Secretary of State
Governor David Ige
Occupier Attorney general in the Hawaiian Islands
Occupier Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii - House of Nobles Members,
Royal Family members, et. als
Many Interested others
Nation to Nation Legal Directive No. 2022-0728 - Genocide Evidence of the Crown & Government Lands Frauds from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc.- Kingdom of Hawaii
The following is an update on the Crown Lands, and Government Lands in the Hawaiian Islands.
The Crown Lands are legally owned by our Royal Family due to the Deeds of Kamehameha III in 1848. He documented that the Crown Lands belongs to "himself, his heirs, and successors, forever."
Kamehameha's descendants and heirs existed then and their descendants and heirs exists now.
The Government Lands are to be overseen by the House of Nobles and temporary distribution to be made by our Minister of Interior/and assistant(s). Descendants of the original members of the House of Nobles exists today.
The following has been posted which shows some of the Genocide Evidence of Frauds found in research and adjudicated in our Supreme Court/Superior Court of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.
Kamehameha's descendants exist today,, including myself and many others.
This is also a reminder that our permanent friendship and amity treaty of 1849-1850 ratified by Kamehameha III and U.S. President Zachary Taylor continued on, the Protectorate by the U.S., France, and Great Britain was made in 1854, along with the Neutrality Law signed by Kamehameha III, and served to the U.S., France, and Great Britain was served, yet breached.
The tampering of Kamehameha III's law was made by conspiring Americans found in research.
Questions? or write: Amelia Gora, P.O.Box 861781, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii (96786):
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Genocide Evidence of the Crown & Government Lands Frauds
Updated from:
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Crown Lands Law of Kamehameha III is Supreme over the Opinions of the White Supremacist Act Passed Based on Their Opinions
The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: The Crown Lands Law of Kamehameha III is Supreme over the Opinions of the White Supremacist Act Passed Based on Their Opinions
Review by Amelia Gora (2022)
The Crown Lands are owned by Kamehameha III, his heirs and successors, forever.
Additionally, the government lands are to be overseen by the House of Nobles who are also Kamehameha IIIs heirs and successors. The Minister of Interior assigns government lands as leases only or 30 years only.
Kamehameha III passed his Acts which became law in 1848.
The Act passed by the Legislature in 1865 changed the law which Kamehameha III passed.
Note: The Hawaiian government, a Constitutional Monarchy government known as the Kingdom of Hawaii/ Hawaiian Kingdom is made up of three (3) parts:
(1) The Sovereign - the King, his heirs and successors which is a permanent part of government.
(2) The house of Nobles - their heirs and successors which is a permanent part of government.
(3) House of Representatives - a voted in, temporary body which was a temporary part of government.
Case - Rex vs. Booth, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives, Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The Kings Laws are supreme and no one has the power to change that fact - includes Aliens/ occupiers.
In a Monarchy and Constitutional Monarchy government, the Kings laws are supreme and foremost above all others.
The Kings Family, are heirs and successors and are not subject to Alien created laws.
Reference: Victoria Kamamalu's Probate, page 14, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The move to defraud the Kamehameha III's he irs were actively targeted by the Aliens/ White Supremacists activities. Their documented infiltration leading to changes in the Hawaiian Kingdom / Kingdoms of Hawaii gover nment Acts passed by the infiltrators/Aliens/White Supremacists does not and cannot override Kamehameha III's laws.
The following articles are posted for the records.
Importantly, The documents reveal that the owners of the Crown Lands and the government lands in Hawaii/Hawaiian Kindom/ Kingdom of Hawaii are Not the usurpers/occupiers/Aliens/ Pirates but our Kamehameha III's Family, the Royal Family who are the true heirs and successors forever.
Note: See the references below for links to Premeditations, Maneuvers, Manipulations by the usurpers in criminally claiming the Crown Lands and calling it ceded lands, etc.
Kamehameha III's Crown Lands and government Acts - June 7, 1848 found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oah u, Hawaii are documented below:
News Articles found on the https:// website:
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
Additional Information which led to the manipulation of the words of Kamehameha III which changes the Kings Acts as documented above.
