Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series; Karen Hudes, Whistleblower, Having Problems

Karen Hudes having problem with Facebook and Twitter.... appears her info is being removed....

"Both Barack Obama and John McCain tried to surrender the United States to the Banking Cartel. I am posting some of the many times that I contacted John McCain in vain, trying to get him to actually defend the security of the United States and do his job in the corrupt US Congress. One of the files I posted on January 4, 2016 on the internet, under the title: "McCainCorrupt" Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Developmen "

Note:  she posted today 11/13/2021 that she had problems with Facebook....then Twitter posted also saying there was an error.........

see:  Both Barack Obama and John McCain tried to surrender the United States to the Banking Cartel. I am posting some of the many times that I contacted John McCain in vain, trying to get him to actually defend the security of the United States and do his job in the corrupt US Congress. One of the files I posted on January 4, 2016 on the internet, under the title: "McCainCorrupt"   Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Developmen "




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