Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Legitimate Government in Hawaii Series: Eviction Day 11/15/2021 for Ruth Keelikolani's Palace


Calvin Hulihee


Calvin Hulihee
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Calvin Hulihee


Calvin Hulihee
Blessings cousin Amelia🙏❤b safe n awareness always love U💜
Seen by Calvin Hulihee at 4:17 PM

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Love you too...talked with Lei she'll be there...and Piilani too .....10:00 Monday ---but we meet at the Circuit court 9:30? 😉

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* FOREIGNERS/Aliens - POLICE, SHERIFFS, STATE/City EMPLOYEES SUCH AS JUDGES, ETC. UTILIZING A FOREIGN ALIEN REGISTRATION, AND ANTI - BRIBERY STATEMENT FOR THEIR PROTECTION Foreign Agent Registration Statement & Anti-Bribery ... The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a United States law passed in 1938 requiring that agents representing the interests of foreign powers in a "political or quasi-political capacity" disclose their relationship with the foreign government and information about related activities and finances." Monday, June 10, 2019 Foreign Agent Registration Statement & Anti-Bribery Statement - FAR Act of 1938 - Keep With your ID's, Passport, etc. Adam Asing June 6 at 8:17 AM How to shut down the sheriffs, DHHL, HPD, National Guard, BLNR, DLNR, or just about any asshole that comes up the Mauna or ANYWHERE ELSE FOR WHATEVER REASON. Oh and win every court case right out the gate. No need to oli, haka, sing songs, or hand cuff yourselves with pvc pipes anymore. This will be easier. Very easy. Simply demand to see their Foreign Agent Registration Statement & Anti-Bribery Statement in accordance to the Foreign Agent Registration Act of 1938. Send them home to mama real fast." Research by the Asings *Hawaiian Kingdom SEIZED - INFORMATION HIDDEN AND RELEASED 71 YEARS LATER 1969 Amelia Gora About the United States: The following Lies are documented in the 1898 Senate transcript exposed in the article: "Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed" (1) U.S. debate on whether to take over Hawaii occurred five (5) years AFTER taking over IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Pirate Eyes On Hawaii Series ... "Archives takes wraps off 1899 Senate transcript, Secret debate on U.S. seizure of Hawaii revealed" Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Vol. 58, No. 32, Saturday, February 1, 1969 The following are important excerpts of the above article: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Now it can be told--what happened during the longest of three secret Senate cessions, during the Spanish-American War, a debate over whether to take over Hawaii." "The debate of nearly three hours on that day - May 31, 1898 - and in two secret sessions the previous month had remained locked up until last week. Then at the request of a historian who noted gaps in the Congressional Record, the Senate passed a resolution authorizing the National Archives to take the wraps off the debate transcript." "The government's only explanation for the long suppression of the debate records is that they had been long forgotten." "THE SECRECY WAS clamped on during a debate over whether to seize the Hawaiian Islands - called the Sandwich Islands then - or merely developing leased areas of Pearl Harbor to reinforce the U.S. fleet iat Manila Bay." "PEARL HARBOR, ALREADY UNDER LEASE, Stewart argued, wouldn't be much use until costly dredging operations opened the entrance channel. "Either we must have the Sandwich Islands," he declared, "or the administration must recall Dewey." "THE UNITED STATES ANNEXED the Hawaiian Islands five weeks after that debate. But before the Senate reopened its doors that day, Morgan steered the discussion back to Cuba, the original cause of the war with Spain." "The first secret session, April 25, 1898, involved technical and emotional debate over wording the declaration of war and why it or some accompanying resolution did not formally recognize the independence of Cuba or at least declare the Cubans to have the rights of belligerents in the conflict." "THE SENATE ENDED UP BY ACCEPTING the House passed version reading that "war and the same is hereby declared to exist and that war has existed since the 21st of April" - four days earlier." "Dropped from the final declaration was a Senate proposed tagline requiring the administration to "prosecute said war to a successful conclusion." "Sen. Stephen White of California joined the unanimous vote for war "even with that mild prevarication" about when the war started." ************ Note - The following Lies are documented in the above article: U.S. debate on whether to take over Hawaii occurred five (5) years AFTER taking over Hawaii, a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation in a planned move since 1840. PEARL HARBOR WAS UNDER LEASE ANNEXATION OF HAWAII WAS A LIE WAR WITH SPAIN WAS MADE WITHOUT THE SENATE APPROVAL because War started/existed "four days earlier" * NO ANNEXATION MEANING THAT LIES AND FRAUD PERPETUATED OVER TIME 2000 * Recognizing Land Ownership in Hawaii 2011 - * EVIDENCE OF A SEIZURE, PIRACY, PILLAGING, RACKETEERING, WITH NO AUTHORITY 2014 - *NO ANNEXATION - EVIDENCE OF DECEIT, LIES PERPETUATED, FRAUD, CONSPIRACY FOUND 2015 - Three (3) PDF's: [PDF] Darkness over Hawaii: The Annexation Myth Is the Greatest ... NATION (2014); Williamson B.C. Chang, Federal Jurisdiction, 16 GOLDEN GATE U. L. REV. (1986); KEANU SAI, UA MAU KE EA-SOVEREIGNTY ENDURES: AN OVERVIEW OF THE POLITICAL AND LEGAL HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS (2011 ); Keanu Sai, American Occupation of the Hawaiian State: A Century Unchecked, HAW. J. OF LAW AND POL. (2004). File Size: 399KB Author: Williamson B.C. Chang Page Count: 46 Publish Year: 2015 [PDF] 1 Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law University of ..."> 2020.pdf 8d609792b9c.pdf, Williamson Chang, “In Praise of Addison Bowman: The Ideal of Equality in the American Tradition in the Pacific” 18 University of Hawai‘i Law Review (1996) Williamson Chang, “The Wasteland in the Western Exploitation of Race and the Environment” 63 … [PDF] Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822 Williamson B.C. Chang Professor of Law William S. Richardson School of Law University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa 2515 Dole Street Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96822 September 17, 2014 Eric Holder, Jr., U.S. Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 FedEx Tracking Number 8061 7191 0836 File Size: 951KB Page Count: 5 LAND OWNERSHIP WITH ROUTHE BOLOMET & University of Hawaii - Law Professor Williamson Chang 2019 2019 - Important Letters from Dr. Alfred deZayas of the United Nations to Routhe Bolomet affecting All lands in the Hawaiian Kingdom, which never went away.... Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter to Routhe Bolomet ... May 09, 2019 · Dr. Alfred DeZayas 2nd Letter, and the First Letter to Routhe Bolomet Validating the Existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom etc. posted by Amelia Gora (2019) GENOCIDE: 1893 SHARPSHOOTERS WHO KILLED KANAKA MAOLI REVEALED sharpshooters.jpg

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Will make a roster with names and FAR number - ready for the records.....Neutrality violations to be pursued in the Hague expected because we are Not at War but violations against Peace has occurred over time....... 😉

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