Monday, August 1, 2022

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Aliens Have Only 30 Years Per Contract Unlike Kanaka Maoli!

 The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Aliens Have Only 30 Years  Per Contract  Unlike Kanaka Maoli!

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Kanaka Maoli own for ever and ever lands, unlike aliens/foreigners who can only have temporary, short term, 30 year leases, rents, freehold............pass on far and wide..... Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants my great grandmother said over and over.......when will our people understand this? then again aliens don't want kanaka maoli to know other words folks aliens can hold on to only 30 years at a time. Example....if they obtained a lease in 1863, then their lease expired in 1893!.....and who can contract for another lease?.....ONLY the descendants of the allodial land owner! other words, lots of squatters, pirates, occupiers have NO basis to utilize lands in Hawaii........think about it! ....includes the occupier entity state of Hawaii, etc.
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