would you feel if I wrote a letter to Princeton and told them you were a rabble-rouser?' " Kualaau recalled in a telephone interview from Princeton. Two weeks later, a group of alumni and parents staged a candlelight vigil outside the estate's headquarters, incorporated themselves as a formal organization, and obtained the services of a volunteer lawyer. That in turn led one trustee, Stender to go public with various criticisms, including complaints that board members were letting large contracts for services without adequate discussion. He also said the estate should be restructured with a highly-paid chief executive to manage investment affairs and part-time board members paid a few thousand dollars a month. "Years of pent-up gossip and backroom talk has now surfaced," Stender said in a brief telephone interview. Referring to Mrs. Lindsey's actions, he added: "It's the most egregious thing I've ever heard of."

Another trustee, Jervis, recently published a long statement in The Honolulu Advertiser, in which he called for lowering trustee fees and acknowledged, "The truth is that both in substance and in attitude, the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate hasn't done enough to change with the times," and added: "What hasn't worked, and what must stop, are any actions by trustees that create the perception of conflict or impropriety." Mrs. Lindsey did not return telephone calls seeking comment, but in the past has said she has simply discharged what she regards as the active management duties of a trustee.

Once such allegations were out in the open, Mrs. Brandt, the former Kamehameha principal said, she had no choice but to join Professor Roth and the others in protest. "Kamehameha, to me, is a great legacy, and something that anyone with a smidgen of Hawaiian blood has to take pride in," said Mrs. Brandt, a regal presence at 91. "And to have it sullied in that manner to me was inexcusable."

Ms. Bronster, the attorney general, declined in an interview to offer details of her investigation, but she made it clear that her options include seeking removal of the trustees, or a restructuring of the estate or the appointment process or other changes. And she complains that the trustees' legal delaying tactics are making it hard for her to obtain information. "It could be a long haul," she said. But Beadie Kanahele Dawson, the lawyer for the Kamehameha alumni group, said there was no turning back now. "This will not go away," she said. "The community at large is stepping forward at last."

Copyright 1997 The New York Times Company

Shared with Public
Important message posted: Sinister is the fact that the criminal claims to lands began through the frauds, deceit, piracy of white supremacists/haters of people of color which included Charles Reed Bishop, a banker, psyops, plantation owner, conspirator, treasonous person and the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, et. als. who played a part in assuming lands that they could never own and transferred a lot of land to the U.S., etc.
Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest and the Trustees still claim the interest that ended in 1915 when Bishop died.
The story of Hawaii's lands are criminal occupation based on violations/breach of the Neutrality law of Kamehameha III in 1854.
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0517 Re: NRHP Section 106 2nd Agricultural Grazing Lease  Pohakuloa Training Area from Amelia Gora, Royal Family Represen
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0517 Re: NRHP Section 106 2nd Agricultural Grazing Lease  Pohakuloa Training Area from Amelia Gora, Royal Family Represen
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0517 Re: NRHP Section 106 2nd Agricultural Grazing Lease Pohakuloa Training Area…

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: FACTS ABOUT Charles Reed Bishop Affecting All Lands in Hawaii

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  FACTS ABOUT Charles Reed Bishop Affecting All Lands in Hawaii

                                                                           Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2023)

Most people don't know the Truth About the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/ Trust of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and her White Supremacist Husband Charles Reed Bishop.

Charles Reed Bishop and Trustees played a part in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, and importantly he had only a Life Interest in his wife Bernice Pauahi Bishop's Estate.

He became part of an Alien Nation that had No Sovereignty called the Provisional Government, turned Republic then made a Territory of the United States turned Territory of Hawaii by a President who failed to follow the Rule of Law named U.S. President William McKinley.


Charles Reed Bishop had only a Life Interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop as evidenced by the Deed below which was found at the Bureau of Conveyances, Liber 142 pages 142-143 in the Kalanimoku Building, Downtown Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.


Life interest ends upon one's death.  A transfer of a life interest does not extend time to the person or others who have no legal rights to Royal Family lands.  These documents are evidence of a conspiracy by Aliens who moved to defraud the true heirs and supported by bankrupt nations - the U.S., Great Britain, and France who had invested in the American Civil War and were bankrupt since 1865.

The three (3) nations had a protectorate over the Kingdom of Hawaii until 1893 then placed a protectorate over the Alien entity called the Provisional Government.

The three (3) nations also breached the Neutrality Law of 1854, and the Treaties.



