Monday, September 13, 2021

IOLANI - the Royal Hawk No. 2021-0913 Four (4) Important Articles; 1)Hospitals Genocide; 2) Neutrality Breach 3) CR BISHOP et.als. and 4) 911





The Legitimate Government of Hawaii Series: Americans & Englishmen expected to replace the Kanaka Maoli

                           Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

Americans & Englishmen expected to replace the "dying natives":

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, June 07, 1851, Page 14, Image 2

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The Americans have an "itching" to possess these islands:

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, June 07, 1851, Page 14, Image 2

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 In 1857, critical discussions were made in regards to people dying without hospitals and without nurses.....

Note:  Due to the news about the occupiers, the squatters upon our lands, are we to face the dilemma of 1858 because of Aliens utilizing funds truly belonging to the Alii and kanaka maoli in the Hawaiian Islands dying of COVID pandemic, strokes, heart attacks, etc. suffered by those without medical care be disregarded in these modern days?

Will our people die like those who died in 1858?:  Will the Alien Americans and Englishmen be helped hereafter and the kanaka maoli be disregarded once again?

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, July 15, 1858, Image 2

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, July 15, 1858, Image 2

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, July 15, 1858, Image 2

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, July 15, 1858, Image 2

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1856-1888, July 15, 1858, Image 2

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It appears that the intended goals of replacing the kanaka maoli with Americans and Englishmen have been the goal over time.

The 'hastening of a nation's extinction' appears to be the ongoing goal since 1851 as evidenced in the newspaper articles above.

The news about the hospital, doctors, nurses, medical people to not service the aged, those dying moves are genocide issues.

It seems appropriate that the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom, the Legitimate Government in Hawaii have the say and has the major decisions when it comes to protecting the lives, health, safety of our people to avoid our nation's extinction desired by Genocide Activists documented.

Ramifications are ongoing.

Something smells and I know it's not me!



ML100740291.pdf -

Mar 12, 2010 — (12) subject to Genocide charges, etc. ... I, Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs descend from ... Constitutions, Article 1,.

2010/08/12-Email from Ameila Gora Concerning (CLI-10-20).

Aug 12, 2010 — All ,of you will be recorded on the Active Genocide Activities list which will be ... The Hawaiian Kingdom Exists article by Amelia Gora ...

Governor Ige, National Guard, et. als. Listed on Genocide Activities ... › forum › topics › showLastReply
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the members of the Royal Families, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal, Hawaiian Genealogical Society, Konohiki, and the Acting ...

Evidence of Crimes: Pirate Acts, Plunder, Genocide Against a ... › forum › topics › evidenc...
Jun 21, 2014 — Project by Amelia Gora, the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Member of the House of Nobles, Hawaiian Kingdom.

The Legitimate government in Hawaii Series: About - IOLANI ... › 2021/04 › the-legitimate-g...
Apr 14, 2021 — 2009-0317 from Amelia Gora, a Royal person and Acting Liaison of ... 1) New York Times article, "Pearl Harbor Coaling Station - IMPERATIVE ...

Bill 2, CD1 Additional Testimony - Granicus

Researched and Verified by: Amelia Gora, Royal Family Representative — Hawaiian Kingdom ... Their father was Gerrit Parmete Judd. early genocide leader, ...
You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 3/30/21


2)  The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Steward Island Ceded to the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1856, Island of Palmyra, etc.

                                                  Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

The following article was found on Chronicling America in regards to Steward Island, etc.:

Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, April 04, 1863, Image 2

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s The United States claims sovereignty over nine small insular areas,1 with land masses ranging in size from less than one acre to somewhat more than two square miles. The nine are Palmyra Atoll, Navassa Island, Johnston Atoll, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, and Wake Atoll.2 All but Navassa Island, in the Caribbean Sea, are in the Pacific Ocean. Many are natural atolls, which are coral reefs with exposed islands that enclose a central lagoon. (We often refer to these insular areas collectively or individually as islands.) Except for Midway and Wake Atolls, all the islands were claimed for the United States under the Guano Islands Act of 1856.3 Guano is seabird droppings; rich in phosphates and minerals, it is used in fertilizer. The act provides for the discoverer of a guano island, if the island is uninhabited and not within the jurisdiction of any other government, to receive the exclusive right to mine the guano for use by U.S. citizens. Rights under the act extend not just to the discoverer of a guano island but to his or her surviving spouse or heirs, or to anyone to whom he or she has assigned rights to the discovery.4 1 U.S. sovereignty over two other insular areas, Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo (Petrel Island) is disputed. Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo are in the Caribbean Sea, located approximately 180 miles southwest from the southern coast of Jamaica. Serranilla Bank is a roughly circular coral bank; on its southeast side are three small coral-and-sand keys, or low islands, the largest of which is a half mile in length. Bajo Nuevo, an oval-shaped coral bank situated northeast from Serranilla Bank, has two reefs; at both ends of each reef are small keys, the largest of which is about 300 by 50 yards in size. The United States has long maintained claims to both Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo under the Guano Islands Act. Both areas are claimed by Columbia and Jamaica. Serranilla Bank is also claimed by Honduras. Nicaragua has not claimed these areas by name, but has stated that it claims all islands and cays located on its continental shelf; however, there is no agreed maritime boundary between Nicaragua and Columbia, or between Nicaragua and Honduras, in the Western Caribbean. Currently, the United States conducts maritime law enforcement operations in and around Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo consistent with U.S. sovereignty claims. 2 Some residents of the Stewart Islands in the Solomon Islands group, which is located northeast of Australia and east of Papua New Guinea, claim that they are native Hawaiians and U.S. citizens. (See figure 1.) They base their claim on the assertion that the Stewart Islands were ceded to King Kamehameha IV and accepted by him as part of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1856 and, thus, were part of the Republic of Hawaii (which was declared in 1893) when it was annexed to the United States by law in 1898. The 1898 law identifies the islands being annexed only as the “Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies.” However, the annexation was based on the report of the Hawaiian Commission which did not include the Stewart Islands among the islands it identified as part of the Republic of Hawaii. Report of the Hawaiian Commission, S. Doc. No. 16, 55th Cong., at 4 (3d Sess. 1898). In 1996, some Stewart Islands residents applied to register to vote in a plebescite limited to Native Hawaiians. Their requests for ballots, however, were rejected by the Hawaiian Sovereignty Election Council. 3 The Guano Islands Act appears at 48 U.S.C. §§ 1411-19. Although claims were made to Palmyra Atoll and Kingman Reef under the act, the presence of guano in either area is doubtful. Legal Adviser’s Office, U.S. Department of State, The Sovereignty of Islands Claimed Under the Guano Act and of the Northwest and Hawaiian Islands, Midway, and Wake at 612-15, 624-25 (1933) [hereinafter Sovereignty]. 4 48 U.S.C. §§ 1411-13. See generally Johnson’s [sic] Islands, 9 Op. Att’y Gen. 364, 367 (1859) (discussing the conditions that must be satisfied under the act to establish a claim to a guano island); Duncan v. Navassa Phosphate Company, 137 U.S. 647 (1891). Page 39 GAO/OGC-98-5 The U.S. Constitution and Insular Areas Appendix II Relationship With the United States of Nine Small Insular Areas The Guano Islands Act authorizes the President to determine, on application, that a guano island is to be “considered as appertaining to the United States.”5 Once that determination is made, the President may use U.S. military forces to protect the rights of the discoverer, or of those who derive their rights from the discoverer. However, the law does not obligate the United States to retain possession of a guano island after the guano has been removed.6 The application of the Constitution to islands claimed under the Guano Islands Act is to be determined under the general law governing U.S. territories and possessions. The Guano Islands Act does not discuss the application of the Constitution to the islands claimed under its authority; its only reference to the application of federal law is to provide that criminal acts on the islands are to be treated as if they were committed on U.S. vessels on the high seas.7 All nine small insular areas are “unorganized.” That is, no legislation exists providing for organization of a local government. Indeed, these insular areas have no native population to form a government, they lack any source of fresh running water, and are otherwise inhospitable to self-sustaining habitation.

