( we have been indoctrinated to think otherwise)
here is a quickly condensed version.....
U.S. Code collection: a foreign codification; meaning this is foreign code; code is not a law.
TITLE 28 > PART I > CHAPTER 5 > § 91 – take a look at what they are assuming in their foreign regime:
§ 91. Hawaii
Hawaii constitutes one judicial district which includes the Midway Islands, Wake Island, Johnston Island, Sand Island, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Island, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Canton Island, and Enderbury Island: Provided, That the inclusion of Canton and Enderbury Islands in such judicial district shall in no way be construed to be prejudicial to the claims of the United Kingdom to said Islands in accordance with the agreement of April 6, 1939, between the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom to set up a regime for their use in common.
Court shall be held at Honolulu.
Shall we begin? Look at the void contract that the de facto group founds it's municipal make-up upon: In section 75 of the ":Organic Act": the so called "courts" that the racist illegal occupants force the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina into in the past and at present – are in fact - branches of a bank. Banks do not have judicial powers. Local police [impersonators] are not mandated to uphold financial decisions.
Take another look at the “Organic Act ” of 1900: Section 91: "the Hawaiian Treasury" is falsely stated to be in the “territory of Hawaii” which is now calling themselves the [state of Hawaii] since 1967 ( US attempts to pull in “federal” TAX DEBTORS. Making up a “district”). There is no record of transfer required by law. A private corporation, the Territory of Hawaii uses military rule and is reserved by the [state of hawaii], creating three extraction or "commercial conduit" districts;[state;federal;military] for de facto purposes to divert revenue and covertly manipulate displacement of nationals, WITHOUT disrupting or terminating the nation of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina.
In the foreign USC section above, we see:
1) "Agreement" April 6, 1939 _ BETWEEN the US / UK: attempting to pull in more “DEBTORS” to the social security system. Please take judicious notice that the lawful possessors of any of the alleged property referred to (Ko Hawaii Pae Aina); are NOT A PART OF IT.
2) That 'REGIME' is exactly that; a controlling conduit to manipulate taxation owed by the united states federal government to the United Kingdom; the United States is a COMMONWEALTH of the United Kingdom today and it consists of “Districts” – “ use in common" = equals the “commonwealth” another “cover up”. This states that the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina under the false disguise as “Hawaii” [an artificial being] are supposed to pay taxation owed by a foreign nation to their head corporation of which they are a “commonwealth”. The united states just attempted to get payment for their debt out of another country. ILLEGAL EXTRACTION/EXTORTION.
3) "District", "municipal" = equals = TAXATION -
None of these documents are applicable to the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina – the legitimate identity real party in interests of national kuleana, the constitutional, freeholders. (not to be construed with native Hawaiians, or de facto groups)
Hawaii – misnomer, identity fraud There is no record of authorization by the nationals/ nation of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina
THE BROKEN CHAIN that invalidates this “codification” assumes false information about what is being alluded to.....
The “Organic Act” of 1900 is a LITERAL pathetic attempt at covering up two years of a failed “annexation” attempt negogiated on July 7, 1897 between the alleged "republic of Hawaii" club members and the foreign U.S. Secretary of state, it is turn a pathetic attempt at covering up the non existent falsely claimed “overthrow” of a Constitutional Monarchy and a full Constitutional Parliamentary style Government.
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (Hawaiiloa,an ancestor) was established as a Constitutional Nation on Oct. 8, 1840, securing kuleana on July 6, 1839 to all kanaka maoli a oiwi. Divestiture of private and shared properties,validated in lawful procedure was dutifully accomplished by the year 1855, thereby reinforcing the entire archipelago against foreign insertion or invasion making acquirement by another country impossible.
