The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Usurping Government created by the U.S. under the American Empire.
Researched by Amelia Gora (2023)
Did You Know that the U.S./U.S.A. Operates Two (2) Government Bodies: U.S./U.S.A. and the American Empire
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- You, Josephine Keliipio and Theresa Keohunani Taber like this.
- Nanci Ameling Munroe wow, Ester just recited a little genealogy, then admitted that her `ohana was involved with delivering the Ku`e petition to protest annexation!!
- Nanci Ameling Munroe Great question by Nathaniel Wong: If we get federal recognition, would RIMPAC ask us if it's OK to come here?
- Amelia Gora
- Amelia Gora It appears that the American Empire entity which oversees territories of the U.S. is operating, has been operating since the so called claim to Annexation........
- Amelia Gora A panel of 5 was said to oversee the territories and it appears that's where the Department of Interior kicks into place.................. really want to put out the case but cousins said they are writing something up....... and btw the U.S./U.S.A. onl...See More
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- Amelia Gora
- Amelia Gora It appears that the American Empire entity which oversees territories of the U.S. is operating, has been operating since the so called claim to Annexation........
- Amelia Gora A panel of 5 was said to oversee the territories and it appears that's where the Department of Interior kicks into place.................. really want to put out the case but cousins said they are writing something up....... and btw the U.S./U.S.A. only works with the U.S. Constitution, but the American Empire works under different rules, which appears what the panel is operating under.............wicked indeed but just discovered or rediscovered the case only two (2) days ago....
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from pilipo:
Hawaii and the United States, 1911.
Hawaii is a Gold Mine for America
According to the report by the treasurer of the Territory of Hawaii, D. L. Conkling, in the 12 years which have passed since the annexation of Hawaii to America, the income just from duties during that time come to more than $15,000,000, more than the other states of the United States. In the past year, Hawaii paid $1,772,869 in income taxes and duties to the coffers of America.
The rest of the states fell behind Hawaii in duties and income taxes, and therefore what we say about Hawaii being a gold mine for America is true; it is Hawaii who gave it to America then asked questions.
All of the expenses for the forts and the dredging of the harbors are paid for by Hawaii’s dollars, and America suffers nothing for Hawaii.
(Kuokoa Home Rula, 8/11/1911, p. 1)
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Dirty Money, Dirty Politics and Bishop Estate
Stealing the Legacy of an Hawaiian Princess
Sightings from The Catbird Seat
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PART I - The Stealing Begins....
PRINCESS BERNICE PAUAHI was born on December 19, 1831, the last in the royal lineage of Kamehameha the Great, conqueror and first king of the Hawaiian Islands.
As was the custom for Hawaiian royalty, it had been planned from childhood that Pauahi would marry her hanai brother, Lot Kamehameha. She doted upon her brother but declined to take him as a husband. Instead, the attractive young Pauahi met and fell in love with a commoner, a foreigner from Sandy Hill, New York -- Charles Reed Bishop.
The love between Princess Pauahi and the foreigner faced great opposition from her family, other ali'i and members of the community. But the young princess was intelligent and independent, and in June 1850, at age 18, she married the young "haole" businessman.
The Princess and her husband eventually won over many of their critics and their relationship came to be admired by Hawaiians and westerners alike, and she eventually reconciled with her family and the other ali'i.
Pauahi grew and developed as a young matron and counselor to her people. At the age of 25, she inherited over 16,000 acres of land from her parents. Other inheritances followed as other members of the royal family passed away. The greatest of the inheritances came from Princess Ruth, her first cousin. Ruth had declared Pauahi sole heir to her entire estate. The amount of land was mind-boggling: about 353,000 acres.
Ruth's gift to Pauahi made her the largest landowner and the richest woman in the Kingdom. At the same time, she presented Pauahi with the greatest challenge and responsibility of her life. Pauahi now owned a giant estate, and she would have to decide how it would be used.
The Bishops had a multitude of blessings, except one. They never had children of their own. Possibly from this came Pauahi's inspiration to use her legacy to establish the Kamehameha Schools for all the children of Hawaii.
On Thursday, October 16, 1884, the princess passed away. Charles was by her side.
The newspapers reported that a heavy downpour of rains reached a crescendo just about the time Pauahi died. In ancient days, the Hawaiians said when rain fell at a the time of a person's death or funeral, "Kulu ka waimaka, uwe `opua." (The tears fall; the clouds weep.), for the gods mingle their tears of affection with those who weep in sympathy and aloha.
Of all the eulogies that were held upon her death, perhaps that of Reverend J.A. Cruzan was the most moving and prophetic:
"The great loss which Hawaii sustained last Thursday was not that the last of this great line of High Chiefs died, nor that the possessor of great wealth died, but that a true woman died...True in all times and among all races...
That Bernice Pauahi Bishop was such a true woman her life bears witness....Refusing a crown, she so lived that she was crowned. Refusing to rule her people, she did what was better, she served them, and in no way so grandly as by her example....