Notice that the judges opinion based on the Legislatures opinions were held superior over the Kings supreme foremost documented law of the land of Kamehameha III's:
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, September 25, 1880, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Persistent link: https:// lccn/sn82015418/1880-09-25/ed- 1/...
Research incomplete.
Important to note that the Kingdom of Hawaii's Supreme Court/Superior Court deemed the Judges, et.als. were guilty in changing the law made by Kamehameha III.
Therefore, the changes were part of a conspiracy engaged in by many which defrauded the Royal Family heirs and successors.
The conspiracies led to the erroneous belief that the Aliens could own the Crown lands meant only for the heirs and successors of Kamehameha III, forever.
The crimes were deliberately set in place by conspirators who became treasonous by helping to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 and perpetuate a fraud, crimes against the Royal Family.
These are issues of genocide intended to strip all lands from the Royal Family, and white supremacists claims that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was "the last of the Kamehameha's", which is not true.
Infiltration by agents of a foreign government were the primary parties to the crimes of premeditation, piracy, pillaging, fraud, deception with the intent to conspire against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation recognized among the family of nations.
Kamehameha III's laws are superior, paramount over the white supremacists who tampered and changed his written laws.
The Crown Lands and Government Lands remain in the legal ownership of Kamehameha's heirs and successors, forever and the Government Lands to be overseen by the descendants and heirs of the original members of the House of Nobles according to the laws by Kamehameha III.
As documented in 1848, Kamehameha III's lands are inviolable and not inalienable as changed by the white supremacists infiltrators who changed the laws in 1865.
- In 2018, Dr. Alfred deZayas, United Nations said that the Hawaiian Islands are under "a strange form of occupation", resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation", recognized that Hawaii was a separate nation from the United States. He reminded the Judges about land, violations of International laws, and article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Protected Persons are also accorded to the people.
U.S. President Trump applies "Rule of Law" and the "U.S. Constitution":---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The White House a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">noreply@>
Date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Response to Your Message
To: hawaiianhistory@gmail.coma href=" null" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">hawaiianhistor>
History, Genealogy, Legal Researcher Amelia Gora:https://45eop--c.na21.content. ImageServer..." border="0"/> Thank you for taking the time to express your views regarding our Nation’s judiciary.The rule of law, including equality under the law and protection of individual liberties, is America’s cornerstone. As President, I am committed to nominating judges who will support the Constitution and apply the law as written.As part of my pledge to stand for the rule of law, I promised the American people that I would nominate individuals to the Supreme Court who will faithfully adhere to our Constitution and the laws of our great Nation. In keeping with that pledge, shortly after my inauguration, I nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch, a dedicated constitutionalist, to replace the late, great Justice Antonin Scalia. On July 9, 2018, to fill the vacancy created by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, I was pleased to nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Judge Kavanaugh has impeccable credentials, unsurpassed qualifications, and a proven commitment to the Constitution and its protections. In the coming months, I look forward to working with the United States Senate as it fulfills its constitutional duty of advising on my nomination and deciding whether to provide its consent.Thank you again for writing. To learn more about my decision to nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, please visit I am confident that like Justice Gorsuch, Judge Kavanaugh will decide court cases based on the law and not his personal policy preferences or ideology. Sincerely,Privacy Policy | Contact the White House
The following articles were found affecting the wrongful claims of the Territory government turned State of Hawaii with documented oppositions:
United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy
As Secretary of State, Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy."[
Review by Amelia Gora (2018)
The following article shows Loads of Lies, Premeditation Evidence of the United States Secretary of State who did actively play a role in taking over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Failure to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution is documented.
Appears that U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President Grover Cleveland, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, and U.S. President Donald Trump moved to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.
The other U.S. Presidents did engage in the FAIL to follow rule of law and the U.S. Constitution and subject to charges of treason by the American people, other nations including the Royal Families of the Hawaiian Kingdom.Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 27, 1897, Page 17, Image 17
Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Persistent link: http:// lccn/sn83045462/1897-03-27/ed- 1/s...
