Inclusion of the Kingdom of Hawaii in Peace Talks? The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Water, Titanium, Gold, and Other Minerals in the Kingdom of Hawaii Occupied by the United States of America since 1893 and The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pirate Status - United States, Great Britain, France Moves Towards One World Order/New World Order from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family's Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Water, Titanium, Gold, and Other Minerals in the Kingdom of Hawaii Occupied by the United States of America since 1893
- Important Correction -
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2025)
The valuable minerals found in the Hawaiian Islands which is fraudulently claimed by a nation that has breached and violated the 1850 Permanent Friendship and Amity Treaty, the U.S. Constitution Article 6 - Supremacy Clause, the 1854 Protectorate Treaty with the U.S., Great Britain, and France, the 1854 Neutrality Law and occupied the Kingdom of Hawaii since the 1893 invasion:
*The water - some which has been poisoned by the U.S. Military in Red Hill and other areas.
*Titanium - the same metals the U.S. seeks to obtain from Ukraine that has War with Russia; metals that China that has 40% of the minerals some gotten from occupied Tibet, etc.
*Gold - mined secretly in the Hawaiian Islands; reasons for warring with Spain etc. to obtain the lands in the Phillippines, and the Samoan Islands due to the tremendous amounts of Gold found.
*Hawaii has many minerals, including quartz, sulfur, gypsum, peridot, olivine, obsidian, and more.
The United States/United States of America's created State that has no Annexation meaning No Jurisdiction have criminally assumed the minerals as documented above.
The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation which claims to assist Kanaka Maoli have contracts set to assume the mineral rights, water rights, etc. when assisting in land cases and transfers such interests to the State of Hawaii which operates without rule of law in place.
Bankrupt Nation with No Gold in It's Treasury documented Pirates
U.S. President McKinley disregarded U.S. President Grover Cleveland's legal actions in returning Hawaii to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.
U.S. President McKinley (corrected name 3/03/25) had the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and other personnel develop a territory for the United States in 1898.
Opposition to Annexation by Queen Liliuokalani was disregarded. Her documents were found in the Japan's files at the National Archives by Kilikina Kekumano. Queen Liliuokalani represented the Kingdom of Hawaii but her documents were filed apart from the signatures found by Noenoe Silva.
The Kue /Opposition signatures of 21,000 was delivered by treasonous persons and entered onto the records with the "Republic of Hawaii" entries.
19,000 signatures have yet to be found because Queen Liliuokalani stated on her documents that there were 40,000 signatures.
Problematic Issues Over Water, Minerals, etc.
Diplomacy is moved on in order to prevent World War III by current U.S. President Trump. Minerals from the Ukraine is sought in repayment for U.S. President Biden's foolish gifting Ukraine with over $60 billion.
$183 billion was given to Ukraine - Fox News 8:30 AM 2/28/2025 U.S. President Trump and Ukraine's Zelensky meeting at the Whitehouse.
How much money has the US given Ukraine?
More Reference:
- Quartz: Kailua, Oahu.
- Sulfur: Kilauea, Big island.
- Gypsum: Makapuu, Oahu.
- Analcime, Chabazite, and Laumontite: Kailua, Oahu.
Search Results
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Pirate Status - United States, Great Britain, France Moves Towards One World Order/New World Order
Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2025)
The following timeline shows the planned moves by Pirate Nations United States, Great Britain, and France leaders with Austria, Prussia, Russia, and the Vatican since 1822 with the goals of breaking down Monarchy governments worldwide and forming a One World Order/New World Order:
1810 - Hawaii - the Kingdom of Hawaii recognized as a Monarchy government.
1822 Secret Treaty of Verona
- move to break down Monarchy governments worldwide and move towards One World Order - comprised of Nations that All Nations should watch out for:
1) Austria
2) France
3) Prussia
4) Russia
5) England
6) U.S.