'The world can do without its masters better than it can without its servants.'...For fifty-three years her royal life here has borne unswerving witness in favor of virtue and purity...
She hated that which was impure with an intense hatred. She had only loathing and contempt for that which was coarse and low. Place, power, wealth, nor influence could win her favor or regard if it was joined with degraded character. And her womanly example was all the more potent for good because it was so quiet...
The things that are most noisy are not the most powerful. Nay, things that make no noise, and make no pretension, may be really the most powerful. This quiet, modest, true womanly life has been for years, and still is, and will be for years to come, a mighty power for good here in Hawaii.
Only the God who loveth purity and righteousness can measure this one true woman's influence for good upon her people..."
by George Hu`eu Sanford Kanahele~ ~ ~
It was from Pauahi's legacy that vast amounts of wealth eventually flowed, until the Bishop Estate became the wealthiest charitable organization in the United States. It is her estate that has been systematically looted over the last decades by persons "with degraded character" that the princess undoubtably would have viewed with only "loathing and contempt."
In 1997, responding to a surging tsunami of criticism from the faculty, students and alumni of the Kamehameha Schools, and from concerned citizens of all ethnic backgrounds in Hawaii, Governor Ben Cayetano took an unprecedented action and directed the state's attorney general, Margery Bronster, to investigate the practices of the Estate's five highly paid trustees.
But the attorney general was not the only one investigating the estate. The IRS had already been auditing the records of the estate for several months -- empowered by the "interim sanctions" regulations which had been passed by Congress in early 1996. At the same time, the court-appointed "master" who is charged by the probate court with oversight of the operations of the estate, was digging deeper into the activities of the trustees than a long line of previous masters.
Suddenly the trustee's were, for the first time in the schools' 115-year history, under siege from all sides.
The full and sordid story of the looting of the estate is too long to relate here. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the financial losses, however, the Master's Report on the 109th Annual Account of the Trustees revealed that the Estate's investment portfolio suffered substantial losses in 1994, the year under review. The records relating to the various investments showed that combined losses and loss reserves of $264,090,257 were recognized in fiscal year 1994 alone.
The short story is that, after long and hard-fought court battles, the five former trustees were forced to resign, and five interim trustees were selected to take their places until a new trustee selection process was created and implemented. The removal of the five former trustees was one of the non-negotiable conditions of the IRS to prevent the loss of the estate's tax-exempt status.
The long story can be found herein and in the volumes of news articles and court proceedings in the on-line archives of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
The removal of the incumbent trustees was good news, hailed by many as the beginning of the healing process....
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March 12, 2000
Bishop Estate’s first trustees
played key role in overthrowBy Bob Dye, Honolulu Advertiser
They were American annexationists, these first five trustees of the estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Within three years of their appointment, they helped strip King Kalakaua of his power. When, upon his death in 1891, Pauahi’s hanai sister Lili‘uokalani succeeded to the throne, they joined with others to depose her, establish a provisional government and a so-called republic.
The annexationists realized their ultimate political goal four years later when the Hawaiian Islands became a U.S. territory. Their political agenda had a profound effect on Bishop Estate and the Kamehameha Schools.
Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha dynastic line. Upon Pauahi’s death, in the 11th year of Kalakaua’s reign, the royal lands of the Kamehamehas — one-ninth of all land in Hawaii — passed to the control of five esteemed haoles — the trustees.
None had a drop of Hawaiian blood.
Those lands became a base of wealth for two great estates — those of Bishop and Damon.
The trustees were:
Charles Reed Bishop, president, founder of Bishop Bank (now First Hawaiian Bank) and Pauahi’s husband. Born in Glenn Falls, N.Y., in 1822, he came to Hawaii in 1846 and accepted a clerkship in the U.S. Consulate. He became the Collector General of Customs in 1849, and a year later, he married the princess. She was 18 and he was 26. Her missionary teachers at the Royal School — Amos Starr and Juliette Montague Cooke — encouraged the courtship.
“I’m decidedly in favor of annexation, not only because I’m an American, proud of the ‘stars and stripes’ and expect to gain something by such a move, but because I’m an Hawaiian too, and believe that while such a change might bring its evils, it would be the best thing for the great majority of the population both native and foreign,” he wrote in 1853.
In 1873, as Lunalilo’s minister of foreign affairs, he urged the cession of Pearl Harbor to the United States for a naval base. In addition to being a trustee of the Punahou School, he headed the public board of education. He served as president of the Legislative Assembly, and was a member of the House of Nobles.
The Rev. Charles McEwen Hyde, vice-president. Hyde was born in New York City on June 8, 1832. His father, an attorney, was treasurer and general agent of the American Bible Society, and his uncle William was a board member of American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions.
A graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and the holder of a doctor of divinity degree from Williams College, Hyde came to Hawaii in 1877 to be secretary of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association. He reorganized a Honolulu theological school as the North Pacific Missionary Institute, and served as principal. He was named a trustee ofPunahou School in 1877.