See: eyes-on-haw...Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: John W. Foster, U.S. Secretary of State, Director of Usurping Queen Liliuokalani, etc. eyes-on-haw...Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: More Evidence of John W. Foster/General John W. Foster of-poi-tre...Pirate Eyes On Hawaii Series: "IN THE LAND OF POI" Treason by Charles Reed Bishop, his half-white wife, etc. Evidence for all
Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series:
The U.S. Presidents - see: eyes-on-haw...Pirate Eyes On Hawaii Series: U.S. Presidents vs. the Hawaiian Kingdom
The U.S. Secretary of States - see: 2018/11/documenting-us-pir...P irate Eyes on Hawaii Series: DOCUMENTING U.S. PIRATE SECRETARIES OF STATE for the Records
The Generals - see: eyes-on-haw...Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: Updated List of American Generals and Naval Officers Premeditated the Takeover
The Missionaries/Mercenaries - see: eyes-on-haw...
Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: The Mercenaries/Missionaries Since 1820
Three part United States - eyes-on- hawaii-series-three- 3.html
Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: Three (3) Part United States or How to Defraud Non-Pirates eyes-on-haw...Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: Trusts of Bernice Pauahi and Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani vessel-disp...Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: U.S. War Vessel Dispatched to Hawaii Upon the Death of John Dominis, Queen Liliuokalani's Husband - 1891 annexation-of-h...Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: IF ANNEXATION OF HAWAII FAILS: THIS IS PLAN B - From their Arsenal Other Nations - hightlights-o...
1890 -Hightlights of Premeditation Pirates:: " The Sandwich Islands Seen as an American Outpost",, Treaty to Expire in 1894, Cable Issues between Europe and the U.S.
Other Important Points
In 1996, an Affidavit/Lien no. 96-177455, 281 pages, was filed at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii which shows the Crown Lands owners, genealogies, histories, frauds, conspiracies, etc.
741 news on the web called the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk has been published to inform all of the frauds, corruption, etc. in the Hawaiian Islands.
The ROYAL TIDINGS have also been sent out to the Royal Families, Konohiki, Assistant Konohiki, and Friends.
More than 25+ books, pamphlets have been published, sold since 1995.
Research incomplete.
References: belongs-to-kame... Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Crown Lands belongs to ... kamehameha... Feb 05, 2018 · Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli Crown Land Deed Belongs to His Heirs, and Successors - Not Only to Kamehameha IV, the Seat of the Crown.....Government DeedFor the House of Nobles to Care For, Minister of. Posted by Amelia Gora on October 6, 2017 at 7:11pm in Politics; View Discussions - Born: c. 1808, Molokaʻi
- Burial: June 28, 1855, Pohukaina Tomb, October 30, 1865, Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
- Spouse: Kuini Liliha, Kōnia; Kaikainalii
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deeds and ... -land.html Feb 18, 2018 · Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli Crown Land Deed Belongs to His Heirs, and Successors - Not Only to Kamehameha IV, the Seat of the Crown.....Government DeedFor the House of Nobles to Care For, Minister of. Posted by Amelia Gora on October 6, 2017 at 7:11pm in Politics; View Discussions
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on October 17, 2021 at 3:59am
- Delete
Crown Lands, Government Lands, Alodio Lands Has Owners and ... government... Feb 06, 2018 · Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli Crown Land Deed Belongs to His Heirs, and Successors - Not Only to Kamehameha IV, the Seat of the Crown.....Government DeedFor the House of Nobles to Care For, Minister of. Posted by Amelia Gora on October 6, 2017 at 7:11pm in Politics; View Discussions Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth
amelia-gora.blogspot.comAmelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth Important information for/about our people - Kanaka Maoli and others/the 40,000+ people who supported Queen Liliuokalani. Monday, February 5, 2018. Royal Families Genealogies/No ka Papa Alii Hawaii Posted in the Kuokoa newspapers Okatoba 5, 1867 - Note: Our Families are at the ending - see 2nd page and Updates ...- Born: c. 1808, Molokaʻi
- Burial: June 28, 1855, Pohukaina Tomb, October 30, 1865, Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
- Spouse: Kuini Liliha, Kōnia; Kaikainalii
Hawaiian Kingdom: Kamehameha III's Crown Land and ... d-and.html Mar 11, 2018 · Kamehameha III's Crown Land and Government Deeds - and - Why Kanaka Maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli Cannot Be Arrested, etc Legal Notice - Why Kanaka Maoli "native tenants" et. als. Cannot Be Arrested, etc. ... Posted by Amelia Gora ...News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Kamehameha's Children ...
