Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Royal Family Message


September 30 at 10:20 AM 
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What’s the difference Cr between Sammy Amalu and the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees? Hint: the trustees do not own the Allodial titles ! And they are perpetuating a crime by operating in a foreign created government .... a pirates nation documented!
Calvin Hulihee, Tanya M. Francisco and 2 others


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  • Amelia Gora
    Sammy Amalu did not have the Allodial titles to the Waikiki lands and was sent to prison! Ramifications are ongoing!
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  • Amelia Gora
    Case precedence!
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  • Calvin Hulihee
    So the OHTERS who don't have Allodial titles going END up like unko' Sammy Amalu
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  • Shelby Billionaire
    How do you want to challenge Bishop Estate and Trustees? Amelia Gora
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    • Calvin Hulihee
      Will the SAM stand up or go down like Sammy n dah rest of nono Allodial titles ownership impostors 😲🤔😎
    • Shelby Billionaire
      Calvin Hulihee I'm waiting for the Bisho Estate probate certified from the archives... it's over 2000 pages to read... Amelia Gora Matt Kahoopii it's a lot to digest before we take on the Big Boyz
    • Amelia Gora
      we meet at Princess Ruth Keelikolani's Palace/Central Intermediate School - name was changed recently.... Tuesdays & Fridays ...it's possible to add other days too.....10:30 am to 2:00 pm otherwise email: hwngensoc.akg@juno.com or goraamy69@gmail.com or P.O. Box 861781 Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii 96786 --- obtw a lot of people don't know that there were about 50+ families who processed documents for homes, services, and conveniences.....and these and our family's went shopping and sent all the bills to the Bishop Estates..... million dollar homes were written up, cars, jewelry -- it was written up too because it just so happened that jewelry company had serviced the Bishop Estates and had filled the order for gold bracelets given to Kamehameha Schools employees so they wrote it up........it happened around 1996 or so.........when there was an uproar on the news about the Bishop Estates...... I 've filed a lien at the Bureau of Conveyances - 281 pages as Document No. 96-177455 with genealogies, evidence of conspiracies, etc. Other liens were filed for lands as well and the recent Joinder which shows all the docs for our claims of Kalola (w) who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop...... add'l info at https://maoliworld.com/.../the-legitimate-government-in... obtw the attorneys did call me the "no. 1 bitch" when another attorney had asked who I was....... my daughters were right behind them in court. .........so let us discuss Sammy Amalu etc. if and when you'd like to meet! 😉 aloha.
      The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tampering of Alii Genealogies from 1874 On Documented....
      The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tampering of Alii Genealogies from 1874 On Documented....
      The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Tampering of Alii Genealogies from 1874 On Documented....
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    • Amelia Gora
      Shelby Millionaire - read the above....also for Calvin Hulihee --- Greg Wongham's research exposes the ongoing issues of the Governors and the U.S. Presidents et.als. who appear to be funneling Royal Family's monies into their pockets, and the collusion of banks - too.... wicked!......and tied to Sen. Dan Inouye whose name needs to be removed from the airport because it is on our Royal Family's land! documented. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98luuj8ymoQ they are true pirates! aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! lol
      Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum
      Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum
      Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum
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  • Amelia Gora
    We own the Allodial titles ,,,, the trustees are not the owners .... they are part of the conspirators who dethroned the Queen ... they are not part of our family’s.... Charles reed bishop lost all interest in the lifetime dower interest... Sam Amalie went to jail for claiming the hotels/ lands and had no genealogies to defend himself ..... the trustees also have no genealogies .... therefore, like Amal’s they too should be in jail for 7-10 years the amount of time Amalu sat in jail.... read Amalu’s book and he is from one of Kamehameha’s brothers kalokukamaile? Not Kamehameha .... he also mentioned the Purdy name .... and
  • Amelia Gora
    It’s funny how kawaiahao church made a special celebration for him, the Kauai police chief got him a lei from kaua etc.... I think Amalie was a diversion for the public distracting everyone from shady business of the governors n U S Presidents as uncovered by Greg Wongham uncovering Corruption in Hawaii!

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