Supporters called Hyde a “typical American, combining all the energy and persistency of the New Englander with the refinement and culture of the Christian Gentleman.”
Charles Montague Cooke, secretary. A son of missionary parents and teachers of Princess Pauahi, Amos Starrand Juliette Montague Cooke, he was born in Honolulu on May 16,1849.
He began his business career with Castle & Cooke, a firm founded by his father.
At the time of his appointment, he was a partner in Lewers & Cooke. He married missionary daughter Anna Charlotte Rice in 1874. They had six children. He became a trustee of Punahou School in 1880. He was a charter member of the Hawaii Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
Samuel Mills Damon, treasurer of the board. A son of missionary parents, the Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon and Julia Mills Damon, he was born in Honolulu on March 3, 1845. A partner of Charles Reed Bishop in the Bishop Bank after Sept. 1, 1881, he inherited from Bernice Pauahi Bishop the ahupua‘a of Moanalua. That bequest contained about 7,000 acres, and stretched from the Koolau Range to Keehi Lagoon. He coordinated her funeral.
Earlier he had coordinated the funeral of Princess Ruth. He married missionary daughter Harriet Melinda Baldwin. Her brother, Henry P. Baldwin, was a founder of Alexander & Baldwin. At the time of appointment Damon was a member of Kalakaua’s privy council. With Charles R. Bishop, he was an executor of Princess Pauahi’s will.
William Owen Smith, trustee. A son of missionary parents, Dr. James William and Melicent Knapp Smith, he was born at Koloa, Kauai, in 1848. He became the sheriff of Kauai in 1870, and of Maui in 1872. In 1875, he was admitted to the practice of law. The following year he married Irish-born Abbey Hobron, the daughter of Capt. T.H. Hobron, founder of the 3,000 acre Grove Ranch on Maui. They had five children. He was named a trustee ofPunahou School and an editor of Planters’ Monthly in 1882.
When appointed to the Bishop Estate board, he was a trustee of Lunalilo Estate. A member of the Hawaiian legislature, he was politically allied with Sanford Ballard Dole, a childhood friend. Smith, who had extensive trust experience, resigned as trustee on Oct. 20, 1886, and was replaced a day later by Joseph Oliver Carter, another trust expert.
Schooling Hawaiians
The trustees met at least once a month in the board room of Bishop & Co., but usually more often than that. Hyde’s biographer reported that trustee commissions “hovered”‘ about $1,000 a year during the first years.
But apparently individual commissions varied. Cooke returned every penny he received from his trusteeship in the first five years — a total of $989.79 — and pledged all future commissions to establish a library at the school.
The Rev. Hyde recommended a site for the Boys’ School, and enunciated “the objective, aims, method, time, and extent of the school.” Called The Prospectus of the Kamehameha Schools, the report was unanimously adopted. After Princess Pauahi’s will called for the establishment of a school to educate Hawaiian children, the document became the principal guideline for the development and management of the schools.
Hyde became the “lead trustee” for the schools and advocated appointing the Rev. William Brewster Oleson as principal. Oleson began his duties on July 1, 1886, and soon traveled to the United States to visit similar schools and recruit faculty.
Planning an overthrow
Calling King Kalakaua “a bully and a coward,” Hyde advocated his overthrow.
He wrote to the Rev. Judson Smith, head of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, on Nov. 20, 1886: “I have learned facts about the King’s measures and objects, which convince me that with the cunning of the savage and the tirelessness of revengeful animosity, he is seeking the overthrow of Christian institutions and the utter demoralization of society. His aim is to restore heathenism with its absolute power of the chief and licentious orgies of wasteful indulgence ... we should have a revolution.”
A Jan. 13, 1887, correspondence from Hyde to Smith states: “By the Constitution, he is not responsible to anybody for anything he chooses to do. He can steal, murder, defraud. He cannot be called to account. But if twelve of the leading men of this community should agree upon a line of policy that they believe the King ought to pursue, and publicly demands, he would have to succumb. That is my idea in reply to your question what means there are of checking this irresistible rush to disgrace and ruin.
“But there are no such twelve men to be found in this community … But if circumstances should put me in a position in which I should have to defend the interests of Christ’s Kingdom, as against the King, I should have neither fear nor hesitancy in doing so.”
Months earlier, the king had confided to an aide that he feared he might be overthrown. Members of his staff spent the night guarding him for several weeks after as he slept in the palace.
It was confirmed later that a secret organization, called the Hawaiian League, had been formed about the first of the year, consisting of some of the most powerful businessmen and their pastors. All were white, male and mostly Protestant.
Hyde refused to join the Hawaiian League, “objecting to the secret, underhand plottings involved in such a style of procedure.” But his co-trustee Cooke was among the first to sign up. Kamehameha School principal Oleson was on its executive committee and vice principal Henry S. Townsend, was a member.
Members pledged to keep the League secret and to “protect the white community” of the kingdom “against any arbitrary or oppressive action of the government.”