1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died of breast cancer.  She was the next- of kin to Ruth Keelikolani who died in 1883 and inherited 353,000+ acres of land, a Palace, artifacts, etc.

Her total lands amounted to 400,000+ acres  of land, a Palace, artifacts, etc.


Bernice Pauahi Bishop's husband inherited 1/2 of her estate for life - a life interest.

Bernice Pauahi Bishop's next-of-kin was Kalola, a stepsister and cousin who was also a Kamehameha descendant.

Kalola inherited 1/2 of her estate and the full estate after the death of Charles Reed Bishop.

1886 - Kalola died and her descendants/heirs lived on.

Her heirs were Kahananui, widow of her son Kahekili/Alapai Kahekili Luluhiwalani who had a son named Ioela.

Kalola and her husband Luluhiwalani/S. Luluhiwalani had a hanai/adopted daughter named Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani.

Ioela married Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani had Haili who married Kaluakini and had Elikapeka and others.

1893 - Charles Reed Bishop conspired against Queen Liliuokalani and helped to dethrone her.  Bishop lost all interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Bishop became part of an Alien entity called the Provisional Government which had no Sovereignty.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Hawaii with full Sovereignty continued on.

 Charles Reed Bishop carried on as if he did not lose all interest in lands in the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Charles Reed Bishop transferred his life interest to himself, and the Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates. 

1896 - Charles Reed Bishop  sold Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace to the Provisional Government turned Republic of Hawaii which had no Sovereignty.

Bishop did not own the full interest in Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace because he had inherited only 1/2 interest for his life only.

Kalola's descendants/heirs were also heirs with 1/2 interest and a full interest since 1893.

Note:  Charles Reed Bishop died in 1915.


Charles Reed Bishop became Part of the Provisional Government, turned Republic etc. Affected the Ownership of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, lands in Waikiki, the Aquarium, the Bishop Museum, etc.

The Reformation of the Kingdom of Hawaii Trust was made by a foreign, Alien entity assuming Private Properties of our Royal Family from a 100% Sovereign Government

 The Hawaiian star. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, July 28, 1896, Image 1

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:


Charles Reed Bishop left the islands to work with the J.P. Morgan bankers and ran with the monies, investments, etc.

Bishop's interest in his wife's estate legally ended on January 17, 1893 when he participated in a concerted effort to usurp Queen Liliuokalani.

The premeditated, planned invasion of Hawaii succeeded due to Charles Reed Bishop, the "backbone" of the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani and the Pirate who obtained properties, monies, artifacts, gold, etc. under false pretenses.

His life interest ended and all of the interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop was fully owned by Kalola descendants and heirs.

1915 - Charles Reed Bishop died.  His life interest in the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop ended upon his death.

The Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop's interest transferred by Charles Reed Bishop also died.

The Trustees of Bernice Pauahi Bishop perpetuated fraud, deceit, piracy, plundering, racketeering, etc. and continued on with criminal claims.

1959 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower through his Executive Order made Hawaii a State of the U.S. with a shared 1/50% interest in Sovereignty.

1986 - 1996 Evidence of criminal activity by the Trustees, et.als. of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates recorded by Whistleblower Greg Wongham (dec.) shown at the link:

1996 - An Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 (281 pages) was filed which is a lien on all 132 islands (133 includes Loihi) at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii by Amelia Gora.  Genealogies, History, Premeditation evidence, etc. included.

2000 - There was no Annexation meaning there's no U.S. Jurisdiction in the Hawaiian Islands.

2015 - Annexation of Hawaii is a Myth documented by University of Hawaii Law Professor Williamson Chang documented.

2018 -  The U.S. is an occupier as documented by United Nations Dr. Alfred deZayas.

2019 - Joinder No. Doc A-71510779 filed on July 31, 2019 (118 pages) filed - a Joinder to Afft. Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) with genealogies showing descendants of Kalola exists, Kalola is documented as the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop filed by  Francis Gora, John Gora, and Amelia Gora - descendants and heirs of Kalola and Representatives of our Royal Family.

2023 - Inventory of Ruth Keelikolani's, Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kalola's lands, etc. continues.

Genocide Activists recorded for the Legal Records of the Kingdom of Hawaii while visiting our various lands recording squatters, etc.