Midway Atoll Midway is a coral atoll located 1,200 miles northeast of Honolulu. It consists of two main islands, Sand and Eastern. Figure II.7 shows the geography of Midway. It was originally discovered in July 1859, by Captain N.C. Brooks and named “Middle Brook Islands.” However, Captain Brooks never officially claimed the island. In 1867, the U.S. Navy sent Captain Page 59 GAO/OGC-98-5 The U.S. Constitution and Insular Areas Appendix II Relationship With the United States of Nine Small Insular Areas William Reynolds to claim the islands for the United States in order to establish a Pacific coaling station.51 In 1869, the Congress appropriated $50,000 for making Midway Island into a naval station and for enlarging the channel through the reef into the lagoon.52 
In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt issued an executive order that placed Midway under the jurisdiction and control of the U. S. Navy.53 Construction of a naval air station began in 1940, and the station was commissioned on August 1, 1941. On December 7, 1941, the day Pearl Harbor was bombed, Midway was attacked by a Japanese raiding party of four ships. In June 1942, a Japanese naval task force approached Midway. In the ensuing battle, a U.S. carrier group and aircraft from Midway withstood the all-out attack by a numerically-superior Japanese group and sank four Japanese aircraft carriers. One American carrier was lost, but this defeat of the Japanese is considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific. Following World War II, the Navy continued to have jurisdiction over Midway and maintained it as an air base. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Navy began the phase-out of operations on the atoll. In 1993, the decision was made to close the military facility at Midway.54 To permit closure and new use of the atoll, environmental impact studies were carried out. The studies indicated widespread contamination from a variety of man-made materials to the environment and the native wildlife. The Navy transferred administrative control of the atoll to the Fish and Wildlife Service on October 31, 1996.55 The Fish and Wildlife Service oversaw the clean-up of the island by the Navy. Clean-up was completed in June 1997, and the Navy departed on July 1, 1997. The Fish and Wildlife Service now has sole federal responsibility for the atoll and has decided to open the island for limited eco-tourism. A lease has been granted to the 51Apparently, the Kingdom of Hawaii did not claim Midway. In 1887, the Hawaiian Foreign Minister, in a note sent to the United States informing the Secretary of State that formal possession had been taken of Ocean Island in the name of the King of Hawaii, stated that the King claimed all the islands and islets which form the chain of the Hawaiian group extending from the Island of Nihoa to Ocean Island, except Midway Island. The United States did not formally respond. Sovereignty, supra note 3, at 924. 52Navy Appropriations Act for 1870, ch. 48, 15 Stat. 276, 279 (1869); S. Rep. No. 194, 40th Cong. (3d Sess. 1869). 53Exec. Order No. 199-A (1903). 54Pursuant to the Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1988, 10 U.S.C. § 2687 note, the Secretary of Defense recommended that the mission of the Naval Air Station on Midway be eliminated. In 1993, the Base Closure Commission agreed with the Secretary’s recommendation and operations to close the facility began. 55Exec. Order No. 13,022, 61 Fed. Reg. 56,875 (1996).
 Some residents of the Stewart Islands in the Solomon Islands group, which is located northeast of Australia and east of Papua New Guinea, claim that they are native Hawaiians and U.S. citizens. (See figure 1.) They base their claim on the assertion that the Stewart Islands were ceded to King Kamehameha IV and accepted by him as part of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1856 and, thus, were part of the Republic of Hawaii (which was declared in 1893) when it was annexed to the United States by law in 1898. The 1898 law identifies the islands being annexed only as the “Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies.” However, the annexation was based on the report of the Hawaiian Commission which did not include the Stewart Islands among the islands it identified as part of the Republic of Hawaii. Report of the Hawaiian Commission, S. Doc. No. 16, 55th Cong., at 4 (3d Sess. 1898). In 1996, some Stewart Islands residents applied to register to vote in a plebescite limited to Native Hawaiians. Their requests for ballots, however, were rejected by the Hawaiian Sovereignty Election Council.
1898 - 1959
The Republic of Hawaii was annexed by the United States in 1898 through a treaty ratified by the Hawaiian Senate and accepted by the U.S. Congress.14 At that time, Palmyra had been identified as part of the Republic of Hawaii.15 In April 1900, the Congress extended the Constitution to the Territory of Hawaii and declared its residents to be U.S. citizens.16 On March 18, 1959, the Hawaiian Statehood Act was passed and, on August 21, 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state of the Union. The act said that the “State of Hawaii shall consist of all the islands . . . included in the Territory of Hawaii on the date of enactment of this Act
 "By the law of nations, recognized by all civilized States, dominion of new territory may be acquired by discovery and occupation, as well as by cession or conquest; and when citizens or subjects of one nation, in its name, and by its authority or with its assent, take and hold actual, continuous and useful possession, (although only for the purpose of carrying on a particular business, such as catching and curing fish, or working mines,) of territory unoccupied by any other government or its citizens, the nation to which they belong may exercise such jurisdiction and for such period as it sees fit over territory so acquired.31"
Guano Act
"The United States claims sovereignty over nine small insular areas,1 with land masses ranging in size from less than one acre to somewhat more than two square miles. The nine are Palmyra Atoll, Navassa Island, Johnston Atoll, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, and Wake Atoll.2 All but Navassa Island, in the Caribbean Sea, are in the Pacific Ocean. Many are natural atolls, which are coral reefs with exposed islands that enclose a central lagoon. (We often refer to these insular areas collectively or individually as islands.) Except for Midway and Wake Atolls, all the islands were claimed for the United States under the Guano Islands Act of 1856.3 Guano is seabird droppings; rich in phosphates and minerals, it is used in fertilizer. The act provides for the discoverer of a guano island, if the island is uninhabited and not within the jurisdiction of any other government, to receive the exclusive right to mine the guano for use by U.S. citizens. Rights under the act extend not just to the discoverer of a guano island but to his or her surviving spouse or heirs, or to anyone to whom he or she has assigned rights to the discovery.4"
Territorial Clause
The Territorial Clause of the Constitution authorizes the Congress to “make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property” of the United States.2 Relying on the Territorial Clause, the Congress has enacted legislation making some provisions of the Constitution explicitly applicable in the insular areas. In addition to this congressional action, courts from time to time have ruled on the application of constitutional provisions to one or more of the insular areas."
The Hawaiian archipelago covers 133 islands.
Russia recognized the Hawaiian archipelago during the time of Kamehameha.
Hawaii under Kamehameha became the Pacific Empire with Aeteearoa/New Zealand and the Samoan Islands.
The United States claimed to own some of the islands due to the treasonous person Dr. Gerritt Parmele Judd who worked for the Guano Company.
There are conflicting information about the ownership of the islands in the Pacific Ocean.
The United States were fearful of the Japanese entering San Francisco Bay and it would take more than 10 years to get them out so they engaged in the Pacific Cable Company, claiming some of the already claimed for Islands in the Hawaiian archipelago, etc.
This strategic map is evidence showing the United States interest in the Hawaiian archipelago, and the Pacific Empire:
  The Neutrality laws were breached and this map is Evidence.  The Map came out of the book, THE VALOR OF IGNORANCE by Homer Lea who documented the study of the Japanese, etc. affecting the Hawaiian archipelago.