The League held its first meeting at the home of Sanford B. Dole. By June 30, 1887, it had 405 members. Meetings usually took place in the evening, and in different parts of the city, to frustrate police efforts to gather information on them.
Seizing control
The revolution was bloodless.
Kalakaua was stripped of power and the government fell into the hands of the Hawaiian League. On July 5, 1887, the Honolulu Rifles were ordered out in full uniform. Their cartridge belts were full. Charles Bishop’s nephew, Eben Faxon Bishop, was one of the officers as a first lieutenant of Company B. In addition, League members armed themselves.
At the palace a New York Herald correspondent asked King Kalakaua:
“What means have you of self-defense?”
“I have my bodyguard of sixty men, who are passably well armed and drilled,” he replied, “an Austrian battery of six field pieces, two brass cannon with sweeping fire, good bolts to outside doors and good hearts within. Then, too, there are two companies of native volunteers called the Queen’s and King’s Own, composed mainly of old retainers.”
“But outside, as I understand it, there are three hundred men, over a thousand rifles and ammunition enough for a siege.”
“Yes,” replied the king, nervously wetting his lips, “but they have not got in yet.”
Hyde told a different story. He wrote that Kalakaua had “ordered his military to assemble at the palace Friday night, but only 20 assembled out of 200. When he asked them how many would fight for him, only 2 said they would.”
Hyde also wrote: “The backbone of the whole movement is the money furnished by some of our capitalists, while the brains came largely from the ‘missionary ring’ and the muscle from the sturdy mechanics, carpenters, and masons and machinists who have no great regard for royalty but do believe in right and justice.”
A man credited with financing the revolution was Trustee Damon, the banker. In July 1889, the “reform” cabinet named him minister of finance. Kalakaua died in 1893 and was succeeded by Queen Lili‘uokalani.
-Bob Dye is a Kailua historian and writer.
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May 7, 2013
She was the 1970 Kamehameha Schools graduate who was hired to breathe new life into an organization tarnished by ethics controversies and legal challenges.
But as Dee Jay Mailer announced her retirement today, the trust is now serving more Hawaiians than ever and has the financial strength to do so.
"She's done an outstanding job, absolutely outstanding," said Beadie Kanahele Dawson, former spokeswoman for the parent, alumni group Na Pua a Ke Alii Pauahi.
"She instilled a new confidence in the school, on the part of the community, on the part of alums, on the part of faculty."
During her tenure, Kamehameha Schools has grown from serving about 35,000 native Hawaiians students and adults to over 47,000 while its endowment has grown from $6 billion dollars to over $9 billion.
The growth was especially felt on the neighbor islands.
"We had not completed the Maui campus and the Keaau campus. Those were completed in her time and we're now in the fifth or sixth graduating classes," said Douglas Ing, former Kamehameha Schools trustee.
"Intelligence, good sense of judgement, character, integrity, humility, Dee Jay all of those characteristics and qualities and that's what made her a good leader."
Mailer's appointment came at a difficult transition period. The trust's tax exempt status had been at risk recently and its admissions policy was being challenged in the courts."
"There were so many almost incestuous relationships amongst the previous people at Kamehameha, it was necessary to have a new confidence built around someone who had nothing to do with thecontroversy," said Dawson.
Mailer earned nearly $600,000 as CEO. The Kamehameha Schools says it will conduct a global search for her successor.
Copyright 2013 Hawaii News Now. All rights reserved.
August 7, 2008
Kamehameha School Controversy Bubbles Up Again; Dueling Suits Filed
By Dan Slater, Wall Street Journal
As a youngster, when we used to attend Minnesota Gopher hockey games on a semi-regular basis, we always took pride in the then-coach, Doug Woog, who according to legend only recruited in-state players. Since Minnesota high school hockey is clearly superior, Coach Woog’s policy simply made good sense.
This admittedly tangential anecdote came to mind today while reading Scotus blog’s update on the long-running controversy over the admissions policy of Hawaii’s exclusive Kamehameha Schools to admit only native Hawaiians. Theschool, Hawaii’s largest private landowner, was founded 120 years ago on the instructions of the will of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop (pictured). The school is financed by her estate’s $6.2 billion trust, the mission of which is to educate and “improve the capability and well-being of people of Hawaiian ancestry.” (As the LB noted in a past post, the former Bishop estate was one of the largest outside shareholders of Goldman Sachs before divesting its stake in 2002.)
An earlier Kamehameha case, testing whether an 1866 civil rights law still bars the use of race in private school admissions, reached the Supreme Court last year, via the Ninth Circuit, but was settled before the Justices took final action on it. Now, notes Scotus blog, a new suit, raising the same challenge, has been filed in U.S. District Court in Hawaii, but with new individuals suing.
Also, the Schools — there are three — filed a suit in Hawaii state court, claiming a violation of the 2007 settlement agreement because one of the attorneys involved had disclosed the confidential terms of the deal — including, the attorney said, a payment of $7 million to the youth who had sued — to the Honolulu Advertiser.