7) Vatican
1840 - Constitutional Monarchy formed in Hawaii - the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Constitution, land laws etc. created by Kamehameha III.
1850 - Treaty between the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States ratified.
Treaties are covered under the United States Constitution article 6 - Supremacy clause - treaties are the supreme law of the lland.
1854 - Protectorate Treaty signed between the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States, Great Britain, and France.
1854 - Neutrality Law passed by Kamehameha III. The Neutrality Law was served to the United States, Great Britain, France and other nations.
1892 - Queen Liliuokalani requested for a United States Protectorate.
United States Secretary of State named John Foster helped in leading the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani.
1893 - The United States invaded the Kingdom of Hawaii with the knowledge of U.S. President Harrison, Congress, the military, etc.
U.S. Minister Stevens disregarded the 1854 Protectorate Treaty and gave the usurpers in Hawaii a Protectorate Treaty.
Queen Liliiuokalani's family members conspired against her. The major players were: Charles Reed Bishop - her brother-in-law married to her hanai/ adopted sister Bernice Pauahi and Archibald Cleghorn - her brother-in-law husband of Miriam Likelike her sister.
Queen Liliuokalani's cabinet members and supposed friends: Sanford B. Dole, Lorrin Thurston, Samuel Damon, Curtis Iaukea, Dr. Mott-Smith, Thomas Akaka, et.als.
The Judges, Attorneys conspired against Queen Liliuokalani. They had formed their own court a few days before dethroning her.
The United States Junta made an agreement with Queen Liliuokalani.
U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani.
1894 - U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani for the second time.
1895 - U.S. President Cleveland passed a Neutrality Declaration.
1896 - U.S. President Cleveland announced the U.S. Neutrality continuation in 1896.
1896 - U.S. President Cleveland warned Americans about the breach of the Neutrality Law of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
1897 - U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani for the third time.
Opposition to Annexation was signed by Queen Liliuokalani of the Kingdom of Hawaii and 40,000 subjects.
The signatures of 21,000+ was delivered by four under the Republic of Hawaii and Not the Kingdom of Hawaii. A Fraud transaction documented.
1897 - U.S. President McKinley had the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, and others "develop" a Territory for the United States which was called the Territory of Hawaii.
U.S. President McKinley created another government under the United States. The United States therefore became two (2) nations:
(1) United States - operated with nations that had Treaties.
(2) American Empire - operated with nations that had no treaties and were territories.
Note: The Kingdom of Hawaii was considered a Territory, less than a nation and treated lesser than a nation due to the developed Territory status, disregarding the signatures in opposition to the Annexation.
Reference: Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The claim to Annexation is a Lie. The U.S. has no Jurisdiction over Hawaii.
The United States, Great Britain, and France are documented Pirates due to the 1854 Neutrality Law that was breached.
Kamehameha III documented that anyone who violated/breached the Neutrality Law shall be punished as Pirates.
Therefore, the status of Pirates remain for the three Nations who have been moving contrary to rule of law since 1893.
The Annexation was a lie, it was not possible to annex another nation. Reference: Williamson Chang, University of Hawaii Law Professor.
Conspiracies have been found in research.
The U.S. Constitution has been breached by U.S. Presidents Harrison, McKinley, Wilson through Donald Trump due to a neutral, non-violent nation Kingdom of Hawaii being violated without other neutral and friendly nations knowing.
This has been prepared for the purpose of opposing war and in this case World War III.
It is not O.K. for Pirate Nations to proceed and operating contrary to the United Nations rules of law as well.
Violations of the Kingdom of Hawaii, the United States (Constitution), and International Laws are violated.
All Nations should demand Peace for Humankind, for Innocents.
Pirate operations cannot be allowed.
The Kingdom of Hawaii opposes all wrongs and demand that Peace Treaties be laid down now.
Pray for peace, anti-war stance from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation which is based on religion and morality since the time of Kamehameha III in 1840.
Praying for Peace through rule of law and religion.
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