The committee of “safety” committed the crime of Illegal fix of trade on Jan. 17, 1893, impersonated government officers and held the Constitutional Queen Liliuokalani hostage for three years. That group never got her to sign a thing over and they certainly received zilch, nada, ole, zero from the nationals who had already been granted by law all the kuleana in the nation (including all northwestern islands by Treaty of May 16, 1854). While the Constitutional Queen was in chains, the unrecognized “provisional government” group of about 3,000 members, attempted to falsify documents held in the treasury and government registry; making office of Crown lands and Alii lands temporarily given to the de jure government of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (for true nationals means) a hodgepodge mixture of what was labeled by them as “public lands” (August 12, 1894) which was and is illegal and non existent today.; this mixture became falsely labeled as “Ceded lands” (July 7, 1898) by literal assertion; then the parties to that falsified contract falsely claimed to possess (although in the actual possession of all nationals at the time) - all the domain of what each illegal de facto group had falsely claimed before them; those parties entered another fraudulent contract called the “Organic Act” (6-15-1900) alleging to fabricate a “territory” which ruled under martial law imposed by foreign assertion (unconstitutional); to circumvent the foreign constitutional limitations that govern legitimate territories of the United States, the foreign unauthorized congress thereof entered contract with a naturalized united states citizen impersonating a national of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; he was called Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole (1920) alleging to relegate “native Hawaiians” to fabricated reservations to enhance internal displacement of nationals and to falsely enter them into fraudulent contracts, he denounced national allegiance for himself and his heirs to the nation that bore him Ko Hawaii Pae Aina; he took an allegiance to the de facto United States and received a court order confirming his act of state, thereby making him and his heirs forever - united states federal,14th amendment, 3rd class citizen thereof and removing any kuleana that he may have had or could claim to his original nation; the same parties to said false contract that alleged to create a taxable “district” out of an artificial corporation called “HAWAII” [they do not mention “territory”] with the United Kingdom as a “commonwealth” to accommodate foreign extraction -social security- via “HAWAII” (4-6-1939) falsely presented under private corporate laws that allow a third party intermediary to manage other peoples properties, but only by lawful process ; like USC Title 18; then the de facto “territory” of Hawaii group alleged to hold a "vote" in Honolulu in (1959) falsely alleging to validate the mythhood of “statehood” despite there being only about 17% qualified voter nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, the rest were foreigners or de jure dual citizens. The same unauthorized parties alleged to “ratify” by unilateral and illegitimate process the voter fraud of 1959, in the year of 1967; at the time the United States alleged federal taxation increases. Examining "who" is subject to such frivolous contracts, we must hold up section four (4) of that fabrication document called the "Organic Act 1900", wherein the parties thereto agree that only the certified citizens who were citizens of the Republic of Hawaii group and the citizens of the u/United s/States on August 12, 1894 are subject. Making the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina not subject thereto and non parties thereof, we have not entered into the de facto regime at all and freely choose to unite in Peace.
All successors-in-crime and liable interests of the "committee of safety" group that committed the illegal fix of trade on January 17, 1893, are namely all of the "citizens" of the "Provisional government" group; then their successor called the "republic of Hawaii" group; then their successor called the "territory of Hawaii" group; then their successor called the "state of Hawaii" group, each predeccessor in crime and liable interests legally passed on their liability in crime and assigned such liability to each successor and assignee only. Each document used by the de facto [state of Hawaii] and their de facto affiliates, is an assignment of criminal liability and NOTHING ELSE. These assignment of criminal liability records can be found at the Archives (occupied), [state legal archives] and bureau of conveyances [occupied de facto].
FROM 1-17-1893 TO PRESENT: THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF PROOF OF TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY, JURISDICTION OR OTHERWISE OF KO HAWAII PAE AINA BY IT’S NATIONALS TO ANY OF THE DE FACTO ILLEGITIMATE REGIMES..... And there never will be, there lacks the basic elements of claim by the illegitimate de facto; 1) the authority of the “grantor” is non existent [provisional group is on record as having nothing] 2) the “grantee” knowingly commits crimes by participating in falsifying information that will deprive people of their private properties; 3) the alleged “property” is non existent and 4) there is no lawful consideration. If the alleged “state of Hawaii” group attempts to falsely transfer the private properties of nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina under false pretenses; the alleged transfer fails for lack of all of the above.
The alleged control through racial policing of the revenue and civil rights belonging to the nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina by the illegal occupant/successor/assignee of criminal liability regime via [state of Hawaii] is unlawful and based entirely upon false pretenses and causes temporary internal displacement of nationals.
