Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Rules of Propaganda - U.S. Military Six (6) Propaganda Techniques

Military Expedition: Propaganda Rules -of the U.S. Military

Rules of Propaganda

Note:  Could have been used when a Military Expedition on Hawaii mas made pre 1893, etc. and the Neutrality laws were breached

United States Military SIX (6) Propaganda Techniques Used on Iraq, etals.
Excerpts from WAR AND ANTIWAR (1993) by Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler;
Little, Brown and Company (Canada) Limited

Purpose: "to exploit the mass media to sway mass emotion in mass societies."

1. Atrocity accusation.
Example: "When a fifteen-year-old Kuwaiti girl testified before Congress during the Gulf War to the effect that Iraqi troops in Kuwait were killing premature babies and stealing the incubators to take them back to Iraq, she twangerd many a heartstring. The world was not told that she just happened to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador in Washington and a member of the royal family, or that her appearance was stage-managed by the Hill & Knowlton public relations firm on behalf of the Kuwaitis."

2.. Hyperbolic inflation of the stakes involved in a battle or war.
Example: "Soldiers and civilians are told that everything they hold dear is at risk. President Bush (father of current GWBush) pictured the Gulf conflict as a war for a new and better world order. At stake was not simply the independence of Kuwait, the protection of the world's oil supply, or elimination of a potential nuclear threat from Saddam, but, supposedly, the fate of civilization itself. As for Saddam, the war was not about his failure to pay back billions of dollars borrowed from the Kuwaitis during the earlier Iran-Iraq war; it was---he claimed—about the entire future of the "Arab Nation."."

3. Demonization and/or dehumanization of the opponent.
Example. "For Saddam as for his enemies in nex-door Iran, America was "the Great Satan," Bush was "the Devil in the White House." In turn, for Bush, Saddam was a "Hitler." Baghdad radio spoke of American pilots as "rats" and "predatory beasts." An American colonel described an air strike as "almost like you flipped on the light in the kitchen at night and the cockroaches start scurrying there, and we're killing them."

4. Polarization.
Example. "Those who are not with us are against us."

5. Claim of divine sanction.
Example: "If Saddam draped his aggression in Islamic garb, President Bush also called upon God's support. As the Moroccan sociologist Fatima Mernissi has pointed out, the incantatory phrase "God bless America" ran through American propaganda—and had an odd, unanticipated side effect when it reached ears in the souks and streets of the Muslim world." "…Confusion was even greater when God was linked with rhetoric about democracy. Was democracy a religion?"

6. Meta-propaganda. "Propaganda that discredits the other side's propaganda."
Example: "Coalition spokespeople in the Gulf repeatedly and accurately pointed out
that Saddam Hussein had total control of the Iraqi press and that, therefore, the
people of Iraq were denied the truth and Iraqi airwaves were filled with lies. Meta-
propaganda is particularly potent because, instead of challenging the veracity of a
single story, it calls into question everything coming from the enemy. Its aim is to
produce wholesale, as distinct from retail, disbelief."

Acknowledgments part of the book WAR AND ANTI-WAR by Alvin and Heidi Toffler, the following appears on page 253:
"Among those who took the time to assist us or share their ideas with us were Grace Aaron, Duane Andrews, John Arquilla, John boyd, Carl Builder, D*i*c*k Cheney, Ray Cline, John Connally, Klaus Dannenberg, Michael Dewar, William Forster, Lewis Franklin, Pierre Gallois, Newt Gingrich, Dan Goldin, Daniel Goure, Jerome Granrud, Steve Hanser, Jerry Harrison, Ryan Henry, Zalmay Khalilizad, Tom King, Andy Marshall, Andy Messing, Janet and Chris Morris, Jim Pinkerton, Jonathan Pollock, Jonathan Regan, David Ronfeldt, Tim Rynne, Larry Seaquist, Stuart Slade, Donn Starry, Robert Steele, Bill Stofft, Paul Strassmann, Dean Wilkening,and Henry Yuen. As noted in the text, Patti Morelli, the widow of Don Morelli..."
Their daughter, Karen Toffler, Robert Basile, Valerie Vasquez, Juan Gomez, Jim Silberman,"our old friend and now our editor at Little, Brown. We received endless support from our agent, Perry Knowlton, and the people on his team at Curtis Brown Ltd., especially Grace Wherry, Dave Barbor, and Tim Knowlton."
With Cheney and Gingrich names alone.....it basically means that the information is researched, verified, etc.

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