Documenting the Breach of Neutrality 13 Times by the US ... › forum › topics › nation-to-nat...
Jun 27, 2021 — 2021-0627 - Documenting the Breach of Neutrality 13 Times by the U.S. from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles ...
Research incomplete.

The following article shows that U.S. President Grover Cleveland warned Americans of the Neutral Nation status of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii:

1896  - August 26. U.S. President Cleveland: Warned About a Military enterprise or Expedition = Breach of Neutrality 

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, August 26, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Treasonous Persons Perspectives - Charles Reed Bishop, S.B. Dole, et. als.

Pirates of the Pacific:  Charles Reed Bishop and Friends - Sanford B. Dole

                                                                                   Review by Amelia Gora (2021)
The following article was printed in 1915, the year that Queen Liliuokalani was placed on the throne for a day by the usurpers, and the year that Charles Reed Bishop died.
Sanford B. Dole was one of the treasonous conspirators who worked with Charles Reed Bishop and others:

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series:  Charles Reed Bishop & Partners in Crime/Evidence of Treasonous persons 

                                                                Review by Amelia Gora (2021)




The following is additional evidence of Treason, Conspiracy by Charles Reed Bishop & Friends/Partners in Crime/Conspirators/Pirates/Pillagers/Terrorists:

The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

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The Pacific commercial advertiser. [volume] (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, June 23, 1893, Image 6

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The above lists all who conspired against Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.

The most evil is Charles Reed Bishop who arrived in Hawaii with William Lee.  Both worked for the American Consulate, then as an attorney, plantation owner, banker, etc.

Bishop was a "gold digger" marrying Bernice Pauahi Bishop who was Not the "last of the Kamehameha's".