Research incomplete.



by WBC Chang2015Cited by 30 — ChangWilliamson B.C.. Darkness over Hawaii: The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest Obstacle to Progress ...
by D over HawaiiCited by 30 — The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest Obstacle to. Progress. Williamson Chang*. I. INTRODUCTION: THE MYTH THAT HAWAI'I WAS ANNEXED BY THE. UNITED STATES…
Because the annexation was illegal, he and others seem to argue, statehood must be void, and the State of Hawaii does not hold legal title to Hawaiian land.
10 pages
Text of the Hawaiian Annexation Treaties of 1854, ... Beet sugar, annexation not injurious ... The following table shows the change wrought since the.
Profile image of Williamson Chang ... Download Free PDF ... The century-long occupation and illegal annexation of Hawaii could not become public in 1953.
Feb 8, 2022 — Without permission from the U.S. State Department, Minister Stevens recognized the new government and proclaimed Hawaii a U.S. protectorate.
May 10, 2019 — Expert to Hawai`i Judges: Islands Under “Strange Form of Occupation” by U.S. DeZayas addressed this letter to Hawaii Circuit Court Judges Gary ...

Jan 27, 2013 — Just found out that Greg Wongham Was MURDERED! sorry no details - only from a credible person All Kanaka Maoli, Whistleblowers/Friends of ...
Myron Isherwood of the. Department of Agriculture testified in support of the project. He said the area was abandoned because the lease expired. Isherwood said ...
After his honorable discharge lie returned to the Army National Bank as assistant casluer. When that institution was merged with the Bank of. Bishop & Co., Ltd.
Sep 19, 2020 — Greg was definitely onto something with the Chinese and Donna Tanoue. Tanoue sat on a board with Gary James Baldwin probably one of the late ...
Jan 13, 2014 — Kamehameha III's Descendants/Heirs Exists……….Including Myself, Amelia Gora et. als. ... The following is a brief overview of our Alii Nui lines.
Oct 8, 2014 — In addition to the bequests to my husband named in my said will I also give, devise and bequeath unto my said husband, Charles R. Bishop, the ... Hawaiians Clash With Trustees of Estate-Run School

By Todd S. Purdum, New York Times, October 14, 1997

A portrait of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, whose trust finances the Kamehameha Schools in Honolulu, see also 1999 article

HONOLULU -- It is the fabled legacy of a Polynesian princess, a feudal empire so vast that it could never be assembled in the modern world. It owns 8 percent of all the land in Hawaii, which makes it the largest private property owner in the state. It is worth perhaps $10 billion, with investments from the Pacific Rim to Wall Street. It is also one of the richest private charities in the world, whose sole beneficiary is the Kamehameha Schools, a 3,200-student school for Hawaiian boys and girls in the lush heights above this harbor city. It is governed by a five-member board of trustees, most of them former local politicians, each of whom earns more than $800,000 a year.

For 113 years, the Bishop Estate has been the biggest kahuna in Hawaii, by turns the preserve of the old plantation oligarchy, then of the Republican territorial government and, since statehood, of the Democratic machine that has dominated politics here for more than three decades. Its inner workings shrouded in secrecy, the estate has drawn its share of controversy, most notably in the early 1980s when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a state law that forced it to sell off some of its vast holdings to the private homeowners who had leased its land for decades.

But now, for the first time, the Bishop Estate is drawing fire from the one group that has always rallied around it: Hawaiians themselves. Angered at the interference of one trustee in day-to-day school affairs, and by allegations of self-dealing and financial mismanagement by others, a group of Kamehameha students, faculty members, alumni and parents rose up last spring and demanded an accounting -- and changes. In the process, the group unleashed a firestorm that led the estate's trustees to seek a court-appointed fact-finder and prompted the Democratic governor, Benjamin J. Cayetano, to order an inquiry by the state attorney general, Margery Bronster. She recently issued a preliminary finding that "the rights of the beneficiaries may be at substantial risk," and that there were credible allegations that trustees may have breached their fiduciary duties. Local officials say the Internal Revenue Service is also conducting an inquiry that could threaten the estate's tax-exempt status. The attorney general is examining a range of issues, among them how the estate apparently spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying fees in an unsuccessful effort last year to defeat legislation intended to prevent excessive compensation for trustees of tax-exempt organizations; how the trustees invested some $85 million of trust assets in the same Texas methane gas venture in which some individual trustees also invested; how one trustee helped members of the exlcusive Robert Trent Jones Golf Club outside Washington, D.C., negotiate the purchase of the club from a group that included the Bishop Estate itself.