The new civil rights suit is a Section 1981 claim. In Runyon v. McCrary, notes Scotusblog, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 1981 prohibits private, commercially operated, non-religious schools from denying admission to prospective students who were black. The four plaintiffs in the new suit contend that they’ve been denied admission to the Kamehameha Schools because they are not of Hawaiian ancestry.
January 10, 2009
Kamehameha Schools endowment declines by $1.7B
Meltdown in financial markets reduced value
by 18 percent, to $7.7BBY RICK DAYSOG. Advertiser Staff Writer
The value of Kamehameha Schools' endowment plunged by more than $1.7 billion in four months due to the meltdown in the nation's financial markets.
The charitable trust said the value of its investments portfolio and real estate holdings fell 18 percent, to $7.7 billion, between June 30 and Oct. 31.
The declines reverse a stellar 2008 fiscal year when the trust's endowment increased by $367.9 million to $9.44 billion.
"While the overall diversification of our portfolio enabled us to weather the initial volatility of the 2008 equity markets, we are by no means immune to the effects of the dramatic fluctuations triggered by the U.S. and global financial challenges that unfolded in the last half of the year," said Kirk Belsby, Kamehameha Schools vice president for endowment.
Kamehameha Schools is hardly alone among the multibillion-dollar endowments affected by the turmoil in the financial markets.
Last month, Harvard University said its endowment dropped by 22 percent, or about $8 billion, over a four-month period while Yale University said the value of its investments dropped by $5.9 billion, or about 25 percent.
The State of Hawai'i Employees Retirement System saw the value of its investment portfolio drop by about $1 billion to about $9 billion since June.
"What began as an apparent cyclical downturn in the financial markets has become a world economic crisis with ramifications that reach far beyond Wall Street," Kamehameha Schools spokeswoman Ann Botticelli said.
Founded by the 1883 will of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the Kamehameha Schools is a tax-exempt charity that educates children of native Hawaiian ancestry. The trust is one of the nation's wealthiest charities and is the state's largest private landowner.
The investment downturn is not expected to have a severe impact on Kamehameha Schools' educational spending policy. That policy is based not on single-year returns, but on a five-year rolling average of the value of Kamehameha Schools' endowment.
For the fiscal year ending June 30, Kamehameha Schools said it spent $273 million on its educational programs, an increase of $23 million during the year-earlier period.
During the same period, the trust said it served more than 38,100 students, which represents an increase of 2,100 or 7.2 percent.
During the past five fiscal years, the estate said it has spent more than $1.1 billion on educational programs.
Kamehameha Schools endowment declines by $1.7B
August 27, 2009
CV09-00403 - SOM - KSC
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Campuses Students Faculty & Staff Parents & Alumni Community Contact Us
The Board of Trustees, from left: J. Douglas Ing, Janeen-Ann Ahulani Olds, Corbett A.K. Kalama, Diane J. Plotts and Micah A. Kāne.Additional Resources About Kamehameha Schools Governance Facts About KS About KS Admissions Policies KS Organizational Chart (PDF) How to Reach Us The Trustees and Executives of Kamehameha Schools
The Board of Trustees In accordance with the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the governance of Kamehameha Schools rests with a Board of Trustees (the Board). Composed of five individuals – equally vested with the responsibility and duty of collectively carrying out the testamentary Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop – the sole purpose of the Board is to set policy. In accordance with Kamehameha's organizational structure, the day-to-day management of the institution rests with a board-appointed Chief Executive Officer and his/her chosen managerial staff.
Corbett A.K. KalamaVice Chairman
J. Douglas IngSecretary/Treasurer
Micah A. KāneTrustee
Diane J. PlottsTrustee
Janeen-Ann Ahulani OldsChief Executive Officer In August 2000, the Board of Trustees authorized a structural reorganization of Kamehameha Schools that began with institutional governance. For the first time in the Schools' history, responsibility for the day-to-day management of Kamehameha's education and endowment operations was placed in the hands of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The Vice Presidents To maximize institutional inclusiveness and to broaden authority, accountability and efficiency, the CEO built a managerial team of executives – knowledgeable and respected within their respective fields – to represent each of Kamehameha's operational groups: Community Relations and Communications, Endowment, Campus Strategic and Academic Affars, Administration, Finance, Legal Services, and Strategic Planning and Implementation.
Vice President for Community Relations & Communications
Ann BotticelliVice President for Endowment
Kirk O. BelsbyVice President of Campus Strategic and Academic Affairs
D. Rodney Chamberlain, D.Ed.Vice President for Administration
Sylvia HusseyVice President and Chief Financial Officer
Eric MarlerVice President for Strategic Planning and Implementation
Christopher J. PatingVice President for Legal Services
Colleen I. WongEducation Executives President & Headmaster - Kapalama Campus
Michael J. Chun, Ph.D.Headmaster - Hawai'i Campus
Stan Fortuna, Jr., Ed.D.Headmaster - Maui Campus
Lee Ann DeLimaKe Ali'i Pauahi Foundation Executive Director
Kalei SternKapālama Campus: Map :: VR Tour Hawai‘i Campus: Map :: VR Tour Maui Campus: Map :: VR Tour November 10, 2011HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Kamehameha Schools has named Earl T. Kim as the new Head of School for Kamehameha Schools' Kapalama campus.