The article by Sanford B. Dole, second to Charles Reed Bishop - Pirate of the Pacific:

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-current, June 26, 1915, 3:30 Edition, Page FOURTEEN, Image 30

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Important Keeper Article: S.B. Dole, Treasonous Person, and Treasonous Ideas - Weak nations Will be Absorbed, "the Right of Interference" and the Monroe Doctrine Applied

Important Keeper Article:  S.B. Dole, Treasonous Person, and Treasonous Ideas - Weak nations Will be Absorbed, "the Right of Interference" and the Monroe Doctrine Applied
                 The Rule of Law Fail Affecting a Neutral, Non-violent nation, the U.S. Constitution, International Law, and the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii and the 
                                                            United States

                                                                              Reviewed by Amelia Gora (2020)

On June 13, 1887 during King David Kalakaua's period, Sanford B. Dole addressed the Social Science Association with a paper "The Balance of Power and the Monroe Doctrine".

Sanford B. Dole
Sanford B. Dole holding newspaper.jpg
1st Territorial Governor of Hawaii
In office
14 June 1900 – 23 November 1903
Appointed byWilliam McKinley
Preceded byPosition Established
(Himself as President)
Succeeded byGeorge Carter
President of Hawaii
In office
4 July 1894 – 12 August 1898
Preceded byPosition Established (Liliuokalani as Queen)
Succeeded byPosition Abolished
(Himself as Governor)
Personal details
Sanford Ballard Dole

23 April 1844
Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii
Died9 June 1926 (aged 82)
Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii
NationalityKingdom of Hawaii; Republic of Hawaii; United States
Political partyRepublican
Spouse(s)Anna Prentice Cate Dole
Alma materWilliams College

Dole's paper reveals his well studied points affecting the eventual usurpation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Dole documented that the Hawaiian Kingdom was a Weak nation and it will be absorbed by another nation.

He pointed out "the Right of Interference" which was untried by the U.S. and supported the Monroe Doctrine.

Monroe Doctrine

United State
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the Americas. It began in 1823, however the term "Monroe Doctrine" itself was not coined until 1850. The Doctrine was issued on December 2, at a time when nearly all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved, or were at the point of gaining, independence from the Portuguese and Spanish Empires. It stated that further efforts by various European states to take control of any independent state in North or South America would be viewed as "the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." At the same time, the doctrine noted that the U.S. would recognize and not interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal affairs of European countries.
Sanford B. Dole was avidly exploring the possibilities of taking down the Hawaiian Kingdom.  This article shows his premeditation, conspiracy, and treason against the Hawaiian Kingdom.

avidly - Dictionary Definition :

Doing things avidly means really throwing yourself into the spirit of things. Avidly comes from its related adjective, avid, or "having enthusiasm for something," from the Latin avidus, "longing, desirous, or greedy," from the root avere, "to desire eagerly." Definitions of avidly
The following article is part of the evidence of his contribution to the usurpation of King David Kalakaua and Queen Liliuokalani.
This was formed during King David Kalakaua's reign in 1887, he took part in the 1887 Bayonnet Constitution - stripped the Sovereign of his rights with a gun to King David Kalakaua's head.
King Kalakaua died in 1891.
Sanford B. Dole promoted his ideas about Weak nations, "the Right of Interference" and the Monroe Doctrine when he and others moved to usurp Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
The following are excerpts of Sanford B. Dole's paper:"/>"/>"/>"/>"/>"/>"/>

Note:  What Sanford B. Dole failed to point out is that he was not party to the permanent amity and friendship treaty with the United States.

Dole being an attorney failed to follow the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution and moved with his claim to have "the Right of Interference", placed the Queen and her people under stress, duress, usurpation, fraud, conspiracy, piracy, pillaging, racketeering, and treason.

Dole and Friends were documented under the Article XIV of the 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States and indulged in piracy, pillaging activities, etc.

The contractual agreement made was outside of his area of expertise and all that he did was a gross failure of justice, and cannot be maintained in civilized societies.

Dole and Friends created an illegal entity and failed in operating on truth and this adds evidence of his barbaric nature and failure to uphold the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution because article 6 states that Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land and even Judges have to adhere to it, etc.

Sanford B. Dole was a failure, an illegal alien promoting piracy, pillaging, racketeering and helped to take down the United States in the past.

There are ramifications because the alodio lands were locked in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

Sanford B. Dole was an alien and could only have less than alodio lands and for only 30 years at the most.

Sanford B. Dole based on treason, conspiracy, etc. lost all his rights to lands since 1893.  His heirs own nothing but shame and distrust from those who know the history of the wicked, the pirates of the Hawaiian Kingdom and connections to the Pirates of the World.

Research incomplete.



Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-current, June 26, 1915, 3:30 Edition, Page FOURTEEN, Image 30

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Posted 1 week ago by Amelia Gora

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    IOLANI - The Royal Hawk

    Ka Nupepa Kuauhau, Moolelo, Kanawai o Hawaii
    ‘Genealogy, History, Laws of Hawaii Newspaper’


    Vol VIII No. 801 - Part 3

    Amelia Gora

    21 hrs ·…/important-keeper-article-g… ...More Pirates when Queen Liliuokalani was alive and under duress...…..

    Governor Pinkham's Address to the U.S. President, et. als. Woodrow Wilson Wilson in 1919 28th President of the United States In...


    Vol VIII No. 801 - Part 1b

    Lalie Gomes shared a link.

    Conversation Starter · April 10 at 9:06 AM

    Unbelievable how the Chinese Communist Party covered up the corona virus.

    IOLANI - the Royal Hawk Vol VIII No. 801 Special Public Records Apr...


    Amelia Gora

    3 mins ·…/iolani-royal-hawk-vol-viii… Important Keeper for your records...…..share far and wide! ;)

    Select Language Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Benga...



    Remembering the War for Oil  - 911: 1) WanttoKnow; 2) John Kaminski (dec.); Bin Laden Blew His Cover

    Remembering the War for Oil  - 911:  1) WanttoKnow; 2) John Kaminski (dec.); Bin Laden Blew His Cover

                                                   Review by Amelia Gora (2021)