Introducing the Crown Land, etc. Owners: The Royal Families/ Kamehameha's: Some of the Descendants/Heirs Found in Research by Amelia Gora (2015) Posted by Amelia Gora on February 15, 2015 at 7:44am in Politics; View DiscussionsDiary: The Royal Families In The Hawaiian ... - OpEdNews The-by-Amelia... Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012) Kamehameha I ... This was part of the Crown Lands. Kamehameha IV ... He deeded an already deed land to Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa.Legal Notice No. 2018-0408 First Supreme Court Court Case ...
Apr 08, 2018 · I, Amelia Gora entered evidence of Fraud, Corruption through my testimony of truth, as a Royal person not subject to the laws by maintaining that we found the Crown Land deeds of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli who said that the Crown lands belonged to himself, his heirs and successors, forever.
Updated: "The Doctrine of Political Question" Applies to ...
Apr 14, 2018 · TranslateHawaiian Kingdom: Kamehameha's Exist - Documented Here!
Apr 14, 2018 · Royal Tidings 2018-0414 "The Doctrine of Political Question" to be used for all Land Cases .....Mahalo Joyclynn Costa for the Important Information.....A Keeper! Please share far and wide! Amelia Gora
Legal Notice - Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up ...
Nov 12, 2015 · Legal Notice - Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up of Nai/Na'i Aupuni Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Record No. 2015-1112 Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up of a government to be recognized based on the occupation of our neutral nation from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Judicial Tribunal ...IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Genealogy Research Links - A Repost
Nov 06, 2017 · Genealogy Research Links - A Repost - ... BRIEF CHECKLIST FOR ALL KANAKA MAOLI RECLAIMING THEIR PROPERTIES Compiled by Researchers including Amelia Gora (2012) ... A Visit With Joyclynn Costa. Who Owns Hawai`i's Lands? - A Visit With Joyclynn Costa. Preview YouTube video Modern Konohiki -- A Visit With Ke`eaumoku Kapu ...Updated: "The Doctrine of Political Question" Applies to ...
Apr 04, 2018 · All 16!!!! Since then we have lost a few of those warriors. This post is dedicated to them. I miss you Bradah Lonohiwa Kekahuna. ... Joyclynn Costa Never saw some make it across the island as fast as you to get it on cameral. He even threatened to arrest you. ... Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a ...Hawaiian Kingdom: Reuniting a Nation - News from the ...
Oct 25, 2015 · Hawaiian Kingdom: Reuniting a Nation ... Posted by Amelia Gora on September 2, 2015 at 2:03am in Politics; View Discussions; The following discussion of Facebook was posted by Isaac Harp, et. als. This is Isaac Harp's video fyi: ... Joyclynn Costa The Kanawai yes.
Hawaiian Kingdom: Important Historical Events - Keep for ...
1893 - Researcher Shane Lee found the Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article revealing Premeditation on the part of the U.S. in the New YorkTimes newspapers dated 1893 - January 9, 1893 posted - he found it in 1997 thereabouts.
Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on October 17, 2021 at 4:00am
- Delete
IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Ten (10) Legal Issues of the ...