"I am pleased to announce that Earl Kim has accepted my invitation to join the Kamehameha Schools ‘ohana as our new Po'o Kula – Head of School – for the Kapâlama campus," said CEO Dee Jay Mailer.
Kim is currently Superintendent of Schools for the Montgomery school district of New Jersey. He will become Kapalama's Head of School on July 1, 2012, succeeding Michael J. Chun, who announced his retirement effective June 30, 2012....
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The Catbird Chronicles: Bishop Estate
1986 - Bishop Estate joins golf course designer Robert Trent Jones and North Carolina developer Clay Hamnerin the purchase of 1,100 acres at Lake Manassas, Virginia.
1989 - Bishop Estate trustees approve the McKenzie Methane acquisition, with trustees, principle executives, managers, family members, business cohorts and other insiders co-investing millions of their personal money. Among the investors are the estate's tax-adviser, Mark McConaghy of Price Waterhouse.
1989 - HFH, a holding company originally comprised of four major investors, William E. Simon, Sr., Gerald L. Parsky, Larry B. Thrall, and Roy Doumani, to purchase HonFed Savings & Loan Association, sells approximately 23 percent of its ownership stake in the thrift.
1991 - Bishop Estate and partners set up RTJ Acquisition LP to develop the Lake Manassas property, which is to become the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club -- the object of controversy and a lawsuit in which the later owners of the club claimed fraud was involved in the sale. The purchasers allege Bishop Estate was both the buyer and the seller (BE trustee Henry Peters also served on the golf club's board of trustees), and also had failed to inform them of a $33 million development debt they would have to pay off -- to Bishop Estate.
1992 - Bishop Estate trustees invest $250 million of the trust's money in Goldman Sachs.
1992 - Bishop Estate invests $31 million in Mid Ocean Reinsurance Co. with partners J.P. Morgan & Co, Marsh & McLennan Co. and Texas deal-maker Richard Rainwater. While a director of Mid Ocean, estate trustee Henry Peters received substantial director's fees and received options to acquire 6,000 shares of Mid Ocean Stock.
1993 - Bishop Estate, The MacArthur Foundation, and Duke University Endowment Fund back the formation of a Boston merchant bank called Orion Capital Partners LP.
1993 - Robert Rubin, worth an estimated $100 million at the time, resigns Goldman Sachs to join the Clinton administration. Rubin makes a phone call to Bishop Estate and the estate "insures" Rubin's stake in Goldman Sachs for $100,000 a year -- a real "sweetheart deal" for poor Rubin?
1994 - Bishop Estate invests another $250 million in Goldman Sachs.
1994 - The records relating to the various investments held by the Trust Estate and its Pauahi Holdings, Inc. subsidiary, showed that combined losses and loss reserves of $264 million were recognized in fiscal year 1994.
1995 - The Wall Street Journal exposes the estate nationally with their in-depth, front-page article, Bishop's Gambit - Hawaiians Who Own Goldman Sachs Stake Play Clever Tax Game.
1995 - According to The Cheating of America: “Tax attorneys for Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson and Hand– the Washington, D.C.-based law and lobbying powerhouse whose members include the likes of Bob Doleand former treasury secretary Lloyd Bentsen – prepared a thirty-page confidential report for a client (Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate) in search of a new home. The attorneys surveyed the tax and legal consequences of relocating in 49 states (only Hawaii was excluded), then recommended a single location to their client: the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota.”
1996 - Bishop Estate lends $1 million to Charles M. Harmon, Jr., an investment banker and former general partner at Goldman Sachs, and together with Larry L. Landry, chief investment officer of the MacArthur Foundation; and Brad Heppner, a consultant at Bain & Co. and former director of private investments at the MacArthur Foundation, they form Crossroads Group to purchase Bigler Investment Management, a Conn. firm that manages fund-of-fund accounts. Bigler's clients include: Connecticut State Treasury; Massachusetts' Pension Reserves Investment Management Board; Rhode Island Employees' Retirement System; City & Co. of San Francisco Retirement System; and pension funds of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.
1996 - The estate spends more than $330,000 on federal lobbying - most of it going to three firms to fight, unsuccessfully, the "interim sanctions" law that created penalties for employees or officers of charitable institutions who gain undue "excess benefits" from their positions. The three lobbying firms were Verner, Liipfert, Bernard, McPherson & Hand, a prominent Washington, D.C. firm that employs former Hawaii governor (and friend of Bill Clinton), John Waihee; Hecht Spencer & Associates; and Price Waterhouse. Other Verner firm members enlisted in the effort included former Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen of Texas, former Senate Majority LeaderGeorge Mitchell of Maine and former Texas Governor Ann Richards. Also, enlisted to fight the "interim sanctions" regulations was the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
1996 - In October, Bobby Harmon, the estate's Risk Manager and president of P&C Insurance, reports suspected fraud and collusion between Trustee Henry Peters; Nathan Aipa, the estate's general counsel, andMarsh & McLennan, Inc. to the organizations' auditors, Coopers & Lybrand. In November, Harmon is terminated from both positions.