    See - 


    1)  WanttoKnow


    2)  John Kaminski (dec.): Reminder of 911 and Other Background Info on 911



    Buried beneath
    an avalanche of lies

    Chronicle of a battle for the truth
    that has now been lost



                                                                 Archives File Posted for Educational Purposes


     Makow - Osama bin Laden

    Endorses John Kerry
    Blows His CIA Cover
    By Henry Makow, PhD
            On Friday, "terrorist" bogeyman Osama Bin Laden released a video
    that successfully ridiculed George W. Bush.
            Coming just four days before the Presidential election, that's
    awfully suspicious. Bin Laden implied that he could work with John Kerry.
            Furthermore he exposed himself as a CIA / Illuminati asset by taking
    responsibility for 9-11 and praising Mohamed Atta as the "overall
            I am confining myself to the excerpts cited by Al Jazeera, which
    broadcast the Bin Laden video.
            Here is how Bin laden ridiculed Bush:
            "It never occurred to us that the commander in chief of the American
    forces (Bush) would leave
            50,000 citizens in the two towers to face those horrors alone at a
    time when they most needed him because he thought listening to a child
    discussing her goat and its ramming was more important than the planes and
    their ramming of the skyscrapers. This had given us three times the time
    needed to carry out the operations, thanks be to God"
            I saw the classroom tape. George was obviously stunned by the news.
    Sure he didn't jump into action; marionettes rarely act on their own accord.
            This below-the-belt attack on Bush widely broadcast Friday is a
    reflection of the desperation of the Zionist-Rothschild-European branch of
    Illuminati to dump George Bush, now that he has done their dirty work for
            They want him to step aside so they can enjoy the lion's share of
    the spoils. But George, forgetting that his nickname at "Skull and Bones"
    was "Temporary," seems determined to outstay his welcome and champion the
    interests of Dick Cheney and an American-based faction of the Illuminati.
            The assertion of national ambition is a perennial problem for the
    Masonic London-based Globalists. Their nightmares consist of names like
    Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler. They don't want to add George W. Bush to this
            Without saying it in so many words, Bin Laden implies that electing
    John Kerry could be the way to avoid another terrorist attack. (Italics
            "O American people, I am speaking to tell you about the ideal way to
    avoid another Manhattan, about war and its causes and results.
            "Security is an important foundation of human life and free people
    do not squander their security,contrary to Bush's claims that we hate
    freedom. Let him tell us why we did not attack Sweden for example.
            "It is known that those who hate freedom do not possess proud souls
    like those of the 19, may God rest their souls. We fought you because we are
    free and because we want freedom for our nation. When you squander our
    security we squander yours.
            "I am surprised by you. Despite entering the fourth year after Sept.
    11, Bush is still deceiving you and hiding the truth from you and therefore
    the reasons are still there to repeat what happened."
            But to avoid the suggestion he supports Kerry, he says:
            "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda.
    Your security is in your own hands and _each state which does not harm our
    security will remain safe_."
            Despite what Kerry says about being tough on terror, he represents
    change and a more "international" (i.e. New World Order) approach to problem
            To me, Bin Laden's implication is clear: get rid of Bush and you
    will be spared.
            I predict that Americans, Stockholm syndrome hostages in an unspoken
    game called the "War on Terror" will get the message. They will elect John
    Forbes Kerry Tuesday.
            BLOWS CIA COVER
            Bin Laden reveals himself as a CIA-Illuminati asset by taking
    responsibility for the attack on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon. A
    cursory examination of the facts proves that the Iluminati perpetrated this
    atrocity using their Mossad, CIA, MI-6 and US Military Intelligence assets.
    These agencies work for the globalist cabal not their national governments.
    I refer you to my article
            "Bush and Kerry Represent the Real Terrorists."
            But most revealing is Bin Laden's praise for 9-11 commander Mohamed
    Atta. This nails him by association because Atta (not his real name) is
    probably an Israeli agent with ties to the highest levels of the New World
            Daniel Hopsicker has revealed that during the 1990's, while living
    in Hamburg, Atta was part of an elite "exchange program" with ties to Henry
    Kissinger and David Rockefeller:
            "Mohamed Atta, before becoming a 'terrorist ringleader,' enjoyed the
    patronage of a government initiative, known as the "Congress-Bundestag
    Program," overseen by the U.S. State Department and the German Ministry of
    Economic Cooperation and Development, the German equivalent of the U.S.
    Agency for International Development busy currently supervising the
    secretive bidding race for tens of billions of dollars of post-war
    reconstruction contracts in Iraq."
            "News that Mohamed Atta had been on the payroll of the elite
    international program surfaced in a curious way just a month after the 9/11
    attack: a brief seven-line report by German newspaper /Frankfurter
    Allgemeine Zeitung/ on Oct. 18, 2001, under the headline "ATTA WAS TUTOR FOR
            "The U.S. end of the program is run out of an address at United
    Nations Plaza in New York by CDS International. The letters stand for Carl
    Duisberg Society, also the name of its German counterpart in Cologne, the
    Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft. Both are named for Carl Duisberg, a German
    chemist and industrialist who headed the Bayer Corporation during the
            In another article entitled, "Ten Things You Didn't Know About
    Mohammed Atta," was that this devout Islamic fundamentalist eat pork,
    snorted coke, loved nightclubs and had connections with the US defence
            One other thing. He was a psychopath. When his American girlfriend
    Amanda Keller ( an "escort") threw him out because he had a "flanky ass" and
    couldn't dance, he retaliated by disembowelling her pet cat and six kittens.
    Keller returned home to find bloody cat carcass pieces all over her
            This is the man Osama bin Laden singles out as commander of the 19
    heroic martyrs of 9-ll, with the words "may God rest his soul."
            Jigs up Osama! Your cover is blown. You can come in from the cold.
            I'm not writing this because I want you to vote for Bush. On the
    contrary, I think we could use a different gang of crooks, perverts and
    Satan-loving "Christians" in the White House. The Press will create a warm
    Kennedy-like excitement about the new Kerry administration. It will be the
    kinder hipper Communist brand of Fascism.
            And I am looking forward to seeing how America takes to First Lady
    Theresa Heinz Ketchup. That will be the stuff of endless late-night comedy
    routines and editorial cartoons.
            It might be a good thing to have all the Conservatives and Patriots
    outside the tent heaving grenades in. They are less likely to be sucked by
    UN-globalist policies than if Bush introduced them.
            And with the Republicans expected to hold on to Congress, the
    government might be grid locked, which is the best scenario from the point
    of view of the harried population.
            On the other hand, if Tim Rifat is right, this may be a case of
    execution at noon being preferable to execution at dawn. He believes that
    the London-based New World Order will be derailed if Bush is elected. (See
    "Bush Victory Could Foil Occult Plot"
            You see Bush will expand the Iraq war to Iran. Kerry, who Rifat says
    is a Rothschild puppet, will give the Iranians time to prepare for World War
    Three, which is scheduled for around 2012. This will ultimately destroy
    Israel and the US.
            *If* this is true dear Americans, your real choice Tuesday is
    between one last decade in the sunshine before the night falls forever,
    under Kerry; or a rocky dangerous ride under Bush that might throw a monkey
    wrench into long time Globalist plans for World War Three and world
    dictatorship. .
            Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the
    author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His past articles exposing feminism
    and the New World Order appear on his web site He
    welcomes feedback at Some may be posted using first

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