Feb 12, 2018 · Ten (10) Legal Issues of the Kingdom of Hawaii that All Civilized Nations Must See, Read, Share - a Review - by Amelia Gora and other Researchers - Williamson Chang (ret. Prof.), Kilikina Kekumano, Francis Boyle (Int'l Atty.), et. als.- Preceded by: Thomas A. Hendricks
- Succeeded by: Adlai E. Stevenson
- President: Benjamin Harrison
Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Crown Lands belongs to ... kamehameha... Feb 05, 2018 · Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth. This article is focused on the Crown Lands, and the Government lands with the true documents found in the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu. Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deed, and Government Lands to be taken cared of by the House of Nobles, House of Representatives, with the rights of Native Tenants.- Born: c. 1808, Molokaʻi
- Burial: June 28, 1855, Pohukaina Tomb, October 30, 1865, Mauna ʻAla Royal Mausoleum
- Spouse: Kuini Liliha, Kōnia; Kaikainalii
Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Remembering the Criminal ... dethronement... Jan 17, 2018 · See the 1872 article written by Sanford B. Dole who became the President of the Provisional turned Republic Government, then developed into a Territory by the Army, Navy, Federal officials, then Proclaimed to be a "Territory" by U.S. President William McKinley.Why OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian Civic Clubs ... Hawaiian-by... Posted by Amelia Gora on April 2, 2011 at 8:44am in Politics View Discussions REASONS WHY KAMEHAMEHA'S, KALAKAUA'S, QUEEN LILIUOKALANI'S, KONOHIKI DESCENDANTS, HEIRS, MUST COME OUT AND COUNTER THE ...Article: U.S. AIDING THE CORRUPTION MECCA: HAWAII | OpEdNews by... U.S. AIDING THE CORRUPTION MECCA: HAWAII Kingdom of Hawaii Records 2010-001 by Amelia Gora (2010) It appears the U.S. government through Congress …IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol VI No. 695 Special Article ... where-is.html Mar 21, 2018 · TranslateHawaiian Kingdom: Jail Time for a Lot of People - Evidence ...
Apr 26, 2018 · The Claim by the U.S. owning Pearl Harbor is a fraud. The Alodio Titles belongs to the Families of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui and Mataio Kekuanaoa. 1883 - Gold Standard, commerce locked ... Alodio Titles, Billings, Return of Records, ... which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles... . and articles posted by Amelia Gora ...- https://iolani-theroyalhawk. kingdom-l...
References are posted at: 2019/02/the-real-queen-lil... - *********************
- facebook:
Nation to Nation Legal Advisory Affecting the Crown Lands and Government Lands in the Hawaiian Islands from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2022-0214 Case 60 -Alfred S. Hartwell through Case 61 - W.R. Castle, Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated both to be Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, one of the four (4) Judges elected by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and the House of Nobles heirs and successors effective March 13, 2018 ,

Secretary of State
Governor David Ige
Occupier Attorney general in the Hawaiian Islands
Occupier Judges, et. als. in the Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii - House of Nobles Members,
Royal Family members, et. als
Many Interested others
Nation to Nation Legal Advisory Affecting the Crown Lands and Government Lands in the Hawaiian Islands from the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2022-0214 Case 60 -Alfred S. Hartwell through Case 61 - W.R. Castle, Heard and Recorded; Supreme Court Judges of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii have adjudicated both to be Guilty of Fraud, Conspiracy, Piracy, etc. Legal news from the offices of Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles Member, Judicial Tribunal Judge, one of the four (4) Judges elected by the Sovereigns heirs and successors and the House of Nobles heirs and successors effective March 13, 2018
The Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court Judges adjudicated the following cases Affecting the Crown Lands and Government Lands with Guilty verdicts:
Court Cases to Date 60 - 61; Hearings February 11, 2022, and February 12, 2022:
Hawaiian Kingdom Supreme Court Cases
updated 02/14/2022
posted by Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
House of Nobles/Acting Liaison of
Foreign Affairs/Konohiki/Hawaiian Genealogy Society Representative/Konohiki/ Landowner/Landlord/ Judicial Tribunal Judge/Supreme Court Judge
updated 02/14/2022
posted by Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
House of Nobles/Acting Liaison of
Foreign Affairs/Konohiki/Hawaiian Genealogy Society Representative/Konohiki/
Supreme Court Judges: Three (3) Supreme Court Judges: John Gora, Brian Apo, and Amelia Gora. Fourth (4) Judge Absent due to health reasons: Eric Poohina.