DUE TO THE INCAPABILITY OF THE DE FACTO [STATE OF HAWAII] to be anything but illegitimate the legitimate de jure (based on permanent law) nationals of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (legitimate dejure) have lawful standing to reenter upon all lawful national rights WITHOUT an intermediary, such as illegitimate, de facto artificial "entity" like the alleged "state" or any of it's subordinates, agents and contractual partners.
We know that the nationals, naturalised and de jure dual citizens of ko Hawaii Pae Aina, that have unknowingly entered into fraudulent contracts are FREE to void them and activate lawful use of their private and shared kuleana. We know that we do not have to accept liability for the third party public and private debts of a foreign country, we re-vest our aina and stand apart within our own jurisdiction. We know that the kuleana that provides the ground for illegal reservations called Hawaiian Homelands, is actually our own. We know that we are a true de jure nation within the Family of Nations.
Mahealani's Message to the World - ko Hawaii pae aina
Kohawaiipaeaina's Weblog | Just another WordPress.com weblog
Posted on July 22, 2008 by kohawaiipaeaina These are the notes I have from the program Truth & Justice in Ko Hawaii Pae Aina on Akaku Television Channel 53. This program is aired every other Monday at 7pm to 8pm. It is a live program where issues concerning Kanaka Maoli are discussed and people can call in with comments and/or questions.
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina - Updates & Tidbits - Maoliworld
Nov 03, 2008 · You can hear the live radio shows with Mahealani (the real one) broadcast on KAOI AM 1110 on Maui and KONG AM 570 on Kauai, on the website: kohawaiipaeaina.net and share them with family and friends now, you can still buy the discs for 5 dala at the Cameron Center too, that way you can play them while you drive, work, play or send and share ...
Hawaiiloa Foundation/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina ... - ilind.net
May 27, 2011 · I was not surprised to see the news that five people have been indicted in the mortgage fraud scheme on Maui that was cloaked in Hawaiian sovereignty theories and rhetoric. The defendents were associated with several Maui organizations, including the Hawaiiloa Foundation, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, and The Registry. You can read the indictment here. I wrote about this case several times …
FBI targets bond scam | The Honolulu Advertiser | Hawaii's ...
May 31, 2009 · www.kohawaiipaeaina.net/ ABOUT KO HAWAII PAE AINA In a flurry of court filings and a mission statement posted on the Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Web site, www.kohawaiipaeaina.net/ , the group claims that it "is comprised of all of the landed property belonging to Hawaiiloa a great Navigator King and founder of Pacific trade, commerce and oceanic development within the Pacific Triangle and outer …
Arrest Warrants Ordered For Members of Maui Sovereignty ...
Jun 14, 2011 · Ko Hawaii Pae Aina claims on its website, http://kohawaiipaeaina.net, that it represents a sovereign nation “comprised of all of the landed property belonging to Hawaiiloa a great Navigator King and founder of Pacific trade, commerce and oceanic development within the …
KoDasha | KoKo-Shop | Pages Directory
KoHawaiiPaeAina.net. Local Business. KoHbandi. Computers & Internet Website. KoHe LesHi. Just For Fun. KoHealing By Ko Mo To. Product/Service. KoHein. Personal Blog. KoHein Gaming. Personal Blog. KoHein Gaming. Product/Service. KoHein Htet. ... KoKe Net. Just For Fun. KoKe Online Shop เรื่องวันนั้น ...
Naming names: Who are the alleged Sovereignty-mortgage ...
A June 24, 2005 Tribe.net posting by “Mahealani Ventura-Oliver Land Title Examiner & Paralegal The Title Wave, Inc. Ko Hawaii Pae Aina” in which she claims: “There is no record of acquisition of jurisdiction of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina by the U.S. or the "state" of Hawaii. There has only been one legal passage of …
KoDra | Kobi jalal syed | Pages Directory
KoHawaiiPaeAina.net. Local Business. KoHbandi. Computers & Internet Website. KoHe LesHi. Just For Fun. KoHealing By Ko Mo To. Product/Service. KoHein. Personal Blog. KoHein Gaming. Personal Blog. KoHein Gaming. Product/Service. KoHein Htet. ... KoKe Net. Just For Fun. KoKe Online Shop เรื่องวันนั้น ...