The Chronicles Continue in Part II.
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The claims by the KSBE is that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha's..........supported by the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends..........
supported by the Justices who became conspirators, treasonous persons who claimed that their rules became laws................Albert Francis Judd, et. als. were in place.............
With the idea of, the lies that the Kamehameha's were no more.........the Treaties in their eyes were no longer existent and the termination of the Treaty which involved ONLY the President, the Secretary of the State and the Kamehameha III's heirs and successors would be countered by the haole lies of Bernice being the last of the Kamehameha's and the American Empire overseeing territories could operate and has operated without having to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
Fraud, Racketeering, Genocide, Criminal Conveyances, Identity Theft, Terrorist activities, etc. can be applied to all who operate along with the KSBE, etc.
auwe. Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum..... Drunken Sailor - Rapalje
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- Amelia Gora
- Amelia Gora It appears that the American Empire entity which oversees territories of the U.S. is operating, has been operating since the so called claim to Annexation........
- Amelia Gora A panel of 5 was said to oversee the territories and it appears that's where the Department of Interior kicks into place.................. really want to put out the case but cousins said they are writing something up....... and btw the U.S./U.S.A. onl...See More
- Amelia Gora Note: The claims by the KSBE is that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the last of the Kamehameha's..........supported by the PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends..........
supported by the Justices who became conspirators, treasonous persons who claimed that their rules became laws................Albert Francis Judd, et. als. were in place.............
With the idea of, the lies that the Kamehameha's were no more.........the Treaties in their eyes were no longer existent and the termination of the Treaty which involved ONLY the President, the Secretary of the State and the Kamehameha III's heirs and successors would be countered by the haole lies of Bernice being the last of the Kamehameha's and the American Empire overseeing territories could operate and has operated without having to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.
Fraud, Racketeering, Genocide, Criminal Conveyances, Identity Theft, Terrorist activities, etc. can be applied to all who operate along with the KSBE, etc.
auwe. - Amelia Gora Pirates, Privateers, Parasites....thats what they are rrrrrrgh: download on iTunes and Amazon. Track from Live DVD, Recorded at De Gr...See More
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Liliuokalani 1895: “Monarchy is Forever Ended, Republic of Hawaii is only lawful Government”
By Andrew Walden
June 29, 2014
After a week of hearings on the Obama Administration scheme to turn Hawaiians into a fake Indian tribe, it has to be noted that much of the debate is being conducted on the basis of a key historical falsehood backed by most of Hawaii’s political class.
On one hand, trying to create the fake tribe, the Kanaiolowalu Roll claims “WE THE UNDERSIGNED: Affirm the unrelinquished sovereignty of the indigenous people of Hawaiʻi.”
On the other hand, sovereignty activists typically argue “We are an independent kingdom. We are still sovereign.”
In a debate defined by official and unofficial lies, those who address the Federal panel with simple irrefutable truths such as, “Hawaiians are not and never have been a tribe,” can be lost or discredited by association. In media accounts, most are assumed to be sovereignty activists -- as if independence were the only alternative to a fake tribe.
If the Hawaiian Kingdom did indeed legally relinquish sovereignty to the Hawaii Republic after the overthrow, does that mean that native Hawaiians have lost everything? Is a fake Indian tribe needed to protect “entitlements?” No. And here are some reasons why >>> Supreme Court ruling shields Hawaiian Homelands and ceded lands revenue.
What did Queen Liliuokalani have to say about all this? The answer comes in two parts.
On January 17, 1893, after being overthrown by the ‘Provisional Government’ which eventually formed the Hawaii Republic, Liliuokalani gave a very qualified response:
I Liliʻuokalani, by the Grace of God and under the Constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the Constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom.
That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America whose Minister Plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the Provisional Government.
Now to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life, I do this under protest and impelled by said force yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon facts being presented to it, undo the action of its representatives and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the Constitutional Sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.
But in 1895, after the failure of the Wilcox rebellion to restore the monarchy, Liliuokalani wrote a second abdication which should be required reading for anybody fooled by the OHA/Sovereignty movement narrative:
HONOLULU, Jan. 24, 1895.
