Monday, August 21, 2023

Neutral Nation to Nation/Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023 - 0820 Ownership of Washington Place, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii






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Neutral Nations/Nations

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    Neutral Nation to Nation/Neutral Nations Legal Advisory/Notice No. 2023 - 0820 Ownership of Washington Place, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, Royal Family Representative, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, etc. - Kingdom of Hawaii


This Legal Advisory/Notice is to inform you that "Washington Place" belongs to our Royal Family, the descendants of Kalola who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  

Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin to Ruth Keelikolani who was married to Leleiohoku the son of Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku.


Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku's son was Leleiohoku.

1826 - Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku leased the land to Mr. Charlton, an Englishman in 1826.
The Lease was claimed to be 299 years and witnessed by Kalaimoku/ Kalanimoku's brother Boki.

Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku married the widow of Kamehameha named Keopuolani.

Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku married Akahi.

1827 - Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku died.

1848 - Keopuolani's son was Kauikeaouli - Kamehameha III who passed the Mahele Law/ Great Mahele in 1848.

Kamehameha III maintained that his land laws were for kanaka maoli who were given Allodial land titles and to Aliens they were allowed only 30 years, Fee Simple, less than allodial, freehold, lease lands.

Leleiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku died leaving his widow Ruth Keelikolani and son John Pitt Kinau.

Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III was Leleiohoku's stepbrother.

1854 - Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III died.

1859 - Leleiohoku/W.P. Leileiohoku's son John Kinau died.

1862 - Liliuokalani married John Dominis.

1878 - The Lease was up for John Dominis.  From the Great Mahele period, John Dominis was allowed only 30 years, which means his time was up in 1878.

The property was under John Dominis an alien and not to Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.

Ruth Keelikolan and husband Leleiohoku were the landowners and not John Dominis nor Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani. 

1883 - Ruth Keelikolani died.  Her next-of-kin was Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.  Her next-of-kin was Kalola(female).  Charles Reed Bishop received only a life interest in part of the Estate of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

1886 - Kalola (female) died leaving her grandson, daughter-in-law, and hanai/adopted daughter.

1893 - Charles Reed Bishop conspired, committed treason against Queen Liliuokalani and lost all interest in lands, monies, etc. 

 Queen Liliuokalani was usurped through the U.S. Military Invasion.

1909 - A Fraud Trust assumed the property belonging to Kalola (female) who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  An Agr./Agreement was filed as a Deed by the fraud trustees as discovered in research.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed and also recorded it in her Will.

The Fraud Trust sold Washington Place to the Territory of Hawaii.  The Trustees had no title to the Allodial land which legally belonged to Leleiohoku /W.P. Leleiohoku the son of Kalalnimoku, then to his wife Ruth Keelikolani then to her next-of-kin Bernice Pauahi Bishop and when she died it belonged to her next-of-kin Kalola (female).  

Note:  For a brief period, Charles Reed Bishop had a life interest in part of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate until he committed conspiracy, treason, piracy, pillaging, etc. in 1893.

Kalola's (female) descendants exist including myself and others.

Rents Due

Rents are due for Washington Place in the amount of $50,000 per month retroactive to 1893.

There was no Annexation.

Justice Memo.jpg  


Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


p.s.  There are other properties belonging to our Royal Family which also has rent due:

* Ruth Keelikolani's Palace -  we meet there several times a week in a little corner of the Special Education and supply room and would like to have more space because we are the land owners.
Rent is due because Charles Reed Bishop did not have the right to convey Allodial lands.

Rent is due retroactive to 1895 when it was conveyed by a non-owner, a person who had only a life interest.  See:
article on Princess Ruth's Palace.jpg
also Abner Paki's lands wrongfully conveyed by non-allodial landowners such as Heeia Ahupuaa, the Attorney General's office - downtown Honolulu, etc.

Note:  Our Royal Family members have been utilizing a tiny corner of our building and expect a larger space soon.  We have been meeting there since November 2021.

Regarding Genealogies:

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants of four (4) of Kamehameha's children; (4) of Kamehameha's stepchildren, and (2) of his hanai/adopted children.

I, Amelia Gora, am a descendant of four (4) of Kamehameha's siblings:  (1) Keliimaikai; (2) Kaleiwohi; (3) Kiilaweau, and (4) Kalanikaulihiwakama Piipii.

I, Amelia Gora, am also one of Kalanimoku's brother Keoua's descendant, heir of his other brother Koa/ Kekoa;  am a descendant of Akahi who was married to Kalanimoku/Kalaimoku; am an heir of Leleiohoku/W.P. Leleiohoku who was married to Ruth Keelikolani.  Ruth Keelikolani had stepsiblings, am an heir of her oldest brother Paalua/JWD Paalua, and her stepbrother John Kapena.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop was the next-of-kin of Ruth Keelikolani and am a descendant of Kalola (female) who was the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop...........In other words, I have the kanaka maoli bloodlines of the landowners named above.​

Am part of the bloodlines of Ruth Keelikolani AND husband 1 - Leleiohoku AND husband 2 Isaac Y. Davis.
Am part of the bloodlines of Bernice Pauahi Bishop because her father Abner Paki was also the stepfather of Kalola.  Kalola's father was Kalaniulumoku, the full brother of Abner Paki who died in 1838.

Am from the brother of Konia the mother of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.  Her brother's name was Hanuna.

PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop and Friends did major crimes on our Royal Family by defrauding our Royal Family who existed in 1893 to present day.......and We are the Allodial Title/ land owners.

I have filed a 281 page lien in the Bureau of Conveyances No. 1996-177455 filed on 12/17/96, with genealogies, evidence of premeditation, conspiracy, racketeering, etc. with a Joinder showing the genealogies of our Royal Family.

Read the thousands of articles posted on the web, am publisher of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk news on the web, pamphlets, books, etc.

Research of more than 45+ years has been done with evidence of wrongs against a peaceful, neutral, friendly, non-violent nation which operated with so much hate, animosity, gross cheat, genocide, theft, genocide over time...........All should be aware of the wrongs because our people did no wrong.



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