Mahealani was imprisoned for
Arrest Warrants Ordered For Members of Maui Sovereignty Group
BY JIM DOOLEY – Three of five members of a Maui Hawaiian sovereignty group indicted last month on federal fraud charges failed to appear in federal court today and bench warrants were ordered for their arrests.
U.S. District Magistrate Judge Kevin Chang ordered the arrests of Mahealani Ventura-Oliver, 42, her husband, John Oliver, 46, and Pilialoha Teves, 49.
Two other defendants, Peter Hoy, 76, and Leatrice Hoy, 52, entered not guilty pleas before Chang.
The defendants are members of Maui-based groups called Hawaiiloa Foundation, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina and The Registry.
They were indicted last month on 25 criminal charges that include fraud, money-laundering and tax offenses.
Federal Deputy Public Defender Alexander Silvert appeared at the hearing on behalf of Ventura-Oliver, although he said she has not formally agreed to his representation of her.
Silvert told Chang that Ventura-Oliver had not contacted his office about the case against her.
He argued against issuance of the arrest warrants, saying the judge could re-issue criminal summons ordering the appearance of the defendants.
But Chang said he was ordering their arrests.
An officer from the federal pre-trial services office told Chang that John Oliver claimed in a telephone conversation that he was homeless because his wife and kicked him out of their house.
He also said he would consider appearing in court if he was provided with free airline tickets and if his appearance date was set for February 2047.
Oliver also said he did not want to be represented by court-appointed defense lawyer Jeffrey Arakaki.
Dana Ishibashi, lawyer for Peter Hoy, said the Hoys are themselves victims in the case.
“He doesn’t want people to believe what’s being said about him,” Ishibashi said after the hearing.
“My client and his wife lost their house because they were so convinced these people could help them,” said Ishibashi.
Leatrice Hoy was employed for a time as “in a clerical job” for the Olivers, “not knowing what they were actually doing,” said Ishibashi.
“As soon as she figured it out, she cut her ties to them,” the lawyer said.
“In fact, she gathered materials together and gave them to the FBI,” Ishibashi said.
In a news conference last month, U.S. Attorney Florence Nakakuni alleged that the defendants collected $468,000 in “kokua” payments from their victims beween 2008 and 2110, holding private meetings about “a debt assistance program which they claimed could eliminate mortgage, credit card and other debt.”
The indictment alleged that the defendants told their followers that all indviduals hold “special reserves” in the U.S. Treasury which could be used to “zero out” debts.
They allegedly issued fictitious bonds, promissory notes and money orders “which they falsely claimed were backed by the U.S. Treasury and State of Hawaii,” the government alleged.
The FBI and other law enforcement agencies have been investigating the group since 2009.
Ko Hawaii Pae Aina claims on its website, http://kohawaiipaeaina.net, that it represents a sovereign nation “comprised of all of the landed property belonging to Hawaiiloa a great Navigator King and founder of Pacific trade, commerce and oceanic development within the Pacific Triangle and outer Pacific Rim.”
Note: Over time I heard that Mahealani used the UCC - Uniform Commercial Code which is a law made by the U.S.
At any time the U.S. could change their laws and manipulate it, etc.
Mahealani dealt with banking issues.
I was informed by other Whistleblowers that she would get arrested. I talked with her and she didn't want to listen.
Others who supported her were her cousins who are active with other groups.
Mahealani in maintaining that she was part of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina , whether right or wrong, is a Political prisoner.
She will need to be removed from prison. Mainly because she is a subject of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina, there was No Annexation which means that they do not have jurisdiction, the Royal Family exists, descendants of Kamehameha and have never gone away, and we are the Legitimate Royal government spoken about by U.S. President Grover Cleveland, and his Secretary of State Walter Gresham in 1893, etc.
Note: her sister attended our meetings over time, basically curious about what we do.
We are Kamehameha's descendants, and have liens/affidavits, Joinder to the Affidavit /Liens, are researchers with evidence of the premeditation engaged in to take over a weak, neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, recognized as part of the family of nations, etc.
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