The affair has consumed the entire Hawaiian establishment, from the justices of the State Supreme Court, who appoint the Bishop trustees, to a group of leading Hawaiian elders, who called this summer for the ouster of four of the five trustees. It has pitted old friends and allies against each other, divided the trustees themselves, and widened a long-running debate about the rights and privileges of native Hawaiians. "We've heard these kinds of things before," Cayetano, the state's first governor of Filipino descent, said in a recent interview, referring to the allegations of mismanagement. "But I think that every elected official in the state doesn't want to get into a tussle with the Bishop Estate. The atttitude was, 'If the beneficiaries don't get excited, why should we?' "

But now, Cayetano added in an assessment universally shared by the combatants here, "For the first time, the Hawaiian community rose up and said: 'Wait, we want to look into this, we want to clean it up.' " Lawyers and spokesmen for the estate contend that the attorney general's inquiry in unncessary, and they won the right to have a judge determine whether documents she subpoenas should be shielded from disclosure on the grounds that they could harm business negotiations by the estate. They say that the estate is already one of the most scrutinized institutions in the islands, subject to annual review by a probate court master.

But so far the trustees have largely declined to comment on the details of the allegations against them, including the fact that some made personal side investments in the same entities the trust invested in, a practice that could be a violation of their fiduciary duties and one that the estate's lawyer says the trustees have since expressly prohibited. None agreed to be interviewed in any detail for this article. Henry H. Peters, the trustee most responsible for overseeing investment policy, met by a reporter in the lobby of the estate's headquarters in downtown Honolulu, would say only: "We're a private organization, and we'll compare our track record to anybody else's in town, or anywhere else."

The estate was created in 1884 by the will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the great-granddaughter and last direct descendant of Kamehameha I, the great 18th century king who unified the Hawaiian islands. Having married Charles Bishop, an American businessman and banker from Glens Falls, N.Y., against her family's wishes, and having turned down the chance to become queen, Princess Pauahi died of cancer, childless at the age of 52. She left the great bulk of her estate, some 400,000 acres of family lands, including a prime tract on Waikiki Beach, "to erect and maintain in the Hawaiian islands two schools, each for boarding and day scholars, one for boys and one for girls, to be known as, and called the Kamehameha Schools."

Princess Pauahi made her bequest at a time when the native Hawaiian population had been greatly reduced by Western diseases, and she provided that the schools, which became one coeducational institution years ago, should offer instruction "in such knowledge as may tend to make good and industrious men and women." She did not specify that the schools were to be exclusively for children of Hawaiian descent, but that has been the school's policy in practice. The princess decreed that the estate's five member board of trustees should be chosen by members of the Hawaii Supreme Court. That has led to the highly unusual arrangement whereby the five members of the current State Supreme Court, acting, they say, as individuals, choose the trustees. It is a process that critics deride as arbitrary at best, and a system of post-employment sinecures for retired officeholders and ready-made conflicts of interest for the court at worst.

Of the five current trustees, who function as a collective executive and can serve until age 70, the chairman, Richard S. H. Wong, is a former president of the state Senate, another, Peters is the former speaker of the State House of Representatives, a third, Lokelani Lindsey is a former district superintendent of education and failed mayoral candidate on the island of Maui, and a fourth, Gerard A. Jervis, is a longtime friend of former Gov. John Waihee who served as a member of the panel that recommends candidates for appointment to the Supreme Court. Only one trustee, Oswald K. Stender, had professional experience managing financial assets, as a chief executive of a for-profit family trust here. "If they left Hawaii, I don't think there's a one of them who could earn $100,000 a year, with the possible exception of Oz Stender," said Randall Roth, a professor at the University of Hawaii law school and co-author of "Broken Trust," a scathing indictment of the estate's management practices that was published in the opinion section of The Honolulu Star-Bulletin in August, and called for the ouster of all the trustees except Stender. Roth's co-authors were a cross-section of Hawaiian island elders: Samuel King, a senior Federal District Court judge and son of a former governor and Bishop Estate trustee; Msgr. Charles Kekumano, a retired Catholic priest who heads another royal trust; Walter Heen, a retired state appeals court judge, and Gladys Brandt, a former principal of the Kamehameha School for Girls. Under a 1959 state law, the trustees' collective compensation is capped at 2 percent of the estate's gross annual revenues, and in recent years they have each waived hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees for which they would be eligible. Sorting out the estate's finances is difficult, but it is estimated to be worth between $7 and $10 billion and its current annual income from investments alone runs something above $200 million, about half of which is spent on educational programs.