Supreme Court held at Princess Ruth Keelikolanis Palace, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii on February 11, 2022, 11:00 AM - Noon, and via telecommunication on February 12, 2022, approx. 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Honouliuli Ahupuaa and Kawailoa Ahupuaa, Oahu, Hawaii.
The following are the Supreme Court Cases Heard and Adjudicated Affecting the Crown and Government Lands in the Hawaiian Islands:
60). Alfred S. Hartwell
Both were found to be Guilty.
The Guilty verdicts applies to those operating under change of Act which changed the original Act made by the King/Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Aliens Alfred S. Hartwell, and W.R. Castle are guilty of fraud, conspiracy, "identity theft", piracy, pillaging, treason, racketeering, etc.
Both Alfred S. Hartwell, W. R. Castle, their heirs and successors and assigns are hereby removed from any and all claims to all lands, assets, mineral rights, water, the Hawaiian Islands. They are Not the alodio landowners, Not the Paramount title owners, Not the Superior title owners, but are documented conspirators, frauds, pirates pillager's documented.
1849 - 1850 - Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States, Ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1850. Article XIV - The contracting parties mutually agree to surrender, upon official requisition, to the authority of each, all persons who, being charged with the crimes of murder, piracy, arson, robbery, forgery or the utterance of forged paper, committed within the jurisdiction of either, shall be found within the territories of the other; provided, that this shall only be done upon such evidence or criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person so charged shall be found, would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had there been committed: and the respective judges and other magistrates of the two Governments, shall have authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person do charged, that he may be brought before such judge or other magistrates respectively, to the end that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered; and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issued for the surrender of such fugitive. The expense of such apprehension and delivery shall be borne and defrayed by the party who makes the requisition and receives the fugitive.
Reference: 1849 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States.
1851 - Every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or concerting together of two or more, to do whatever is obviously and directly wrongfully injurious to another, is a conspiracy. ... and they were guilty. Case: The King v. Anderson and Russell, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1851-54 pages 46-47 from the House of Nobles - Journal of the House of Nobles - The Act to amend an Act granting to the common people Allodial Titles for their own lands and house Lots and certain other privilege's read the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time and passed.
1851-54 from the House of Nobles page 88 - Journal of the House of Nobles - 1852 - Form of government Article 22. The government of the Kingdom is that of a Constitutional Monarchy, under His Majesty Kamehameha III, his heirs, by descent or adoption and successors which was adopted and inserted accordingly.
1854-54 paes 97-99 from ouse of Nobles - Article 37. The King is Sovereign of all the Chiefs and of all the People, the Kingdom is his.
Article 41 - The Kings private lands, and other personal property are inviolable; they cannot be sequestrated by the nations; but they are responsible for his Majesty's just-debts, lawfully contracted.
Special Note about Alfred S. Hartwell, pirate, pillager, racketeer, genocide activist, a treasonous person who criminally changed the Act of Kamehameha III and changed it to a newly made Act without authority. Hartwell failed to follow the rule of law of the Hawaiian Kingdom /Kingdom of Hawaii, later assumed lands for himself, assumed interests, etc. of the Royal Families did defraud and injure the true heirs of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii and premeditated, helped to defraud, undermine our King/Kamehameha III law, our Royal Family, and kanaka maoli.
By changing the Act made by the King, Kamehameha III, Alfred S. Hartwell eliminated the true heirs and successors namely the Kamehamehas, and disregarded the Crown Land Deed signed by Kamehameha III who documented that the Crown Lands were for himself, his
heirs and successors, forever as recorded on the original Deed of the Crown Lands by the Kin / Kamehameha and witnessed by Keoni Ana.
The members of the House of Nobles who were also heirs and successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli are to oversee the government lands with the Minister of Interior who assigns the government lands for lease only/30 years lease only allotments.