TO THE HON. SANFORD BALLARD DOLE, President of the Republic of Hawaii:
SIR: -- After full and free consultation with my personal friends and with my legal advisors, both before and since my detention by military order in the Executive building, and acting in conformity with their advice, and also upon my own free volition, and in pursuance of my unalterable belief and understanding of my duty to the people of Hawaii, and to their highest and best interests, and also for the sake of those misguided Hawaiians and others who have recently engaged in rebellion against the Republic, and in an attempt to restore me to the position of queen, which I held prior to the 17th day of January, A. D. 1893, and without any claim that shall become entitled, by reason of anything that I may now say or do, to any other or different treatment or consideration at the hands of the Government than I otherwise could and might legally receive, I now desire to express and make known, and do hereby express and make known, to yourself, as the only lawful and recognized head of the Government, and to all the people of the Hawaiian Islands, whether or not they have yet become citizens of the Republic, or are or have been adherents of the late monarchy, and also to all diplomatic and other foreign representatives in the Hawaiian Islands, to all of whom I respectfully request you to cause this statement and action of mine to be made known as soon as may be, as follows, namely:
First. In order to avoid any possibility of doubt or misunderstanding although I do not think that any doubt or misunderstanding is either proper or possible, I hereby do fully and unequivocally admit and declare that the Government of the Republic of Hawaii is the only lawful Government of the Hawaiian Islands, and that the late Hawaiian monarchy is finally and forever ended, and no longer of any legal or actual validity, force or effect whatsoever; and I do hereby forever absolve all persons whomsoever, whether in the Hawaiian Islands or elsewhere, from all and every manner of allegiance, or official obligation or duty, to me and my heirs and successors forever, and I hereby declare to all such persons in the Hawaiian Islands that I consider them as bound in duty and honor henceforth to support and sustain the Government of the Republic of Hawaii.
Second. For myself, my heirs and successors, I do hereby and without any mental reservation or modification, and fully, finally, unequivocally, irrevocably, and forever abdicate, renounce and release unto the Government of the Republic of Hawaii and the legitimate successors forever all claims or pretensions whatsoever to the late throne of Hawaii, or to the late monarchy of Hawaii, or to any past, or to the existing, or to any future Government of Hawaii, or under or by reason of any present or formerly existing constitution, statute, law, position, right or claim of any and every kind, name or nature whatsoever, and whether the same consist of pecuniary or property considerations, or of personal status, hereby forever renouncing, disowning and disclaiming all rights, claims, demands, privileges, honors, emoluments, titles and prerogatives whatsoever, under or by virtue of any former, or the existing Government, constitution, statute, law or custom of the Hawaiian Islands whatsoever, save and excepting only such rights and privileges as belong to me in common with all private citizens of, or residents in the Republic of Hawaii.
Third. I do hereby respectfully implore for such misguided Hawaiians and others as have been concerned in the late rebellion against the Republic of Hawaii, such degree of executive clemency as the Government may deem to be consistent with its duty to the community, and such as a due regard for its violated laws may permit.
Fourth. It is my sincere desire henceforth to live in absolute privacy and retirement from all publicity, or even appearance of being concerned in the public affairs of the Hawaiian Islands, further than to express, as I now do and shall always continue to do, my most sincere hope for the welfare and prosperity of its people, under and subject to the Government of the Republic of Hawaii.
Fifth. I hereby offer and present my duly certified oath of allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii.
Sixth. I have caused the foregoing statement to be prepared and drawn, and have signed the same without having received the slightest suggestion from the President of Hawaii, or from any member of the Government of Hawaii, concerning the same or any part thereof, or concerning any action or course of my own in the premises.
Relying upon the magnanimity of the Government of the Republic, and upon its protection.
I have the honor to be, Mr. President,
Very respectfully,
Your most obedient servant,
Honolulu, Island of Oahu ss.
Hawaiian Islands.
I, Liliuokalani Dominis, do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God that I will support the Constitution, Laws and Government of the Republic of Hawaii, and will not, either directly or indirectly, encourage or assist in the restoration or establishment of a Monarchial form of Government in the Hawaiian Islands.
[signed] Liliuokalani Dominis
Subscribed and sworn to
this 24th day of January
A.D. 1895 before me,
[signed] W L. Stanley
Notary Public [notary seal]
Queen Liliuokalani's hand-written abdication and oath of loyalty can be seen >>> HERE
The originals are kept in the Hawaii State Archive.
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- Aliah Irvine likes this.
- Amelia Gora yes under duress negates/nulls and voids all contracts, etc. also, see everyone needs to continue to reclaim their tutu's aina with their prima facie evidence: genealogies, Royal Patent, Land Commission Awards, and Survey Notes...... the Alodio/Ano Alodio system continues on....the U.S./U.S.A is using their American Empire on territories including the Hawaiian Islands because there is another kind of handling when it comes to territories........hang in there kanaka maoli..........the Royal Families, the Sovereigns the bloodlines who have inherited sovereignty are here and helping to maintain the land claims for all kanaka maoli............Queen Liliuokalani did instruct her ladies in waiting that if the U.S. did not return the lands, then everyone will need to reclaim their lands individually.... who am I to say such? my own grandmother sat next to Queen Liliuokalani to watch the hula dancers dance, etc.....two of our great great grandmother's were the daughters/hanai daughters of Queen Liliuokalani..... thats why...