For most of its life, the estate was land-rich and cash-poor, but the forced land sales of the 1980s caused a huge cash infusion, some of which the trustees have reinvested in such speculative ventures as a 10 percent stake, worth half a billion dollars, in the investment banking firm of Goldman, Sachs. Over the years, both the manner of the trustees' selection and the amount of their compensation has prompted calls for overhaul. And despite the sharp increase in the value of the estate's assets, Kamehameha still enrolls just under 7 percent of the children in the state of Hawaiian ancestry, the same percentage it did in the early 1960s with assets valued at a few hundred million dollars. In 1995, when it spent $84 million on educational programs, it also wrote off $44 million in soured investments.

The current controversy has its roots in the involvement of one trustee, Mrs. Lindsey, in day-to-day affairs at the school, and the board's decision in 1995 to cut about $11 million for school "outreach" programs, resulting in the dismissal of about 170 employees. Alumni and parents say that Mrs. Lindsey, who was appointed to the board in 1992, broke with past practice, taking an office on the school campus, undermining the school principal, Dr. Michael J. Chun, demoralizing the faculty and acting unilaterally in a way that may violate the terms of the trust, which requires collective decisions. They have also accused her of using estate workers to help with the construction of her personal residence. Upset at such events, the president of last year's student body, Kamani Kualaau, drafted a letter expressing his concerns, intending to publish it in the local newspaper. When Mrs. Lindsey learned of it, she summoned him to her office, and implicitly threatened to complain about him to Princeton University, which had offered him admission to its freshman class. "She said, 'I'm not going to do this, but how would you feel if I wrote a letter to Princeton and told them you were a rabble-rouser?' " Kualaau recalled in a telephone interview from Princeton. Two weeks later, a group of alumni and parents staged a candlelight vigil outside the estate's headquarters, incorporated themselves as a formal organization, and obtained the services of a volunteer lawyer. That in turn led one trustee, Stender to go public with various criticisms, including complaints that board members were letting large contracts for services without adequate discussion. He also said the estate should be restructured with a highly-paid chief executive to manage investment affairs and part-time board members paid a few thousand dollars a month. "Years of pent-up gossip and backroom talk has now surfaced," Stender said in a brief telephone interview. Referring to Mrs. Lindsey's actions, he added: "It's the most egregious thing I've ever heard of."

Another trustee, Jervis, recently published a long statement in The Honolulu Advertiser, in which he called for lowering trustee fees and acknowledged, "The truth is that both in substance and in attitude, the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate hasn't done enough to change with the times," and added: "What hasn't worked, and what must stop, are any actions by trustees that create the perception of conflict or impropriety." Mrs. Lindsey did not return telephone calls seeking comment, but in the past has said she has simply discharged what she regards as the active management duties of a trustee.

Once such allegations were out in the open, Mrs. Brandt, the former Kamehameha principal said, she had no choice but to join Professor Roth and the others in protest. "Kamehameha, to me, is a great legacy, and something that anyone with a smidgen of Hawaiian blood has to take pride in," said Mrs. Brandt, a regal presence at 91. "And to have it sullied in that manner to me was inexcusable."

Ms. Bronster, the attorney general, declined in an interview to offer details of her investigation, but she made it clear that her options include seeking removal of the trustees, or a restructuring of the estate or the appointment process or other changes. And she complains that the trustees' legal delaying tactics are making it hard for her to obtain information. "It could be a long haul," she said. But Beadie Kanahele Dawson, the lawyer for the Kamehameha alumni group, said there was no turning back now. "This will not go away," she said. "The community at large is stepping forward at last."

Copyright 1997 The New York Times Company

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Important message posted: Sinister is the fact that the criminal claims to lands began through the frauds, deceit, piracy of white supremacists/haters of people of color which included Charles Reed Bishop, a banker, psyops, plantation owner, conspirator, treasonous person and the Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, et. als. who played a part in assuming lands that they could never own and transferred a lot of land to the U.S., etc.
Charles Reed Bishop had only a life interest and the Trustees still claim the interest that ended in 1915 when Bishop died.
The story of Hawaii's lands are criminal occupation based on violations/breach of the Neutrality law of Kamehameha III in 1854.
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0517 Re: NRHP Section 106 2nd Agricultural Grazing Lease  Pohakuloa Training Area from Amelia Gora, Royal Family Represen
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0517 Re: NRHP Section 106 2nd Agricultural Grazing Lease  Pohakuloa Training Area from Amelia Gora, Royal Family Represen
Neutral Nation to Neutral Nations/Other Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023-0517 Re: NRHP Section 106 2nd Agricultural Grazing Lease Pohakuloa Training Area…

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