Hartwell was a former American Civil War general who was given the Judge position upon arrival in the Hawaiian Islands by Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha who was surrounded by others who conspired against our Royal Family and kanaka maoli.
Note: Some of the others were also adjudicated in previous Judicial Tribunal and Supreme Court Cases.
Important Information fr all to know, also affects te Crown Lands:
The Hawaiian Government
“The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Constitution did not emanate from them; they were not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in founding either the Government or the Constitution.”
Reference: REX v. JOSEPH BOOTH (1863), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 616-644.
See: com/books?id=7qdLAAAAYAAJ&pg= PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false
3. Kekiekie vs. Dennis, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 1 - No One Can Take Your Land From You....applies to Alodio lands/Alodio Titles/Allodial Titles - Paramount/Supreme Titles to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaiian maoli only. Aliens could only obtain Fee Simple or Lifetime interest, Less than Alodio, Lease or Freehold titles only.
Kanaka Maoli’s title are good against all in the world. “…the people’s lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself.”
Reference: KEKIEKIE v. DENNIS (1851), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, pages 69-70.
4. Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardians, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - The certificate of award and survey are admissible as evidence of ownership.
Reference: Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardians, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2, pages 202-209
See: com/books?id=7qdLAAAAYAAJ&pg= PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false
5. John Piikoi vs. John Kapena, HAWAIIAN REPORTS
6. The State of Hawaii
The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii claims to be the “successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii”, page 177 , In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192.
The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are documented Identity Thieves and have assumed a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation and are Not our families heirs or successors.
Kamehameha’s heirs and successors exists and we are the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii as defined in the Rex vs. Booth case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 630
The State of Hawaii are Not the successors nor are they related to our families who are living, breathing human beings.
Reference: In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192. (1912).
Posted at: https://iolani-
Additional References:
- A Review/Summary -
by Amelia Gora (2016)
The following is an important article found on :





Review and Summary
Queen Liliuokalani visited Washington for a political mission.
"No Court of Equity could decide against her."
Note: Royal persons are Not subject to the laws.
Queen Liliuokalani herself maintained that she was still the Queen.
An abdication was prepared for her signature on January 25, 1895 by A.S. Hartwell.
Background on A.S. Hartwell, a Conspirator:
He was an Honorary Brevet Brigadier General working under President Lincoln in the American Civil War 1863-1865.
He arrived in Hawaii in 1868. He was a Harvard graduate.
- Appointed as Judge of the Supreme Court of the Kingdom of Hawaii by Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V
"In 1873 he hosted a visit of some other former civil war generals, including John Schofield, Rufus Ingalls, and Barton S. Alexander, when they investigated the use of Pearl Harbor as a naval base."
- Hartwell was appointed Attorney General by King Kalakaua.
_ Hartwell had eight (8) children who married some of those who conspired against the Queen and her people"
- Daughter Mabel Rebecca Hartwell was born April 5, 1873 and married Alfred Townsend in 1897.
- Daughter Edith Millicent Hartwell was born May 25, 1874 and married Alfred Wellington Carter (1867–1949) in 1895.[16]
- Daughter Madeline Perry Hartwell was born May 26, 1875 and married Albert Francis Judd, Jr. in 1899, son of Albert Francis Judd, and grandson of Gerrit P. Judd.
- Daughter Charlotte Lee Hartwell was born October 22, 1876 and married Charles Henry Chater.
- Daughter Juliette Hartwell was born July 27, 1879 and married Olaf L. Sorenson on May 18, 1912.
- Son Charles Atherton Hartwell was born November 5, 1880 and married Cordelia Judd Carter (1876–1921), daughter of Henry A. P. Carter, cousin of A. W. Carter, and granddaughter of Gerrit.[16]
- Bernice Hartwell was born August 15, 1882.
- Alice Dorothy Hartwell was born July 27, 1884 and married Ferdinand Frederick Hedemann in 1927.[17]
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